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LIC AAO Salary 2025, In Hand Salary, Allowances, Job Profile

LIC AAO Salary 2025 offers a competitive compensation package that includes a basic salary, allowances, and other benefits. The exact salary structure may vary slightly depending on the specific grade and location of the appointment. Candidates selected for LIC AAO posts generally enjoy an attractive salary package that is comparable to other public-sector undertakings and private-sector financial institutions. Read this article below for more details about the job profile, career growth, allowance, pay scale, and more. Bookmark this page for the latest updates.

LIC AAO Salary 2025

The Salary of LIC AAO has been an influential factor in opting for a career with the Life Insurance Corporation of India. LIC AAO salary is one of the major driving forces for candidates applying for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer. It is one of the most sought-after posts in the Insurance sector as well. Holding a good repute, aspirants of the exams will have all their queries resolved after going through the article.

Here we are discussing the complete details of Salary. Being a central-level govt job, the scope of the job is also good, which makes it another attractive reason. LIC AAO Salary details covered include:

1. Pay Scale, Salary Structure
2. Promotion and Increments
3. Allowances/ Benefits
4. Job Profile

LIC AAO 2025 Salary: Highlights

Selection as an LIC Assistant Administrative Services post is going to give the candidates a sense of satisfaction for it is a central government job, and the fact that it has a great career scope is another factor for choosing this path. LIC AAO Salary is going to be a handsome chance for the aspirants to get settled. Candidates can check the table below for brief details about the LIC AAO Salary.

LIC AAO Salary: Highlights
Component Amount
Basic Pay
Rs. 53,600 per month
Maximum Basic Pay
Rs. 1,02,090 per month
Total Approximate Salary
Rs. 88,667 per month

LIC AAO Salary 2025: Structure- Pay Scale

The pay scale of LIC AAO is Rs. 53600- 2645(14) –90630– 2865(4) –102090. The basic pay starts at Rs 53,600, where there will be an increment of Rs 2654 for 14 years. With Rs 90,630 as the next basic pay, the increment amount will be Rs 2865 for the next four years. After 4 years, 1,02,090 becomes the next basic pay.

LIC AAO Salary Structure
Basic Pay 53,600
Special Allowance 4,500
DA 32,210
HRA 5,360
Transport Allowance 1,960
CCA 1,608
Gross Salary 99,228/-
Deduction (PF/Income Tax/PT/Pension) 10,561
Net Salary 88,667/-

LIC AAO Salary 2025: Deductions

Out of the total salary for the Assistant Administrative Officer post, there are certain deductions as shown below.

LIC AAO Salary: Deductions
Particulars Amounts
NEW GI 137
Mediclaim 200
GIS 3,050
GTIS 241
DCPS 6,933
Total Deductions 10,561

LIC AAO Salary 2025: Allowances

As per the salary slip, the allowances included in the salary are listed. These allowances are an appeal to the candidates. Please note that these allowances may vary from city to city.

Allowance List
Defined Contributory Pension
Cash Medical Benefit
Group Mediclaim
Group Personal Accident Insurance
Group Insurance
Vehicle Loan (2-wheeler/4 wheeler) as per rules
Meal coupon
Reimbursement of cost of Briefcase/leather bags
Mobile handset
Supply of dailies and magazines
Mobile expenses

LIC AAO Salary 2025: Promotion and Career Growth

Now, with a great position, promotion is bound to be equally good. With the increments, the LIC AAO AE is expected to be getting positions of higher grade assistants. It will also depend upon the performance and experience of the candidate. Candidates selected for the post of LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (Chartered Accountant) with two years post post-qualification work experience on the date of eligibility are eligible for two advance increments.

LIC AAO 2025: Job Profile

The job/ working profile of LIC Assistant covers Clerical Duties such as cashier, single-window operator, customer service executive
Other important roles include:
1. Management of cash counters, managing customer grievances and public relations
2. Management of sales documents- policies, claims, settlements
3. Back end office work also comes under the role.

After Selection as LIC AAO:

  • A period of 1 year is mandatory for the selected candidates. This may also extend up to two years. The candidates may be posted or subsequently transferred anywhere in India.
  • Candidates will be required to give the undertaking to serve LIC for a minimum of period of four years from the date of joining including the probation period.
  • Not accepted by the undertaking rules, the candidates will be required to pay liquidated damages of Rs.5,00,000/-only (Rupees Five Lakhs only) + GST or the sum of amount the Executive Director (Personnel) may prescribe from time to time.
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LIC AAO Salary 2025, In Hand Salary, Allowances, Job Profile_3.1


Q1. What is the in hand salary of LIC AAO?

Ans. The In-hand salary for the LIC AAO is Rs. 32,795 for those who join initially and after they have served the company for 14 years their basic pay increases to Rs. 55,335.

Q2. What is the salary of LIC AAO after 5 years?

Ans. The Salary of LIC AAO after 5 years will be Rs.1,02,090 per month.