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How To Crack KVS In First Attempt? Tips & Strategy

KVS Preparation Tips 2023: The official notification KVS 2023 PGT, TGT, PRT Recruitment has been released on the official website. This Year KVS has released 13404 teaching vacancies. So, what should be the strategy that needs to be followed by the aspirants to excel in the upcoming KVS examination?

First of all, you should be aware of your weak parts, and stronger parts and then you have to make a strategy according to this but strategy won’t help you if you won’t follow this seriously. Here are the preparation tips for the KVS exam 2023 to be noted by the aspirants going to appear in the KVS 2023 exam.

KVS 2023 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern of KVS consists of 180 questions to be attempted in 180 minutes. The major subject contributing a total of 80 marks is the subject concerned for which the candidate is applying (PRT, TGT & PGT).

KVS PRT, TGT, & PGT Exam Pattern 

  • Total Number of Questions: 180
  • Total Number of Marks: 180 Marks
  • Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
  • Negative Marking: No negative marking
  • Part 1: English And Hindi
  • Part 2: General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Reasoning Ability, Computer Knowledge, Perspectives on Education and Leadership and the Concerned subject.

KVS Subject-wise Preparation Tips

1. KVS General English

The English section of KVS consists of 10 questions for all PGT, PRT and TGT exams. Each correct response carries 1 mark. It tests the basic knowledge of English. To score good marks in the “English” section you are advised to-
• Go through English newspapers daily.
• Practice grammar rules.
• Make handy notes
• Read the syllabus thoroughly.
• Revise each topic mentioned in the syllabus.

Important Topics of General English mentioned in the exam
Articles, Narrations, Prepositions, Punctuation, Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks. Adverb, Error Correction, Sentence Rearrangement, Unseen Passages, Vocabulary, Antonyms, Synonyms, Idioms, Verbs, Tenses, Adjectives, Modal, Voice, Subject-Verb Agreement

2. KVS General Hindi

Every subject demands preparation. The Hindi section contains 10 questions in all PGT, PRT, and TGT exams. Each correct response carries 1 mark. To score good marks in the “Hindi” section you are advised to;
• Practice grammar rules.
• Make handy notes
• Read the syllabus thoroughly.
• Revise each topic mentioned in the syllabus.

Important Topics of General Hindi mentioned in the exam
भाषा, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम एवं सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया, अव्यय, वचन, लिंग, उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय, वाक्य निर्माण, पर्यायवाची, विपरीपार्थक, अनेकार्थक, समानार्थी शब्द, विराम चिन्हों की पहचान एवं उपयोग, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ, अलंकार, सन्धि, तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज एवं विदेशी शब्द, समास

3. KVS General Knowledge and Current Affairs

This section is the game-changer section. Students can perform best in this section if they are reading newspapers routinely. A total of 10 questions will be asked in the TGT, PGT and PRT exams. Students can not prepare for this section in just one or two days. It needs daily practice and updates. To score good marks in the “General Knowledge and current affairs” section you are advised to-
• Attempt quizzes.
• Read the newspaper daily and make handy notes.
• Read general knowledge books.
• Read NCERT books on science and social studies.

Important Topics of General Knowledge and Current Affairs mentioned in the exam
Awards, Books & authors, Sports, Ancient, Medieval & Modern History, Geography, Current Affairs, Polity, Population Census, Indian Art & Culture, and Miscellaneous.

4. KVS Reasoning

The reasoning section is not a difficult section. It is a scoring section. This section contains 5 questions in PRT, TGT, and PGT exams. Each question carries 1 mark. To score good marks in the “Reasoning” section you are advised to;
• Practice each mentioned topic.
• Attempt mock tests.
• Reasoning books are also available in the market.

Important Topics of Reasoning mentioned in the exam
Mirror Image, Directions, Puzzles, and Seating Arrangement, Syllogism, Data Sufficiency, Coding-decoding, Blood Relation, Order and Ranking, Alpha Numeric Symbol Series, Logical Reasoning

5. KVS Computer Literacy

Computer literacy is very vital in today’s world. This section tests the basic knowledge of computers. The level of questions in this section is easy to moderate. It contains 5 questions in all PGT, PRT and TGT. Each question carries 1 mark. To score good marks in the “Computer literacy” section you are advised to
• Read computer literacy books.
•Practice MS Office on your personal computer for better understanding.

Important Topics of Computer literacy mentioned in the exam
Abbreviations, Basic Computer Terminology & Shortcuts, Web Technology, Database Management Systems, Browsers and Search Engines, Internet, General Concept of Social Networking, Computer Memory or Storage Devices, Computer Software & Hardware, History and Evaluation of Computers, Generations and Types of Computers, Operating Systems

6. KVS Perspectives on Education and Leadership

The Teaching Aptitude section contains 60 questions in the PRT exam and 40 questions in the TGT and PGT exams. Each question carries 1 mark. To score well in pedagogy you should read every topic mentioned in the syllabus thoroughly. To score good marks in the “Teaching Aptitude” section you are advised to
• Revise each and every topic mentioned in the syllabus.
• Practice MCQ’s based on each concept.
• A thorough study of the concepts.
• Choose good competitive books.
• Practice mock tests.
• Practice daily.

Important Topics of Pedagogy mentioned in the exam
Understanding the Learner
  • Concept of growth, maturation and development, principles and debates of development, development tasks and challenges
  • Domains of Development: Physical, Cognitive, Socio-emotional, Moral etc., deviations in development and its implications.
Understanding Teaching Learning
  • Theoretical perspectives on Learning -Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism with special reference to their implications
  • Factors affecting learning and their implications
  • Planning and Organization of Teaching-Learning
  • Enhancing Teaching-Learning processes: Classroom Observation and Feedback, Reflections and Dialogues as a means of constructivist teaching
Creating a Conducive Learning Environment
  • The concepts of Diversity, disability and Inclusion, implications of disability as social construct, types of disabilities-their identification and interventions
  • Concept of School Mental Health, addressing the curative, preventive and promotive dimensions of mental health for all students and staff. Provisioning for guidance and counselling.
  • Developing School and community as a learning resource.
School Organization and Leadership
  • Leader as a reflective practitioner, team builder, initiator, coach and mentor.
  • Perspectives on School Leadership: instructional, distributed and transformative
  • Vision building, goal setting and creating a School Development Plan
Perspectives in Education
  • NEP-2020: Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learning; Foundational Literacy and Numeracy; Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Holistic & Integrated Learning; Equitable and Inclusive Education: Learning for All; Competency-based learning and Education.
  • Guiding Principles for Child Rights, Protecting and provisioning for rights of children to safe and secure school environment, Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009,

General Tips for KVS 2023 Exam

1. Revision

Revision is very crucial. Confidence is good but overconfidence is dangerous. After preparing all the concepts, revise them carefully once again. Revise weak topics twice before the exam.

• Revise whatever you study
• Make short notes so that they can be helpful in quick revision.
• Divide your strong, weak, and moderate sections and work on them accordingly.
• Give related MCQs of each topic.

2. Accuracy

Though there is no negative marking, you still need to make check your accuracy because accuracy boosts the scores.

• If do not know the answer then quit that question.
• Try to solve accurately.
• Full concentration is needed to make your attempts accurate.

3. Time Management

Time management is very crucial.  Do not waste your crucial time on one lengthy question.  If you know that question would take your time then it is advisable to leave that question and move to the next question. Try to attempt lengthy questions at the last.

• Full mocks are helpful.
• Manage your time.
• Skip those questions which are time-consuming and lengthy.
• Concentrate on every question.

4. Speed

Speed is very important to attempt the exam on time. Both speed and accuracy are crucial. So try to work on speed.

• Practice makes the speed
• Attempt more and more questions to enhance your speed.
• Practice daily.
• Try to work on mind calculations because it saves time.

6. Attempt Mock And Previous Year’s Papers

“Practice makes the man perfect”. Attempt mocks and solves previous year’s papers. To boost your speed, accuracy, and knowledge.

• Previous year papers and Mocks are very helpful.
• It is helpful to diagnose your level of preparation.
• Check your mistakes and work on them to improve them.

A positive attitude keeps you confident during preparations and you do not waste time with unnecessary thoughts regarding the outcome of exams. Take good care of your health, because a fit body hosts a healthy mind. We hope that this will help you on KVS Exam.

All The Best!

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Q. What is the mode of selection for all these posts?

Ans: Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written examination and interview together. The weightage of the written test and interview will be 70:30.

Q.Is the exam Bilingual?

Ans: The tests except for the Test of English/Hindi Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.

Q. Is the written tests will be conducted in offline or online mode?

Ans: The written test will be conducted in offline mode.

Q. Is there is any relaxation in CTET marks?

Ans: 5% relaxation in CTET marks has been given to the candidates belonging to SC,ST,OBC and Persons with Disability category. SC,ST,OBC and Persons with Disability category having minimum marks 82 in CTET (Paper 1 or Paper 2) are eligible to apply for the posts of TGT. General Category candidates with minimum marks 90 in CTET (Paper 1/or Paper 2) are eligible to apply.

Q. What is the age criteria to apply for KVS Recruitment?

Ans: The Upper Age Limit for the various posts are:

Principal: 35-50 years
Vice Principal: 35-45 years
PGT: 40 years
TGT: 35 years
PRT & PRT (Music): 30 years

How to prepare for KVS current affairs?

The candidates must read newspapers, watch news channels on tv or stream online new portals for updates on the latest and trending news. This will help the candidates to prepare for the KVS Current Affairs sections.

Is there negative marking in KVS Exam 2023?

No, there is no negative marking in KVS Exam 2023. This means the candidates can easily attempt all the questions even if they are not sure about the answer.

About the Author

I contribute as a content Manager at Adda247, focusing on National and State Level Competitive Government Exams for the Teaching Vertical. My role involves meticulous research and the creation of compelling articles, aimed at guiding and informing aspiring candidates, all in alignment with Adda247's commitment to educational excellence.