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Agneepath FAQs, All You Get to Know About Agneepath Scheme

Agneepath FAQs

From the day, Agneepath Scheme has been launched, there always remains some ambiguity regarding the details of it and for that official page of armed forces are continuously releasing each and every detail of it in order to eliminate every sort of confusion. Even a special booklet based FAQs has been released addressing all the important topics that needs to be cleared.

From telling the benefit of scheme to the role of agniveers, everything has been clearly mentioned here.

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Basic Point of that Booklet Includes

  1. Agneepath Scheme in the Indian Armed Forces is a scheme wherein selected candidates will be enrolled as agniveers for four years period.
  2. After completing four years of services, Agniveers will go to the society as disciplined, dynamic, motivated and skilled work force for employment in other sectors to pursue their career in job of their choice.
  3. Agniveers will be offered an opportunity to apply for permanent cadre after their tenure completion as per the organisational requirement at that time. And of these upto 25% will be selected to be enrolled as a regular cadre.
  4. The Scheme envisages to enhance the youth profile of the Armed Forces.
  5. It will also lead to a much more youthful and technically adept with fighting force by ensuring a fine balance between youthful and experienced personnel in the armed forces.
  6. One of the important objectives of the scheme is to attract young talent from the society to effectively exploit, adopt and use emerging modern technologies with enhanced technical thresholds of intake.
  7. It will provide an provide an opportunity to the youth to serve the nation in uniform albeit for a short period of time.
  8. It will provide abilities and qualities such as discipline, dynamism, motivation and work-skills so that youth remains an asset.
  9. Scheme is helpful for National Integration and Nation Building through empowered, disciplined and skilled youth.
  10. It will improve battle preparedness through transformative evolution with energetic, fitter, diverse, more trainable and resilient youth suited to the changing dynamics.
  11. It will help in selection of the best with rigorous and transparent selection process.
  12. After 4 years, It will help agniveers in smooth integration into society with skill sets, certification and diplomas/higher education/ credits.
  13. It is envisaged that in future women will also be inducted in a progressive manner for joining the Armed Forces under the Agniveer Scheme.
  14. The present pattern of selection into the Armed Forces is not being changed with the introduction of the scheme. The only change that is happening is in the Terms and Conditions of the service.
  15. Upto 25% of the Agniveers would be selected for enrolment in the permanent Cadre as per the existing Terms and Conditions and that will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government through laid down policies.


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