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Today’s(January 20, 2022) Important News Headlines

Subject The Hindu Headlines Relevance(P&M)
GS 2 1 States weigh options on IAS cadre rule changes 1. Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules 1954
2. cooperative federalism
GS 2 & GS 3 3 RP-2041 can spell doom for Aravalis, fear environmentalists 1. Draft Regional Plan-2041
2. Natural Zone’ (NZ) vs Natural Conservation Zone (NCZ)?
GS 1 & GS 3 5 Dip in eastern swamp deer numbers 1. Eastern swamp deer
2. Ferruginous duck
2. Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve.
GS 2 & GS 3 5 Miss Kerala not endangered: aquarists 1. Denison barb (Miss Kerala)
2. Schedule I of the Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Bill, 2021
3. Sahyadria denisonii
GS 2 6 Democratise and empower city governments Q. The functional autonomy of civic bodies must increase and their governance structure strengthened by ‘empowering them financially through higher resource availability’. Discuss.
GS 3 6 Technology tangle 1. Altimeter?
2. 5G Technology
3. C-band radio spectrum
GS 2 & GS 3 6 What Vladimir Putin really wants 1. Catherine the Great(the 18th century Empress Regnant of Russia)
2. Black Sea
3. Baltic Region
4. Joseph Stalin
5. Annexation of Crimea in 2014
6. Q. The disintegration of the Soviet Union threw Russia’s security calculations into disarray, deepening its historical insecurity that’s why it is under continuous “defensive aggressiveness”. Discuss.
7. Collective Security Treaty Organization(CSTO)
GS 2 & GS 3 7 The many problems of online anonymity Q. Pseudonymous social media handles and platforms that encourage them amplify issues around fake news. Discuss.
GS 2 10 Special camps to register workers on e-Shram portal e-Shram portal

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