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UCO Bank LBO Salary 2025, Check Salary Structure and Pay Scale

The UCO Bank has announced 250 vacancies for the Local Bank Officer (LBO) post on its website through the UCO Bank LBO Recruitment 2025. This presents an excellent opportunity for those aspiring to join the banking sector as a Local Bank Officer. Selected candidates will enjoy attractive annual packages, allowances, and job security. The monthly UCO Bank LBO Salary ranges from Rs.48480 to Rs.85920/-. For complete details on UCO Bank Local Bank Officer Salary allowances, perks, career growth, Probation period, and more, you read this article provided below.

UCO Bank LBO Salary 2025

The UCO Bank LBO salary 2025 will include a basic salary starting from Rs.48480 to Rs.85920 along with allowances such as Dearness Allowance (D.A.), House Rent Allowance (H.R.A.) or lease accommodation, City Compensatory Allowance (C.C.A.), and medical benefits, as per the Bank’s policies. Scroll down to know more details on UCO Bank LBO Salary Structure.

UCO Bank LBO Pay Scale 2025

The UCO Bank Local Officer Salary is categorized under the Junior Management Grade Scale-I (JMGS-I). For 2025, the pay scale for this role is as follows: starting at Rs. 48,480 with an annual increment of Rs. 2,000 for the first seven years, rising to Rs. 62,480 after seven years. In the next two years, the increment increases to Rs.2,340, bringing the salary to Rs. 67,160. Afterwards, the increment rises to Rs. 2,680 annually for the following seven years, ultimately reaching a maximum basic pay of Rs. 85,920.

UCO Bank LBO Salary Structure

The UCO Bank LBO Salary package consists of a base salary along with additional government-mandated benefits, including Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, CCA, and medical benefits. These components may differ depending on factors such as the posting location and updates in government policies. The starting basic pay is Rs. 48,480 – Rs. 2,000 (for the first 7 years) – Rs. 62,480 – Rs. 2,340 (for the next 2 years) – Rs. 67,160 – Rs. 2,680 (for the next 7 years) – Rs. 85,920. We have provided the UCO Bank LBO Salary Structure details in the table below:

UCO Bank Salary Structure 2025
Conducting Body UCO Bank
Name of Post Local Bank Officer (LBO)
Basic Pay Scale Rs. 48480/- to Rs. 85920/- (48480- 2000/7- 62480- 2340/2- 67160- 2680/7- 85920)
DA, HRA, CCA, and medical benefits.

UCO Bank LBO Salary: Additional Perks and Allowance

As per the Bank’s prevailing rules and regulations, the candidate selected for the Local Business Officer (LBO) position will be entitled to various allowances and benefits, including:

  • Dearness Allowance (D.A.)
  • House Rent Allowance (H.R.A.) or Lease Accommodation
  • City Compensatory Allowance (C.C.A.)
  • Medical Benefits
  • Other allowances and perquisites

These allowances and benefits will be provided according to the existing policies of the Bank. Any changes in the Bank’s rules or industry-level settlements will apply to the candidate as and when they are introduced.

UCO Bank LBO Probation Period

As per the official notification of UCO Bank LBO Recruitment, the selected candidates will be on probation for two years from the date of joining. Their confirmation will be based on satisfactory performance and conduct during the probationary period. In case the candidate fails to meet the minimum performance standards, their services may be terminated under the Bank’s prevailing policies.

Additionally, the selected candidate will be required to execute a bond agreeing to serve the Bank for a period of two years. If the candidate leaves the Bank before completing the two-year term, they will be responsible for paying a sum of Rs. 2 Lacs.

UCO Bank LBO Career Growth and Promotion

The selected candidate will be initially posted within the state as Junior Management Grade Scale-I (JMGS-I) for which they have been selected, and they will remain in that state until they are promoted to the position of Senior Management Grade Scale IV (SMGS-IV) or complete 12 years of service, whichever comes first. Additionally, candidates selected for the position of Local Business Officer (LBO) will be eligible to participate in the Bank’s promotion process for Generalist Officers, provided they meet the necessary criteria as highlighted in the Bank’s current promotion policy.

Important Links for UCO Bank LBO Exam 2025
UCO Bank LBO Recruitment 2025 UCO Bank LBO Syllabus
UCO Bank LBO Cut Off 2025

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UCO Bank LBO Salary 2025, Check Salary Structure and Pay Scale_3.1


What is the UCO Bank LBO Salary 2025?

The UCO Bank LBO Salary ranges between Rs.48480 to Rs.85920 per month.

What benefits does UCO Bank offer to its Local Bank Officers?

UCO Bank offers benefits like Dearness Allowance (D.A.), House Rent Allowance (H.R.A.), medical benefits, and other allowances.

How does the salary increase over time for the UCO Bank LBO position?

The salary increases by Rs.2,000 each year for the first 7 years, Rs.2,340 annually for the next 2 years, and Rs.2,680 per year for the following 7 years.

Where can I find full details on UCO Bank LBO Salary 2025?

Full details about the UCO Bank LBO Salary 2025 is mentioned in the article above.