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BASIC countries at Glasgow Summit (CoP 26) of UNFCCC

BASIC countries- Relevance for UPSC Exam

  • GS Paper 2: Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.

UPSC Current Affairs


BASIC countries- Context

  • Recently, the Indian Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change delivered the statement on behalf of the BASIC group of countries at COP 26 of the UN Climate Change Conference at Glasgow.
  • He said that developing countries must be accorded time, policy space and support to transition towards a low emissions future.

UN Glasgow Climate Change Conference (COP 26)


BASIC countries at Glasgow Summit- Key Demands

  • Finalization of the Paris Agreement Rulebook: The rulebook must be concluded at COP26 of the UNFCCC which has already been delayed by a year due to coronavirus.
    • The rulebook will set Paris Agreement in motion by laying out the tools and processes to enable it is implemented fairly and properly.
    • Countries had agreed to develop and finalize the Paris Rulebook at COP24 in Poland in 2018.
  • Principles of Equity and Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR-RC): Finalization of the Paris Agreement Rulebook will help in effective implementation of the CBDR-RC by countries.
  • On climate finance and adaptation: COP26 must aim for higher global ambition on climate finance and adaptation as well.
  • Demand from Developed counties: BASIC group asked the developed world to mobilise $100 billion annually as climate finance support to developing countries to meet their existing obligations towards carbon emissions.
    • Developed countries have failed to meet the $100 billion goals per year of support to developing countries each and every year since 2009.
    • Developed countries continue to present the 2009 goal as the ceiling of their ambition all the way to 2025.
  • COP 26 must also recognition of the Parties’ differing historical responsibilities and the developmental challenges faced by developing countries, compounded by the pandemic.

COP26 Glasgow Summit of UNFCC- India’s Commitments


BASIC countries- Key Points

  • About: The BASIC countries are a grouping of Brazil, South Africa, India and China.
    • The BASIC group was formed as the result of an agreement signed by the four countries on November 28, 2009.
  • Mandate: BASIC is one of several groups of nations working together to fight climate change and carry out negotiations within the UNFCCC.
  • Common Interests: BASIC nations have a broadly common position on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and raising the massive funds that are needed to fight climate change.
    • The BASIC countries constituted one of the parties in the Copenhagen Accord reached with the US-led grouping; the Accord, was, however, not legally binding.
  • Significance: BASIC countries together have one-third of the world’s geographical area and nearly 40% of the world’s population.


COP26 Glasgow Summit of UNFCC- India’s Commitments


COP26 Glasgow Summit of UNFCC- India’s Commitments

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