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SSB Interview: Important Things Your IO Notices First About You

Important Things Your IO Notices First About You

There is a logic behind this popular saying, “First impression is the last impression” as the first impression is the best impression that one should make. In an interview obviously, the first impression plays an important role and if your personality leaves a good impression in front of the assessor then your next task is just to maintain that by answering the questions with confidence. Your first impression depends on various things beginning with your walking into the room to your facial and body expressions throughout. That’s why SSB is considered a very extensive process as it is not just about checking your intelligence, you need to focus on every little detail of yourself as there the candidate gets judged on the basis of every little detail related to their personality. In this article, we will try to tell you about all such things in detail –

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1. Your Appearance Matters 

Everyone judges any other person for the first time on the basis of their looks and looks mean the personality and the aura you have. Same with the IO as he doesn’t know anything about you and for the first time, he just knows one thing and that is how you look. You are preparing for the SSB Interview, make sure you give yourself an extra-sharp look while you are getting ready. For that, you need to focus on every little detail related to you. You should not have a wrinkled collar or ill-fitting clothes. Every hair should be in place, no dirt on your shoe, and no stain on your clothes are some of the things which would make sure that there won’t be anything to distract the assessor from you. So, make sure that you check everything thoroughly before entering the room. Better look yourself twice in the mirror before presenting yourself in front of the assessor.

2. Confidence Wins Over Everything 

Slouched shoulders, crossed arms, and twitchy fingers are not going to help you anyway. You would have prepared well till the final day of the interview so there is nothing that you could add extra to your personality. the best thing you can do is to present yourself with full confidence. As this acts as an accessory to your personality and can help you ace your interview. At last, you just need to relax and answer questions will a patient mindset and a relaxed attitude. Find a balance between looking relaxed yet alert. It is crucial to have an aura of confidence, but you also don’t want to come across as too casual. You can actually take some time before answering, rather than just talking about anything because of poor confidence. Avoid unnecessary pauses and hand movements which are signs of lack of confidence. Having confidence is itself an officer-like quality. So don’t forget to carry the most important thing while going for the interview.

3. Communicate Well

Communication is the only way through which you will be given a chance to tell what they should know about you. The interview will totally depend on how you drive it. Make sure that you mention the best of your things and that too in the best way possible. Mumbling, garbling your words, or umming and erring simply won’t leave a good impression. Make sure you practice well in front of the mirror before going for the interview. From your posture to your talking style, everything can be worked upon by practising. Pay attention to how you communicate, tone of voice, and energy. Maintain eye contact and speak with confidence about whatever you want to mention.

4. Maintain Positive Attitude

You just can work on your performance, not on your results. Be positive and present yourself with a smile. Don’t be anxious and answer everything with confidence. As an officer, you will face many situations when you would not be able to keep yourself calm. Even then you have to take decisions and handle the situation with positivity. Similarly, you have to stay calm and patient during your interview. Without panicking try to remain positive and even when there are negative questions, try to come up with a positive outcome. Enter into the room with a smile and maintain this attitude throughout your interview.

At last, the only thing matters is that you get that self-confidence in you that you have given your best and for that, you just need to practise wholeheartedly. Don’t leave any stone unturned in this journey of becoming an officer. The journey of SSB is itself a wholesome experience which would help you to learn a lot. So just be confident and give your best. Rest, Team of DefenseAdda is working hard to help you in the best way possible to make this journey easier for you. Stay tuned for such helpful tips.
