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Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Syllabus 2024

The Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Exam 2024 will be conducted by the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank for which the syllabus was released along with the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024 Notification. Candidates who are preparing for the exam can download their Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank syllabus from the official website of UKCB at www.cooperative.uk.gov.in.

UK Cooperative Bank Syllabus 2024

Candidates who are preparing for the UK Cooperative Bank Exam 2024 and want to get selected in the posts of Clerk, Junior Branch Manager, Senior Branch Manager, Assistant Manager, and Manager posts for which 233 vacancies are available for this year. Candidates can now download their Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Syllabus 2024 which will help them in their preparation and to obtain good marks in the examination. The exam will be held for a total number of 120 questions and the negative mark for each incorrect answer is ¼ marks.

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Exam Pattern 2024

Before participating in the online written examination, candidates must familiarize themselves with the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank exam pattern which is given in this article according to their different posts. The exam pattern for the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank includes the number of questions, exam duration, and total marks of all.

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Exam Pattern for Assistant Manager & Manager Posts

The Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Exam for Assistant Manager & Manager Posts has sections like Financial Awareness, Reasoning, Computer Knowledge, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation, and Hindi. There are 200 questions for 200 marks and time duration to solve this paper is 2 hours.

Subjects No. of Questions Marks Duration
Financial Awareness 60 60 20 minutes
Reasoning 40 40 30 minutes
Computer Knowledge 20 20 10 minutes
English Language 20 20 15 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation 40 40 30 minutes
Hindi Language 20 20 15 minutes
Total 200 200 120 minutes/2 hours

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Exam Pattern for Clerk/Cashier Posts

Check the exam pattern for the post of Clerk/Cashier in the table below. The number of questions and marks distribution is the same as the Assistant Manager & Manager Post.

Subjects No. of Questions Marks Duration
General/Financial Awareness 60 60 20 minutes
Reasoning 40 40 30 minutes
Computer Knowledge 20 20 10 minutes
English Language 20 20 15 minutes
Numerical Ability 40 40 30 minutes
Hindi Language 20 20 15 minutes
Total 200 200 120 minutes/2 hours

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Exam Pattern for Senior Branch Manager Posts

For the Senior Branch Manager post, the number of questions is 200 from different subjects like Financial Awareness, Reasoning, Computer Knowledge, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Data Interpretation. To solve the paper candidates are allotted 120 minutes.

Subjects No. of Questions Marks Duration
Financial Awareness 60 60 25 minutes
Reasoning 50 50 35 minutes
Computer Knowledge 20 20 10 minutes
English Language 20 20 15 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation 50 50 35 minutes
Total 200 200 120 minutes/2 hours

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Exam Pattern for Junior Branch Manager Posts

The Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Exam is divided into six sections: General/Financial Awareness, Reasoning, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, Hindi Language, and English Language. The total is 200 questions, each question carrying 1 mark.

Subjects No. of Questions Marks Duration
General/Financial Awareness 60 60 20 minutes
Reasoning 40 40 30 minutes
Computer Knowledge 20 20 10 minutes
English Language 20 20 15 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 40 30 minutes
Hindi Language 20 20 15 minutes
Total 200 200 120 minutes/2 hours

Note: There is a negative marking of 1/4th mark in the exam for every wrong answer for each post.

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Syllabus

The detailed Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Syllabus is given in the below article. The questions will asked from General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, General Awareness, and English. Candidates must cover all the topics which are given below.

General/Financial Awareness

  1. Banking, Insurance & Financial Awareness
  2. Current Affairs of last 5-6 months
  3. Static GK (Few questions)
  4. Budget (Latest)
  5. Recent changes in Bi-Monthly policy by RBI.


  1. Number Series
  2. Coding-Decoding
  3. Directions
  4. Analogy
  5. Mirror Images
  6. Clocks & Calendars
  7. Embedded Figures
  8. Blood Relations
  9. Non-Verbal Series
  10. Decision Making
  11. Alphabet Series
  12. Number Ranking
  13. Puzzles
  14. Arithmetical Reasoning
  15. Cubes and Dice

Computer Knowledge

  1. English Language
  2. Fillers
  3. Sentence Errors
  4. Reading Comprehension
  5. Cloze Test
  6. Vocabulary based questions
  7. Word Usage
  8. Phrase/Connectors
  9. Sentence Improvement
  10. Jumbled Paragraph
  11. Paragraph related question\

Quantitative Aptitude

  1. Number System
  2. Average
  3. Percentages
  4. Ratio and Proportions
  5. HCF & LCM
  6. Time and Work
  7. Decimal & Fractions
  8. Problems on Ages
  9. Profit and Loss
  10. Simplification
  11. Simple & Compound Interest
  12. Time and Distance
  13. Mixtures & Allegations
  14. Data Interpretation etc

Hindi Language

  1. वाक्यक्रम व्यवस्थापन
  2. पर्यायवाची शब्द
  3. मुहावरे तथा लोकोक्तियां
  4. गुढार्थी (क्लोज टाइप) प्रकार का गद्यांश
  5. विपरीतार्थक शब्द
  6. वाक्यों में त्रुटियाँ
  7. वर्तनी अशुद्धियाँ
  8. वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
  9. वाक्यों में रिक्त-स्थानों की पूर्ति
  10. अपठित गद्यांश

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Where can candidates download the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Syllabus 2024?

Candidates can download the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Syllabus 2024 from the official website of UKCB .

What is the syllabus for the UK Cooperative Bank Exam 2024?

The syllabus for the UK Cooperative Bank Exam 2024 covers topics such as General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Financial Awareness, English Language, and Hindi Language. Detailed topics are provided below.

How many vacancies are available for the UK Cooperative Bank Exam 2024?

For the UK Cooperative Bank Exam 2024, there are a total of 233 vacancies available across various posts including Clerk, Junior Branch Manager, Senior Branch Manager, Assistant Manager, and Manager positions.


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