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Today’s(January 17, 2022) Important News Headlines

Subject The Hindu Headlines Relevance(P & M)
GS 1, GS 2 & GS 3 6 Storm warnings of a megacity collapse 1. NITI Aayog’s Report on ‘Reforms in Urban Planning Capacity in India’ (September 2021)
2. Q. The need today is not for flashy retrofitted ‘smart’ urban enclaves but sound, functional metropolitan cities that can handle floods, heat waves, pollution and mass mobility. Discuss.
GS 2 6 Friend in need India-Sri Lanka Relations
GS 2 01(text) The efficiency of “Zero-COVID” strategies Q. Why is China’s method to contain Omicron under strain? Discusss.
GS 3 01(text) Web3: A vision for the future Q. What is the Web 3 model based on? How is it different from the prevailing system of operation?
GS 1 & GS 3 1 Collawarali breathes… Pench Tiger Reserve
GS 1 & GS 2 8 Stop Uilateral… 1. Lipulekh
2. Kali River
3. India-Nepal Border Dispute
GS 2 8 What the… What the Indian Army fighting is the geography not so much the Chinese. Elaborate.
GS 3 10 The Digital Pollution Q. Steps such as counter speech tactics to counter hate speech by presenting an alternative narrative can play a role and need to be studied further in Indian context.

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