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Sangathan se Samriddhi Campaign, Mobilizing 10 Crore Rural Women into Self Help Groups

Sangathan se Samriddhi Campaign: Sangathan Se Samridhhi campaign lunched under DAY-NRLM to bring all the vulnerable and marginalized rural households under the Self-Help Group (SHG) fold. Sangathan se Samriddhi Campaign is also important for UPSC Prelims Exam 2023 and UPSC Mains Exam (GS Paper 2- various government initiatives to promote different sectors in India).

Sangathan Se Samridhhi Campaign in News

Recently, “Sangathan Se Samridhhi– Leaving no Rural Woman Behind” campaign was launched by The Ministry of Rural Development’s Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM).

Sangathan Se Samridhhi Campaign 2023

Sangathan Se Samridhhi– Leaving no Rural Woman Behind” is a national campaign under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Samaveshi Vikaas. Sangathan Se Samridhhi campaign aimed at mobilizing 10 crore women from eligible rural households.

  • Mandate: The Sangathan Se Samridhhi campaign aspires to bring all the vulnerable and marginalized rural households under the Self-Help Group (SHG) fold to enable them to draw benefits provided under the programme.
  • Duration: Sangathan Se Samridhhi campaign will go on till June 30th 2023.
  • Scope: The campaign will be organized in all states of India.

Sangathan Se Samridhhi Campaign Activities

Sangathan Se Samridhhi Campaign was launched with the expectation of forming more than 1.1 lakh SHGs during the period through interventions like-

  • Organizing General Body Meetings of Village Organizations and experience sharing by SHG champions to motivate left out households to join SHGs,
  • Conducting Community Resource Person drives,
  • Mobilizing eligible women from PMAY-G beneficiary households,
  • Training new SHG members,
  • Reviving defunct SHGs,
  • Opening SHG bank accounts and
  • Creation of a common database of SHGs promoted by other stakeholders.

What are Self Help Groups (SHGs)?

Self Help Groups are informal associations of people who come together to find ways to improve their living conditions. They help to build social capital among the poor, especially women.

  • Members: The SHG members generally have similar socio-economic background.
  • Key Objectives: Self Help Groups are formed with following key objectives-
    • To encourage and motivate its members to save,
    • To persuade them to make a collective plan for generation of additional income,
    • To act as a conduit for formal banking services to reach them.
  • Significance: Such groups work as a collective guarantee system for members who propose to borrow from organised sources.
    • Consequently, Self-Help Groups have emerged as the most effective mechanism for delivery of micro-finance services to the poor.
  • SHG examples: SEWA in Gujarat, MYRADA in Karnataka, TANWA in Tamil Nadu, Ramkrishna mission in Jharkhand, ADITHI in Bihar.

Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM)

DAY-NRLM aims to mobilise rural poor households into SHGs in a phased manner and provide them long-term support to diversify their livelihoods and improve their incomes and quality of life.

  • The Mission is also working towards empowering the women SHG members through awareness generation and behaviour change communication on issues like domestic violence, women’s education and other gender-related concerns, nutrition, sanitation, health etc.

Self Help Groups and Eshakti: Definition, Importance, Challenges and Recommendations

Self Help Groups and Eshakti: Definition, Importance, Challenges and Recommendations

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What is Sangathan Se Samridhhi Campaign?

Sangathan Se Samridhhi– Leaving no Rural Woman Behind” is a national campaign under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Samaveshi Vikaas. Sangathan Se Samridhhi campaign aimed at mobilizing 10 crore women from eligible rural households.

What is Self Help Group (SHG)?

Self Help Groups are informal associations of people who come together to find ways to improve their living conditions.

What are the examples of the Self Help Groups (SHGs)?

Some of the most famous Self Help Group (SHG) in India are SEWA in Gujarat, MYRADA in Karnataka, TANWA in Tamil Nadu, Ramkrishna Mission in Jharkhand, ADITHI in Bihar.

Who are the Members of Self Help Groups (SHGs)?

Self Help Group (SHG) members generally include women from disadvantaged socio-economic background.

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