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All India Mock Test for AFCAT 1 2022, Last Day to Register

All India Mock Test for AFCAT 1 2022

AFCAT 1 2022 online examination is scheduled to be held from 12th Feb to 14th Feb 2022 for 317 vacancies. This is a great opportunity for all the candidates who aspire to serve the nation in Indian Air Force.

Air Force Common Admission Test commonly known as AFCAT is a common entrance examination organized by Indian Air Force to select eligible cadets for multiple posts in Ground Duty and Flying Branch. AFCAT is conducted twice every year and millions of students appear in the examination to become part of a prestigious organization.

Mock Test for AFCAT

To give the candidates an overview of the preparation Adda247 is organizing an Free AFCAT 1 Mock Test 2022 ( Memory-Based).  The mock test will be live on 18th & 19th December i.e. for 2 days. Candidates can attempt the mock test by first registering for the AFCAT free mock test by simply clicking on the link mentioned below:

WHAT: IAF AFCAT 2022 (Memory-Based)
WHEN: 18th & 19th December 2021
WHERE: Adda247 Web and App
We will also be releasing Cut-Off for the All India Mock for IAF AFCAT 2022 Exam. If the candidates meet the cut-off of this All India Mock Test then their preparation is on the right track. We wish you All The Best for the All India Mock Test! Give Your Best Attempt.

AFCAT 1 2022 Exam Pattern

AFCAT 2022 Exam will be conducted in two-phase. To be acceptable for the post one needs to score minimum qualifying marks both in written test and AFSB test as prescribed by the Indian Air Force. Candidates will be selected in order of the marks secured by them in both written and SSB. The final Merit list would be updated on the official website of the Indian Air Force after all SSB are conducted for AFCAT Entries.

Pattern of the online exam for AFCAT and EKT.

Exam Subject Duration No. of questions Max. marks
AFCAT General Awareness, Verbal ability in English, Numerical ability and reasoning and military aptitude test 02 Hours 100 300
EKT(for Ground Duty technical branch only) Mechanical, computer science and electrical &electronics 45 Minutes 50 150
  • The Online examination will consist of objective type questions and will be in English only for both AFCAT and EKT.
  • Candidates who are opting for Ground Duty (technical) branch have to pass both AFCAT & EKT.
  • EKT would be for 45 minutes and conducted immediately after AFCAT.
Marking schemes:
(i) Three marks will be awarded for every correct answer.
(ii) One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
(iii) No mark will be awarded for the unattempted questions.

To check your daily progress, you must give as many mocks as you can. Adda will help you to check your daily progress by providing you 60+ mock tests. Click Here for AFCAT Prime Test Series.

AFCAT EKT Mechanical Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2022_70.1

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