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NDA Full Form and Job Profile, Check All Details

The National Defence Academy (NDA), located in Khadakwasla near Pune, Maharashtra, stands as India’s foremost institution for military training, where cadets destined for the Army, Navy, and Air Force undergo extensive preparation. Known for its intense academic, physical, and tactical training, the NDA molds young cadets into capable officers for the Indian Armed Forces. With a challenging admission process, NDA graduates are considered among the most well-trained military personnel in India. In this article, we’ll explore the NDA Full Form and the responsibilities of NDA officers.

NDA Full Form

The National Defence Academy (NDA) is one of India’s most reputed military training institutions, dedicated to shaping the future officers of the Indian Armed Forces. The academy trains cadets for service across the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force. Gaining entry into this renowned institution requires passing a competitive examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), which is held biannually in April and September. Success in the UPSC exam is the crucial step toward joining the NDA.

NDA Full Form Overview

The NDA (National Defence Academy) exam, conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), takes place twice in a year, enabling candidates to seek admission into the Army, Navy, and Air Force branches of the NDA. Below is a overview of the UPSC NDA Exam Overview 2024, providing candidates with essential details.

NDA Full Form Overview
Recruiting Organization UPSC
NDA Full Form National Defence Academy
Exam Name NDA & NA Examination
Exam Level National
Frequency Twice a Year
NDA Eligibility 12th Pass
Selection Process Written Exam and SSB Interview
Eligibility Criteria Age limit: 16.5 to 19.5 years
Educational Qualification: Class 12
Engaged Organization IMA (Indian Military Academy)
AFA (Air Force Academy)
INA (Indian Naval Academy)
Job Location All India
Official Website upsc.gov.in

History of NDA

The National Defence Academy (NDA), established in 1954, is recognized as the world’s first tri-service military academy. It was awarded the status of ‘Institution of National Eminence’ by the Government of India, highlighting its importance. Initially located in Khadakwasla near Pune, the NDA moved to its current site in Pune in 1974. Since its founding, the academy has focused on training officers for the Indian Armed Forces, producing some of the country’s most respected military leaders.

NDA Motto

The National Defence Academy (NDA) follows the motto “Seva Param Dharma,” which translates to “Service before Self.” This guiding principle emphasizes that the nation’s service always takes precedence over the personal interests of a soldier. Central to the NDA’s code of honour are values such as loyalty, truthfulness, reliability, honesty, and forthrightness. Cadets at the NDA are trained in squadrons, where they learn the vital lesson that the needs of their squadron must come before their own individual concerns. This instills a deep sense of duty and commitment, preparing them for a life dedicated to serving the country.

NDA Job Profile

The job profile of an NDA cadet, which is determined based on the different services after getting commissioned as an officer, includes various posts for the following services:

  • Indian Army: Infantry Officer, Artillery Officer, Armoured Corps Officer, Engineer Officer, Signals Officer, Intelligence Officer, and Medical Officer.
  • Indian Navy: Executive Officer, Submarine Officer, Naval Armoured Officer, Logistics Officer, Naval Aviation Officer, Observer Officer, and Pilot Officer.
  • Indian Air Force: Flying Officer, Ground Duty Officer, Technical Officer, Administrative Officer, Logistics Officer, and Education Officer.
Indian Army
Infantry Officer Artillery Officer Armoured Corps Officer Engineer Officer
Signals Officer Intelligence Officer Medical Officer
Indian Navy
Executive Officer Submarine Officer Naval Armament Officer Logistics Officer
Naval Aviation Officer Observer Officer Pilot Officer
Indian Air Force
Flying Officer Ground Duty Officer Technical Officer Administrative Officer
Logistics Officer Education Officer

In general, the job profile of an officer in the Indian Armed Forces includes leading and managing a team of soldiers or sailors, planning and executing operations, maintaining discipline and order, and protecting the country’s sovereignty and integrity. Officers are also responsible for maintaining high morale and welfare of their subordinates.

Overall, the job profile of an NDA cadet after commissioning as an officer is challenging, demanding, and requires dedication, courage, and leadership skills.

NDA Full Form: Marking System of NDA

It is important to know the marking scheme of the exam as it helps candidates attempt question papers wisely. The NDA exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission, and the marking scheme for the exam is as follows:

  1. Mathematics Paper: The Mathematics paper consists of 120 questions, and each question carries 2.5 marks. There is a negative marking of 0.83 marks for each wrong answer. Unanswered questions do not carry any negative marks.
  2. General Ability Test (GAT) Paper: The GAT paper consists of 150 questions, and each question carries 4 marks. There is a negative marking of 1.33 marks for each wrong answer. Unanswered questions do not carry any negative marks.
  3. Final Merit List: The final merit list is prepared based on the candidate’s performance in both the Mathematics and GAT papers. The marks obtained by the candidate in the written exam are added, and the final merit list is prepared based on the total marks obtained by the candidate.
  4. SSB Interview: The SSB interview is conducted in two stages, Stage I and Stage II. Stage I includes Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests and Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT), which are qualifying in nature. Candidates who qualify for Stage I are eligible for Stage II. Stage II includes Interview, Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests, and Conference. The SSB interview carries 900 marks, and the final merit list is prepared based on the candidate’s performance in the SSB interview.

Following SSB board recommendation, the medical phase at an army hospital determines fitness. Post clearance, an all-India merit list considers written and SSB marks. If listed, candidates receive joining instructions and report to the academy with documents. Rigorous training at NDA transforms cadets into officers, commissioned into their respective services. Army officers lead troops, Navy officers operate vessels and aircraft, and Air Force officers manage fighter jets, transport aircraft, and helicopters.

NDA Importance

The National Defence Academy (NDA) holds immense significance in securing the nation’s future. It plays a pivotal role in shaping the character of officers, instilling a sense of responsibility, and guiding their development into accountable citizens of India. Moreover, the NDA is essential in equipping future officers with a deep understanding of India’s defense policies and international relations. Unique in its offering, the NDA is the only academy in India that trains officers for all three branches of the armed forces, making it an indispensable institution in the defense and security of the country.

Features of National Defence Academy

The NDA is a premier joint training institute for the Indian Armed Forces, accredited with the prestigious ‘A’ grade by the Ministry of Defence of India. Inaugurated by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, the NDA is spread over about 1,250 acres and trains around 700 cadets. The academy is supported by a dedicated staff of around 300 officers who oversee its operations. Affiliated to the University of Pune, the NDA stands as the cornerstone of military education and training in India.

NDA Exam Pattern

The NDA Written Exam consists of two papers, Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT). The Mathematics paper is of 2.5 hours, and the GAT paper is of 2.5 hours. Both papers are of objective type and are conducted on the same day. NDA Written Exam Pattern is given below. There will be objective-type questions on:
Subject Duration Maximum Marks
Mathematics 2½ Hours 300
General Ability Test 2½ Hours 600
Total 900
SSB Test/Interview 900

NDA Role and Functions

Understanding the full form of NDA, which stands for the National Defence Academy, is crucial as it plays several vital roles in the training and development of future military leaders:

  • Comprehensive Officer Training: The National Defence Academy trains officers for the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force, providing a unified platform for the development of military leadership.
  • Quality Education: The NDA offers high-quality education to cadets, combining academic excellence with rigorous military training to prepare them for their future roles.
  • Character Development: The Academy shapes the character of its cadets, instilling a sense of responsibility and commitment to serving as exemplary citizens of India.
  • Leadership Cultivation: The NDA fosters essential leadership qualities in cadets, equipping them with the skills necessary to lead troops effectively in various operational contexts.
  • Understanding Defence Policy: The Academy helps future officers gain a comprehensive understanding of India’s defence policy, strategic interests, and international relations, enhancing their ability to operate in a global environment.
  • Unique Training Institution: The National Defence Academy is India’s only institution that trains officers for all three branches of the armed forces, ensuring a cohesive understanding of joint operations and inter-service collaboration.

These roles and functions collectively contribute to the NDA’s mission of producing well-rounded, capable leaders who are prepared to serve and protect the nation.

NDA Full Form in Hindi

एनडीए (NDA) का फुल फार्म “National Defencde Academy” होता है,

NDA यानी ‘एनडीए’ एक सैन्य संगठन है, जो भारत में सेना की तैयारी के लिए सैन्य ट्रेनिंग और शैक्षणिक शिक्षा प्रदान करता है। इस संस्था का मुख्यालय खड़कवासला, पुणे में स्थित है।

NDA का संगठन विभिन्न आयोजन द्वारा किया जाता है, जिनमें सेना शिक्षा, शारीरिक फिटनेस और अन्य सैन्य कौशलों को शामिल किया जाता है। इस संस्था में भारतीय सेना की तीन सेवाओं – भारतीय थल सेना, भारतीय वायु सेना और भारतीय नौ सेना के युवा जवानों को शामिल किया जाता है।

एनडीए का मुख्य उद्देश्य है एक समर योद्धा तैयार करना जो देश की सुरक्षा और रक्षा के लिए तैयार हो सके। इसलिए, इस संस्था में दी जाने वाली ट्रेनिंग जीवन भर के लिए उपयोगी होती है जो सेना में कार्यरत जवानों को समर युद्ध में लड़ने के लिए तैयार करती है।


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What is NDA?

NDA stands for National Defence Academy, which is a joint services academy of the Indian Armed Forces where cadets of the three services, the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, are trained together.

Where is the NDA located?

The NDA is located in Khadakwasla, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

What is the eligibility criteria to apply for NDA?

he eligibility criteria to apply for NDA are as follows:

Age limit: Candidates should be between 16.5 to 19.5 years of age.
Educational qualification: Candidates should have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognized board.

What is the full form of NDA?

The full form of NDA is National Defence Academy.

How to get admission in NDA?

Candidates will get admission after cracking the NDA exam.

Who Cannot join NDA?

Candidates who are appearing in class 11 examination are not eligible to apply for NDA exam.

Is NDA interview tough?

NDA SSB is one of the easiest interviews as compared to other SSBs.

Which is the best job after NDA?

NDA graduates become officers in the Army, Navy, and Air Force, among other branches of the Indian Armed Forces.

Are there holidays in NDA?

Yes, after every 5 months of training, a cadet gets 28 days leave if he passes all his mandatory tests.

How many students pass NDA?

Every year around 4 to 5 lakh candidates register for the NDA exam, out of which around 2.5 to 3 lakh students appear for the exam. Out of these, around 7 to 8 thousand students are successful. This means that only 2.5 to 3% of the candidates are selected for the next process, the SSB interview.