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AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023, Exam Date Out, Admit Card

AIIMS Delhi Non-Teaching Exam Date 2023 Out

AIIMS Delhi Non-Teaching Exam Date 2023 Out: The AIIMS Delhi Non-Teaching Exam Date 2023 has been released by the AIIMS for the recruitment exam. The AIIMS Delhi Non-Teaching Exam is to be held on the 27th and 28th of August 2023 for the recruitment of eligible candidates for 281 for Group A, B, and C Non-Teaching posts. The admit card for the same will be released soon. Along with the AIIMS Delhi Non-Teaching Exam Date, the Exam Pattern has also been released. Click on the link below to check the Exam date and Exam Pattern.

AIIMS Delhi Junior Resident Notification 2023

AIIMS Delhi Junior Resident Notification 2023: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has released the AIIMS Delhi Junior Session Resident Notification 2023 (Non-Academic) July 2023 for 198 vacancies. Candidates who have completed their MBBS/BDS can apply for the posts. The direct link to apply for the AIIMS Delhi Junior Resident Recruitment 2023 is given below. Candidates submitted applications till 17th June 2023. In this article, we have discussed all the details regarding the recruitment process.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023: The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), and NCI, have released the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Notification for Non-Teaching posts of Group A, B, and C. The candidates who are eligible have applied online for the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023. The candidates can visit the official website, aiimsexams.ac.in to know the exam dates for the non-teaching posts at AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023. The candidates can find more important related to AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 from this article.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Notification

The AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF has been released and the application is going on actively. Aspirants must be well-versed in all the details of the recruitment drive before applying for the posts. The candidates can find the direct link below to download the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023. Candidates can download the AIIMS Delhi Junior Resident Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF- Click to Download

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Junior Resident Notification PDF

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Overview

The AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Junior Resident Notification has been released and the application process is over now. The AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 was out for 198 vacancies and now the candidates are waiting for the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Exam Dates. The candidates can find more details about AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 in the table given below.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023
Authority All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi
Posts Non-Teaching Junior Resident
Vacancies 281 198
Mode of Application Online Online
AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Application Start 24th April 2023 3rd June 2023
AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Application Ends 13th May 2023 17th June 2023
Job Location Delhi/Haryana Delhi/Haryana
Official Website aiimsexams.ac.in

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Important Dates

The online application for the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 started in April 2023 and the last date to apply was 13th May 2023. The candidates can keep a check on all the important dates of AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 from the table given below.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Important Dates
Events Non-Teaching Junior Resident
AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Application Date 24th April 2023 3rd June 2023
AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Last Date 13th May 2023 (5 PM) 17th June 2023
AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Exam Date 26th and 27th August 2023 To be Released

AIIMS Delhi Non-Teaching Exam Date 2023 and Exam Pattern (Link Active)

How to apply for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023?

The candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to apply for the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023.

Step 1: Visit the official website of AIIMS, aiimsexams.ac.in

Job Alert

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the recruitment section.

Job Alert

Step 3: On the next page, click on the link “Recruitment Group-A (Non-Faculty), Group-B & Group C

Job Alert

Step 4: On the new page, fill in all the required details on the application form.

Job Alert

Step 5: Upload the required documents and pay the fee.

Step 6: Submit and print the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Application Form for future reference.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Apply Online

The AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 application online link has been activated on 3rd June 2023 on the official website. The candidates are suggested to apply before the last date of application to avoid any last-minute chaos. The last date to apply for the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 for the Junior Resident post is 17th May 2023. The candidates can also find the direct link below to apply online.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Link (Inactive)

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Vacancy

Check the vacancy details for the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 in the table below.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Junior Resident Vacancy

BLOOD BANK(MAIN) 1 0 1 1 1 4
BLOOD BANK (CNC) 2 2 1 0 0 5
CARDIOLOGY 1 0 0 0 0 1
CDER 4 1 2 1 0 8
CTVS-1 1 0 0 0 0 1
EHS 2 0 1 0 0 3
EMERGENCY MEDICINE 30 8 19 13 6 76
LAB. MEDICINE 1 0 1 0 0 2
NEPHROLOGY 0 0 1 1 1 3
NEUROLOGY 0 0 1 0 0 1
PSYCHIATRY 3 1 1 1 0 6
PATHOLOGY 0 0 1 1 0 2
RADIOTHERAPY 2 1 1 1 1 6
RHEUMATOLOGY 1 0 1 0 0 2
Total 82 19 50 33 14 198

AIIMS Delhi Non-Teaching Vacancy 2023

Posts Number of Vacancies
Senior Biochemist 2
Senior Chemist 1
Senior Technical Editor 1
Biochemist 4
Chemist (for Biochemistry) 1
Chemist (for Nuclear Medicine) 1
Child Psychologist 2
Clinical Psychologist 4
General Duty Medical Officer 2
Medical Physicist 1
Welfare Officer 1
Public Health Nurse 1
AIDS Educator-cum Counsellor 1
Bariatric Coordinator 1
Donor Organizer 1
Vocational Counsellor 2
Assistant Dietician 3
Assistant Security Officer 2
Junior Physiotherapist/Junior Occupational Therapist 5/2
Junior Hindi Translator 3
Librarian Grade III 1
Life Guard 1
Medical Social Service Officer Gd II 3
Ophthalmic Technician Grade I 1
Perfusionist 2
Statistical Assistant 2
Store Keeper (Drugs) 5
Store Keeper (General) 3
Technical Assistant (ENT) 1
Technician (Radiology) 38
Jr. Engineer (A/c & Ref.) 3
Jr. Engineer (Civil) 6
Jr. Engineer (Electrical) 6
Junior Photographer 2
Nuclear Medical Technologist 1
Operation Theater Assistant 46
Pharmacist Gd II 1
Receptionist 8
Draftsman Grade III 1
Multipurpose Worker 10
Stenographer 13
Workshop Technician Grade II (R&AL) 4
Library Attendant Grade II 1
Junior Administrative Assistant 48
Library Guard 2
Mechanic (AC & R) 11
Security cum Fire Guard Grade II 11
Workshop Assistant (CWS) 9

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Educational Qualification

Check the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Educational Qualification details in the table below.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Junior Resident Qualification

  1. The candidates should have passed MBBS/BDS (including completion of Internship) or equivalent
    degree recognized by MCI/DCI.
  2. Only those candidates who have passed MBBS/BDS (including Internship) not earlier than three years before the start date of Junior Residency (Non-Academic) i.e. 01.07.2023 will be considered. It implies that those who have completed MBBS/BDS or equivalent courses (including completion of residency) on or between 01.07.2020 to 30.06.2023 only will be considered.

AIIMS Recruitment 2023 Non-Teaching Qualification

Posts Number of Vacancies
Senior Biochemist 1.     M.sc in Biochemistry/Medical/Biotechnology from any recognized institution

2.     5 years research or practical experience in Biochemical or clinical pathology laboratory of medical college or teaching hospital

Senior Chemist 1.     Master’s in Chemistry with organic chemistry as special subject/biochemistry or pharmacology from a recognised university/institution

2.     5 years teaching or/and research experience

Senior Technical Editor 1.     Masters in Science, Arts or Business management

2.     5 years experience in the field of editing and producing a scientific journals and book

Biochemist 1.     M.Sc in biochemistry/medical, Biochemistry/biotechnology

2.     3 years research or practical experience in Biochemical or Clinical Pathology Laboratory of a medical college or teaching hospital

Chemist (for Biochemistry) 1.     M.Sc in biochemistry/medical, Biochemistry/biotechnology

2.     3 years teaching or research experience

Chemist (for Nuclear Medicine) 1.     M.Sc in Organic hemistry/Nuclear Medicine from a recognised University/Institution

2.     3 years’ experience in running a Radiochemistry lab

Child Psychologist 1.     M.A with specialized training/Ph.D in psychology/or any other equivalent qualification
Clinical Psychologist 1.      M.Phil (Clinical Psychologist) or its equivalent from a recognized University


Masters degree Psychology with Experimental Psychology as one of the subjects with a Diploma in Medical (Clinical) Psychology of recognized Institution [University.


A Ph.D degree in Clinical Psychology of any recognized University

2.      Registered with Rehabilitation Council of India.

Desirable :

Experience of teaching Psychology in recognized teaching Institution for at least one year.

General Duty Medical Officer A recognized qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or Part Il of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act. 1956 holders of educational qualifications included in Part Il of the Third schedule should also fulfill the condition stipulated in sub section (3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act 1956.
Medical Physicist i. Post Graduate Degree in Physics from a recognized University; ii. A post M.Sc. diploma in radiological / medical physics from a recognized University; & iii. An internship of minimum 12 months in a recognized wellequipped radiation therapy department.


i. A basic degree in science from a recognized university, with Physics as one of the main subjects; ii. A Post Graduate degree in radiological / medical physics from a recognized university; & iii. An internship of minimum 12 months in a recognized wellequipped radiation therapy department

Welfare Officer 1.         Master’s Degree in Social Industrial Relations as University/lnstitution.

2.         Three years experience employee having more institution.

Desirable :

1. Preferably dealing with or anization.             work with Labour Welfare and subject from a recognized

in Welfare activity for the than 500 employees in the

medical/public health service

Public Health Nurse Essential:

1.         B.Sc. Nursing from a recognized Institutions


2.         Senior Nursing & Midwifery Certificate and

3.         Diploma in Public Health Nursing.


Desirable :

1. Experience in family care programmes and working ex erience in urban/rural areas.

AIDS Educator-cum Counsellor 1.         B.Sc.   Nursing           Degree from    a            recognized Institution/University.

2.         Experience and training in counseling related to communicable diseases.

Desirable :

1. Preference will be given to the candidates who poSsess Practical experience in handling patients health workers and relations.

Bariatric Coordinator 1.         Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a Recognized University.

2.         3 years of working experience in dealing with Bariatric Surgical patients and related work in a centre which o erates at least 50 cases for Bariatric Surgery er annum.

Donor Organizer M.A. in Social Work with 5 years experience in Blood Bank.
Vocational Counsellor Bachelor in Rehabilitation Science (Vocational Counsellor) recognized by Rehabilitation council of• India along with Masters Degree in vocational Counseling/Clinical

Psychology/Rehabilitation Sciences from a Institution.

University, recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India with one year experience in vocational counseling in a department/ Institution dealing with Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilit

2) Bachelor in Rehabilitation Science (Vocational Counsellor) recognized by Rehabilitation Council of India along with Postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India with two years experience in vocational counseling in a department/ institution dealing with Rehabilitation of Persons with Disability.

Assistant Dietician (i)    M.Sc. (Food and Nutrition ) from a recognized University

(ii)   2 years experience in the line preferably in a large teaching hospital

Assistant Security Officer (i) Degree of a recognized University or equivalent; and (ii) Following Physical Standards:

(a)   Height: 170 cms. Minimum (Relaxable by 5 cms only

for residents of hill areas)

(b)   Chest : 81 cms (85 cms. After expansion) (Relaxable by 5 cms. Only for residents of hill areas).

(c)   Shöuld possess sound health free from defect/deformity/disease. Vision in both eyes should be 6/12 (without glasses). There should be no colour blindness. (Candidates claiming relaxation in height and chest will have to produce the certificate to this effect from the competent authority viz. Deputy commission/Distt. Magistrates/Tehsildaras of their places of residence).

(iii) Experience for at least 5 years in deeping security preferably in a hospital/medical institution of repute.


(i) Armed Forces personnel of the rank: Subadar or Inspectors of Police Civil/Para Militar Forces.

Junior Physiotherapist/Junior Occupational Therapist (i)    Inter (Science)

(ii)   Degree in Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy

Junior Hindi Translator Masters degree of a recognized University in Hindi/ English with English and Hindi as a main /elective subject at the degree level;


Recognized diploma / certificate course in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central / State govt. Offices, including Govt. of India

Undertakin s / Autonomous Bodies.

Librarian Grade III Masters degree of a recognized University in Hindi/ English with English and Hindi as a main /elective subject at the degree level;


Recognized diploma / certificate course in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central / State govt. Offices, including Govt. of India

Undertakin s / Autonomous Bodies.

Life Guard 1)     Matriculation or equivalent from recognized University/ Board.

2)     Experience

Swimming training certificate from recognized Institute with two years experience in the line of this profession

Medical Social Service Officer Gd II 1)     Master’s Degree in Social Work from a recognized University/lnstitution.

2)     Experience in the line with a Welfare or Health Agency, preferably dealing with Medical/ Public Health Service.

Desirable: Specialization, by experience or qualification or training in Medical Social Work including psychiatric services.

Ophthalmic Technician Grade I B.Sc. in Ophthalmic Techniques or equivalent from a recognised University / Institution
Perfusionist (i)      B. Sc Degree from a recognized University.

(ii)    Certificate in Perfusion Technology (awarded by a recognised Institution/ Association / Authority (such as Association of Thoracic and Cardio Vascular Surgeons of India) after training in a Centre with atleast one year experience in Clinical Perfusion.

Desirable: Working experience in Clinical Perfusion.

Statistical Assistant M. Sc (Statistics)/ M.A (Stats/ Maths/Economics / Sociology with Statistics as a paper.
Store Keeper (Drugs) Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized University/ Institution


(i)     Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution/ Boards;

Three Years experience in drug store of a hospital or a well established pharmaceutical concern.

Store Keeper (General) (i)      Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.

(ii)     Two year experience in handling stores and keeping accounts in a store or a concern of repute in public or private sector.


Post-graduate Degree with Material or Store Management as a subject from a recognized University / Institution or equivalent.

Technical Assistant (ENT) (i)    B.Sc. Degree in Speech and Hearing from a recognized Institution /University.

(ii)  Registered with Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Desirable :

(i) M.Sc. in speech and Hearing

Clinical experience in a hospital in the field

Technician (Radiology) B.Sc. (Hons.) in Radiography or B.Sc. Radiography 3 years course from a recognized University / Institution.
Jr. Engineer (A/c & Ref.) 3-Year Diploma in Mechanical Engineering plus a specialized course in Refrigeration and Airconditioning from a recognized Polytechnic / Institute.

Desirable: Experience in airconditioning and refrigeration work.

Note:- Applicant holding higher degree / AMIE can also apply.

Jr. Engineer (Civil) Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Polytechnic/ Institute.
Jr. Engineer (Electrical) Three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized Polytechnic/lnstitute.
Junior Photographer 10+2 from a recognized Board.

(ii)     Diploma/Certificate course (of minimum 1 year duration) in Photography from a recognized Institution

(iii)    2 years experience in Photography preferably in

Medical Photography in a Hospital

Nuclear Medical Technologist B.Sc. in Life Science and other Science plus one year

Diploma in Medical Radiation and Isotope Techniques (DMRIT) or equivalent approved by


Operation Theater Assistant 10+2 with Science with five year experience in the following areas;

i) o.T, ii) ICU, iii) CSSD, iv) Manifold Room

Preference will be given to candidates with certificate/ Diploma course in O. T. Techniques form recognized Hospitals/ Institutions.

B) Work experience shall be considered, if candidate has worked in private or public sector/ Hospital of at least 500 beds.

Pharmacist Gd II I. Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution /


Il. Should be a registered Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Receptionist (i)   Degree from a recognized University

(ii) Post-graduate Diploma in Journalism /Public Relation.

Draftsman Grade III (i) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board

[University and

(ii) 2 years Diploma /Certificate in Civil Draughtsmanship from ITI or equivalent from a recognized Institute.

Desirable : One year experience in the line

Multipurpose Worker (i)       Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized Board/School

(ii)      Multipurpose Health Worker course from a recognized

Institution /School

Stenographer 12 Class pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University.


Matriculation or equivalent qualification from a recognized board or university with 5 years’ service (regular or adhoc) as Stenographer in Govt. Organization / Institution.

Workshop Technician Grade II (R&AL) (i) Diploma (not less than 2 years duration) in Prosthetic and Orthotics Engineering from a recognized Institution [Board.

(ii) Registered with Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI).

Library Attendant Grade II (i) Diploma (not less than 2 years duration) in Prosthetic and Orthotics Engineering from a recognized Institution [Board.

(ii) Registered with the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI).

Junior Administrative Assistant 12th Class or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University.
Library Guard Matriculation or equivalent
Mechanic (AC & R) 1.      Pass in Matriculation or equivalent

2.      Must have undergone a minimum of 12 months of Refrigeration Mechanic or equivalent course in recognized Tech. Instt. and must have served one-year apprenticeship in a reputed firm or organization of Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Engineers.

Security cum Fire Guard Grade II (i)   Matriculation from a recognized Board/ University; (Relaxable upto Middle Standard pass in the case of Ex-servicemen who have an excellent record and have passed the third class examination of the services.)

(ii) Following Physical standards

a)   Height : 167 cms

b)  Chest : 80 cms

Provided that for residents of hill areas height maybe 162 cms. Chest -76 cms with ex mansion of 5 cms.

Workshop Assistant (CWS) 1 . Matriculation or  equivalent from a recognized Board/University

2.) Certificate Diploma from a recognized institution in the trade of.

(i)          Electrical/Electronic

(ii)         Carpenter / Upholstery

(iii)       Welding and sheet metal worker

(iv)        Mechanical Engineering

(v)         Fitter/Turner

(vi)        Refrigeration & Airconditioning mechanism (vi) Electroplating and Spray painting

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Selection Process

The candidates can find the selection process for the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 from the table given below.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023

Post Selection Process
For Group ‘A’ posts ar Sl.No. 1 & 11 Interview
For Group ‘B’ & Group ‘C’ posts at Sl. No. 12 to 48 Online CBT mode Examination only

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Application Fees

The application fees for the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 are described in the table given below.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023
General/OBC/EWS Rs. 3000/-
SC/ST/PwD Rs. 2400/-
Person with Disability Exempted
Mode of Payment Online

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Junior Resident Fee Deposit

The amount of Rs.25,000/- should be deposited through electronic fund transfer in the Account is given below:

Branch Name Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110029
Account Number 32212516154
IFSC Code SBIN0001536
MICR Code 110002005
  1. The refund will only be processed in the bank account in due course of time after confirming verification, to those candidates who have deposited the amount of  Rs.25,000 as a security deposit and are not liable for forfeiture of the security deposit as per rules.
  2. The payment will be refunded after the security deposit details are Verified/Reconciled and matched with the AIIMS Bank account.

FAQs Related to AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023

Q1. How to apply for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023?

Ans. Candidates can find all the steps to apply online for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 from the above article.

Q2. What is the last date to apply for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023?

Ans. The last date to apply for the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 is 13th May 2023.

Q3. How many posts are announced through AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023?

Ans. The AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 notification has been released for 281 posts.

Q4. What is the exam dates for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023?

Ans. The exam dates for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 are yet to be announced, the candidate can keep a check on the official website.

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AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023, Exam Date Out, Admit Card_3.1


Q1. How to apply for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023?

Candidates can find all the steps to apply online for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 from the above article.

Q2. What is the last date to apply for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023?

The last date to apply for the AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 is 17th June 2023.

Q3. How many posts are announced through AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023?

The AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 notification has been released for 198 posts.

Q4. What is the exam dates for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023?

The exam dates for AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 has been released for 281 posts. The AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2023 Exam will be held on 26th and 27th August 2023 for Non-Teaching Posts.