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‘Tree City of the World’ Tag


Tree city of the world UPSC: Relevance

  • GS 2: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.


Tree city of the world: Context

  • Recently, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN-FAO) and Arbor Day Foundation have jointly recognised Mumbai and Hyderabad as the ‘2021 Tree City of the World’.

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Tree city of the world: Key points

  • The two Indian cities have got this recognition for their commitment to growing and maintaining urban trees and greenery in building healthy, resilient and happy cities.
  • It is worth noting that while Mumbai has made the list for the first time, Hyderabad has featured on it for the second consecutive year.
  • The countries with the maximum tree cities include the US, UK, and Canada, with 37, 19, and 18 cities respectively.


UPSC Current Affairs


What are the tree cities of the world?

  • The ‘Tree Cities of the World’ is an initiative started by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN FAO) and American non-profit organisation Arbor Day Foundation.
  • It is an internationally recognised effort “to recognise cities and towns committed to ensuring that their urban forests and trees are properly maintained, sustainably managed, and duly celebrated”.
  • The programme provides direction, assistance, and worldwide recognition for a community’s dedication to its urban forest.
  • Moreover, the programme provides a framework for a healthy, sustainable urban forestry programme in a town or city.


How a city is recognised as a tree city?

  • A city is recognised as a ‘Tree City’ if it meets five core standards to show its commitment towards caring for its trees and forests.
  • To be designated as a tree city,
    • A city must have a written statement delegating responsibility for the care of trees within the municipal boundary to a staff member, a city department, or a group of citizens – called a Tree Board.
    • The city should have a law to govern the management of forests and trees.
    • The city should have an updated inventory or assessment of the local tree resource so that an effective long-term plan for planting, care, and removal of city trees can be established.
    • The city should have a dedicated annual budget for the implementation of the tree management plan.
    • The city should organise an annual celebration of trees to raise awareness among people and to acknowledge citizens who carried out the tree programme.


UPSC Current Affairs


Why Hyderabad and Mumbai?

  • A total of 138 cities have been recognised for the year 2021 under the ‘Tree cities of the world’ programme.
  • Hyderabad planted more than 3.5 crore trees in 500 volunteer hours, and Mumbai planted 42,5000 trees in 25,000 volunteer hours.


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