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Today’s(December 04, 2021) Important News Headlines

Subject Page No. (T.H.) Headlines Relevance(P & M)
GS 3 1 Implement panel’s anti-pollution steps: SC to Centre, Delhi Govt. Air Quality Commission
GS 2 6 Stalin flays passage of Dam Safety Bill Dam Safety Bill, 2019
GS 3 7 Longest migration route of lesser florican from Rajasthan tracked 1. lesser floricans
2. Endangered Species
3. Wildlife Institute of India (WII)
GS 3 7 ‘Eastern Fleet to have Carrier Battle Group’ 1. INS Vikrant
2. MiG29 K
3. anti-submarine warfare (ASW)
4. Project 17 Alpha
GS 3 8 COP27, in Egypt, must focus on food systems 1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
2. COP 26
3. COP 27
4. United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
GS 3 8 Corridors of death 1. Project Elephant
GS 2 8 Recast this apples-and-oranges ranking method 1. NIRF
2. All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE)
3. The financial health of State-sponsored HEIs is an open secret with salary and pension liabilities barely being managed. Hence, rating such institutions vis-à-vis centrally funded institutions does not make any sense. Comment.
GS 2 10 Tharoor moves Bill for permanent HC Benches 1. Private Members Bills
2. Establishment of permanent benches of high courts at state capitals Bill
GS 3 10 Cyclone Jawad to bring heavy rain to Odisha, Bengal and A.P.  1. Failin, Fani, Hudhud, Jawad
2. National Crisis Management Committee
GS 3 14 I am a big believer in blockchain tech: Ambani Blockchain technology
GS 3 14 Survey suggests fastest services growth since 2011 Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI)

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