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Reason Behind Russia and Ukraine War

Reason Ukraine War

Russia started the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Attacks by Russian forces were reported in major cities across Ukraine, including Berdyansk, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Sumy, and the capital Kyiv. The war could be the largest in Europe since 1945 as per the official reports.

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Reason Behind Russia and Ukraine War

It started with air and missile assaults on Ukrainian military targets before sending troops and tanks across the country’s northern, eastern, and southern borders. the Ukrainian military also fought back.

Since the invasion of Crimea in 2014, Ukraine has been living in fear of war with Russia for nearly eight years. Russia and Ukraine have been at odds for a long time, with Russia claiming Ukraine as a part of its country and opposing Ukraine’s developing ties to the West and its wish to join NATO.

Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to recapture the former Soviet Union Republic.

He wanted the Ukrainian military to put down their weapons. Prior to its cessation in 1991, Russia and Ukraine were both members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), which consisted of 15 republics.

The Main Reasons for Russian Aggression

The economic reason is one of the biggest reasons as Russia knows the economic significance of Ukraine well and it also wanted Ukraine’s membership in the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC), which is a free trade agreement that came into being in 2015.

With its huge market and advanced agriculture and industrial output, Ukraine could be very significant for the group yet Ukraine refused to join the agreement.

And the main reason which triggered Russia is the eastward expansion by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which they call “enlargement”, which has threatened Russia’s interests and Russia demanded written security guarantees from NATO.

NATO, led by the U.S., has planned to install missile defence systems in eastern Europe in countries like Poland and the Czech Republic to counter Russia’s intercontinental-range missiles.

Members of NATO already include three Baltic countries of EstoniaLatvia and Lithuania that share borders with Russia and countries HungaryPolandRomania and Bulgaria, all of them were a part of the former Soviet-led Warsaw Pact.


FAQs related to Russia and Ukraine War

Q1. What is the relationship between Russia and Ukraine?

Ans. Both were disintegrated from the Soviet Union in 1991. After which, Ukraine gained independence in 1991 and Russia has always tried to recapture the country and maintain its influence on the country in its orbit since then.

Q2. How many members are there in NATO?

Ans. NATO is an alliance of 30 member states. In addition to the USA and Canada on the American continent, numerous European states are members.


Q1. What is the relationship between Russia and Ukraine?

Ans. Both were disintegrated from the Soviet Union in 1991. After which, Ukraine gained independence in 1991 and Russia has always tried to recapture the country and maintain its influence on the country in its orbit since then.

Q2. How many members are there in NATO?

Ans. NATO is an alliance of 30 member states. In addition to the USA and Canada on the American continent, numerous European states are members.

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