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RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023, Exam Date Out, Exam Pattern

RPSC JLO Exam Date 2023 Out

RPS JLO Exam Date 2023 Out: RPSC JLO Exam date has been released by Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) for 140 Posts. The RPSC JLO Exam will be held on the 28th and 29th of October 2023. Candidates who have applied for the RPSC Junior Law Officer post, must note this date for the RPS JLO Written Exam and start preparing for the exam. The detailed RPSC JLO Exam Pattern is given below. The admit card for the RPSC JLO Exam will be released a few days before the Exam.

RPSC JLO Exam Date 2023
RPSC JLO Exam Date 2023

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Notification

Rajasthan JLO Recruitment 2023 Notification: Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has released the RPSC Junior Law Officer Notification 2023 for 140 Posts in the Law and Legal Affairs Department, Govt of Rajasthan. RPSC invited online applications from eligible candidates on the official website @rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. The last date to apply for the RPSC JLO Vacancy 2023 eas 9th August 2023. For the RPSC JLO post, exam will be held on the 28th and 29th October 2023. Check the detailed RPSC JLO Eligibility, RPSC JLOwasSalary, Application Process, and Downlaod the Notification PDF which is given below.

RPSC JLO Notification 2023

RPSC JLO Notification 2023: RPSC has released RPSC JLO Notification 2023 for 140 Junior Law Officer Vacancies. Eligible candidates who have passed LLB from a recognized University can apply for the post on the official website. The direct link to apply is provided below. The RPSC JLO Selection Process consists of the Written Test, Interview, and Document Verification. Candidates can read the full notification PDF to read the complete details.

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF: The official notification contains all the details related to the RPSC JLO Vacancy 2023. Candidates who want to apply can do so on the official website. It is advised that the candidate read the entire notification to know the recruitment process in detail. Click on the link to download the RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 PDF.

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023- Overview

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Overview: The RPSC JLO Vacancies have been released and candidates can check the selection process and other details here. Check the RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023.

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023- Overview
Organization Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Post Name Junior Legal Officer (JLO)
Advt No. 03/Exam/JLO/EP-I/2023-24
Vacancies 140
Category Govt Jobs
Mode of Apply Online
Last Date to Apply 9 August 2023
Eligibility LLB
Selection Process Written Exam, Interview, Document Verification
Job Location Rajasthan
Salary Grade Pay- 3600/- (Level-10)
Official Website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023- Important Dates

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Important Dates: The online application dates for the RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 have been released. Check out the important date. Regular events and dates update is mentioned here.’

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Important Dates
Events Dates
RPSC JLO Online Application Starts 5th July 2023
RPSC JLO Last date to Apply 9th August 2023
RPSC JLO Written Exam 28th and 29th October 2023
RPSC JLO Interview TBA

RPSC JLO Vacancy 2023

RPSC JLO Vacancy 2023: RPSC has notified a total vacancy of 140 Junior Law Officer posts in the Legal Department of Govt of Rajasthan. Candidates can check the post-wise and category-wise vacancy details here.

RPSC JLO Vacancy 2023

RPSC JLO Vacancy 2023

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Apply Online

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Apply Online: The online application started on 5th July 2023 and the last date to apply was 9th August 2023. Candidates can submit their applications online by clicking on the link provided here. Before applying for the post, candidates must check the RPSC JLO Eligibility which is given below.

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Apply Online (Link Inctive)

Steps to Apply for the RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023

Candidates can apply for the RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 by following the steps given here.

Go to the official website or click on the link provided here.

RPSC JLO Apply Online 2023
RPSC JLO Apply Online 2023
  1. On the right-hand side of the homepage, click on the registration button.
  2. Fill in all the required credentials, and then submit. A unique registration ID and Password will be provided to you.
  3. Now, continue with filling out the RPSC JLO Application Form 2023.
  4. Fill in the required details, upload the document, pay the application fee, and then Submit.
  5. Nw, take a printout of the application form for future use,

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Application fee

RPSC JLO Application Fee: RPSC Application fee can be paid online by using your debit/credit card or through any other payment gateway as mentioned by the RPSC.

Category Application Fee
Gen/ BC/ EBC (CL) Rs. 600/-
SC/ ST/ PwD/ BC/ EBC/ EWS (NCL) Rs. 400/-

RPSC JLO Eligibility Criteria

RPSC JLO Eligibility Criteria: It is important to go through the RPSC JLO Eligibility before filling out the RPSC JLO Application form. The candidate must be a citizen of India. He/she should have a sound mind and body. Candidates should be mentally, physically, and emotionally fit to perform their duties.

RPSC JLO Age Limit

RPSC JLO Age Limit: For the RPSC JLO post, candidates must be in the age group of 21-40 years. However, certain categories have been provided age relaxation as mentioned in the image below.

RPSC JLO Age Limit
RPSC JLO Age Limit

RPSC JLO Qualification

RPSC JLO Qualification: Candidates applying for the RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 must have completed their LLB degree from a recognized University or Institute.

Final Year Candidates who are going to appear for the Final Year Exams can also apply for the post.

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Selection Process

RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 Selection Process: RPSC JLO Selection process consists of the following stages:

  1. Written Exam
  2. Interview
  3. Document verification

RPSC JLO Exam Pattern

RPSC JLO Exam Pattern: Check the details of the Exam Pattern here.

  1. Question Format: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  2. Number of Questions: 150 per Paper
  3. Time Duration: 3 hours per Paper
  4. Exam Language: Bilingual – Hindi and English
  5. Negative markings will not be applied.
Paper Topics Marks
Paper I Constitution of India with special emphasis on Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles, and enforcement of rights through writs, Functioning of High Courts and Supreme Court and Attorney General 50
Paper II Civil Procedure Code and Criminal Procedure Code, Provisions required to be referred generally in Government Offices will be given importance 50
Paper III Evidence Act, Limitation Act, Interpretation of Statutes, drafting and convincing 50
Paper IV Part-A: General Hindi Language (Part-I) Hindi – Grammar 25
Part-B: General English Language (Part-II) English – Grammar 25


RPSC JLO Salary: The RPSC JLO Salary is as per Pay matrix level 10 (Grade Pay 3600/-). The appointed candidates are paid a fixed amount of salary as determined by the Govt of Rajasthan.

RPSC JLO Salary 2023

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RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023, Exam Date Out, Exam Pattern_3.1


When will the RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 notification be released?

The RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 notification has been released. The last date to apply online is 9th August 2023.

How can I apply for RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023?

The application process for RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023 will be specified in the official notification. Generally, candidates are required to apply online through the official RPSC website within the given application period.

How many vacancies have been released for RPSC JLO Recruitment 2023?

140 Vacancies have been released for the RPSC JLO post.

Who is eligible to apply for RPSC JLO Recruitment?

Candidates who possess a Bachelor's degree in Law (LLB) from a recognized university and meet the specified age criteria are eligible to apply for RPSC JLO Recruitment.

What is the selection process for RPSC JLO Recruitment?

The selection process for RPSC JLO Recruitment generally consists of a written examination followed by an interview or document verification round. The written exam include multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on legal subjects.

When is the RPSC JLO Written Exam?

The RPSC JLO Exam date 2023 has been released and it is tentatively scheduled to be conducted on 28th and 29th of October 2023.