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NITI Aayog’s State Health Index

State Health Index- Relevance for UPSC Exam

  • GS Paper 2: Governance, Administration and Challenges– Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health.


State Health Index- Context

  • Recently, NITI Aayog released the fourth edition of the State Health Index for 2019–20.
  • focuses on measuring and highlighting the overall performance and incremental improvement of states and UTs over the period 2018–19 to 2019–20.

Indian Polity


State Health Index- Key Points

  • Background: The State Health Index is an annual tool to assess the performance of states and UTs. The State Health Index has been compiled and published since 2017.
  • About: State Health Index ranks states and Union Territories on their year-on-year incremental performance in health outcomes as well as their overall status.
  • Agencies Involved: State Health Index report has been developed by NITI Aayog, with technical assistance from the World Bank, and in close consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW).
  • Key Objective: The State Health report aims to nudge states/UTs towards building robust health systems and improving service delivery.
  • Assessment Indicators: State Health Index is a weighted composite index based on 24 indicators grouped under the domains of-
    • ‘Health Outcomes’,
    • ‘Governance and Information, and
    • ‘Key Inputs/Processes’.
  • Categorization: To ensure comparison among similar entities, the State Health Index ranking is categorized as ‘Larger States’, ‘Smaller States’ and ‘Union Territories’.

Indian Polity


Fourth edition of State Health Index: Key Points

  • Fourth edition of State Health Index: State Health Index for 2019-20 focuses on measuring and highlighting the overall performance and incremental improvement of states and UTs over the period 2018–19 to 2019–20.
  • State Health Index theme: State Health Index for 2019–20 report has been titled “Healthy States, Progressive India”.

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State Health Index 2019-20: Key Findings

  • Among Larger States:
    • On overall ranking based on the composite state health index score in 2019–20, The top-ranking states were Kerala followed by Tamil Nadu.
    • In terms of annual incremental performance, Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Telangana are the top three ranking states.
  • Among Smaller States:
    • On overall ranking based on the composite state health index score in 2019–20, Top Ranking states were Mizoram followed by Tripura
    • Mizoram and Meghalaya registered the maximum annual incremental progress.
  • Among Union Territories:
    • On overall ranking based on the composite state health index score in 2019–20, Top ranking UTs were DH&DD followed by Chandigarh.
    • Delhi, followed by Jammu and Kashmir, showed the best incremental performance.

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State Health Index- Significance

  • The State Health Index can be used by states in their policymaking and resource allocation.
  • State Health Index report is an example of both competitive and cooperative federalism.
    • The State Health index encourages healthy competition and cross-learning among States and UTs.
  • Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has also decided to link the State Health index to incentives under National Health Mission.
    • This has been instrumental in shifting the focus from budget spending and inputs to outputs and outcomes.


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