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Different Types of Unemployment in India

Different Types of Unemployment

Before going to the unemployment types, let us first know what is unemployment?


What is unemployment?

  • Unemployment refers to a situation when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work.
  • Unemployment rate calculation: Unemployment rate is calculated by dividing the number of unemployed people by the number of people in the labour force.


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Types of Unemployment in India


Open unemployment

  • In this type of unemployment, a large section of the labour force does not get a job that may yield them regular income.
  • Here, the labour force expands at a faster rate than the growth rate of economy, due to which all people do not get jobs.


Disguised Unemployment

  • In disguised unemployment, more people are doing work than actually required.
  • In this situation, even if some people are withdrawn, production does not suffer.
  • In other words, it refers to a situation of surplus manpower in which some workers have zero marginal productivity.
  • In India, the most common example of disguised unemployment is agriculture sector.




Seasonal Unemployment

  • Seasonal unemployment occurs during certain seasons of the year.
  • In sectors like agriculture, tourism, economic activities take place only in some seasons.
  • These sectors offer employment for only a certain period of time in a year, and people engaged in such type of activities may remain unemployed during the off-season.


Cyclical Unemployment

  • Cyclical unemployment is the impact of economic recession or expansion on the total unemployment rate.
  • Cyclical unemployment relates to the irregular ups and downs, or cyclical trends in growth and production that occur within the business cycle.
  • When economic output falls, the business cycle is low and cyclical unemployment will rise.
  • Example: Financial crisis in 2008


Technological Unemployment

  • It is a type of unemployment where people could not find jobs due to technical change.
  • World Bank predicated that 70% of the jobs in India are threatened due to technological advancement.
  • Economists, however, disagree with this type of predictions.
  • Economists believes that jobs may be lost for the short time but new jobs appear in other areas.


Structural Unemployment

  • Structural unemployment arises due to drastic changes in the economic structure of a country.
  • Structural employment is a natural outcome of economic development and technological advancement and innovation taking place all over the world.
  • This type of unemployment occurs due to a mismatch between the skills workers have, and the jobs that are actually available.




Frictional Unemployment

  • Frictional unemployment occurs when workers are jobless and looking for work in a healthy economy. It doesn’t matter if they leave voluntarily or are fired.
  • It is a type of unemployment where a worker voluntarily become unemployed while searching for a better job or moving for unrelated reasons.
  • Unlike other types of unemployment, frictional unemployment is a component of the natural labour turnover rate and not a sign of an unhealthy economy.


Chronic unemployment

  • If unemployment continues for a longer duration in a country, it is called chronic unemployment.
  • Causes: Rapid growth of population and inadequate level of economic development.



  • Underemployment is a situation in which people who are employed in an organisation contribute less than their capacity to produce.
  • Underemployment occurs when workers’ jobs don’t use all their skills, education, or availability to work.
  • Types of underemployments: Visible underemployment and invisible underemployment.


Visible Underemployment

  • It includes employees who are willing and able to work more hours but cannot get full-time employment.
  • They often work two part-time jobs just to make ends meet.


Invisible Underemployment

  • The workers often don’t even realize their skills could be better used elsewhere.
  • Invisible underemployment includes workers in full-time jobs that don’t use all their skills.
  • This type of underemployment is almost impossible to measure.
  • It requires extensive surveying that compares workers’ skills to job requirements.


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