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National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Merger and Function

Formerly known as the National Sample Survey Organisation, the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) stands as India’s largest organization conducting regular socio-economic surveys. This subject is relevant to the Indian Economy section of the IAS Exam, and candidates should anticipate questions on this topic for UPSC prelims, mains, or even in the Economics optional paper.

National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)

The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) is an important body under India’s Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI), which was formed in 1950. NSSO is in charge of conducting large-scale sample surveys around the country, which cover a wide range of socioeconomic issues.

These surveys provide valuable insights into various demographic, economic, and social indicators, serving as vital inputs for policy formulation, planning, and decision-making by the government, researchers, and policymakers.

  • NSSO’s workforce comprises members from the Indian Statistical Service (appointed through the UPSC) and the Subordinate Statistical Service (appointed through the Staff Selection Commission). Its surveys are designed to capture representative samples of the population, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the data collected.
  • Over the years, NSSO has played a crucial role in monitoring and analyzing trends in employment, income, consumption, poverty, education, health, and other important socio-economic dimensions, contributing significantly to the understanding of India’s development challenges and progress.

Background of National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)

Established in 1950, the NSSO was tasked with conducting extensive sample surveys across India. Its workforce comprises members from the Indian Statistical Service (recruited through the UPSC) and the Subordinate Statistical Service (appointed through the Staff Selection Commission).

Divisions of the NSSO
Division Responsibilities Headquarters
Survey Design and Research Division Technical planning of surveys,
Formulation of Concepts and Definitions,
Sampling Design,
Designing of Inquiry Schedules,
Drawing up of Tabulation Plan,
Analysis and Presentation of Survey Results.
Field Operations Division Collection of primary data for the surveys undertaken by NSSO Delhi/ Faridabad
Data Processing Division Sample Selection,
Software Development,
Validation And
Tabulation of the data collected through surveys.
Co-ordination & Publication Division Coordinates all the various departments and divisions in the NSSO
Also publishes its annual journal.

Central Statistics Office (CSO)

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) in India is the principal agency responsible for coordinating statistical activities in the country. It functions under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) and is tasked with evolving and maintaining statistical standards, conducting various statistical surveys, and compiling data related to national accounts, industrial production, consumer price indices, and other economic and social indicators. The CSO plays a crucial role in providing reliable and timely statistical information for policy formulation, planning, and decision-making at both the central and state levels in India.

Background of Central Statistics Office

Formerly known as the Central Statistics Organisation of India, CSO is in charge of coordinating statistical activities in India and developing and upholding statistical standards. The CSO is led by the Director-General, supported by five additional Director-Generals, four Deputy Director-Generals, six Joint Directors, seven special task officers, thirty deputy directors, 48 assistant directors, and other staff. It houses a well-equipped Graphical Unit and is situated in Delhi.

Its functions include:

  • Compiling National Account Statistics (NAS)
  • Conducting the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), Economic Censuses, and subsequent surveys
  • Compiling the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) and Consumer Price Indices for Urban Non-Manual Employees
  • Collecting Human Development Statistics and Gender Statistics
  • Providing training in Official Statistics
  • Overseeing statistical development work for Five-Year Plans in states and union territories
  • Broadcasting statistical information on energy, construction, and the environment.

Merge of NSSO with CSO to form NSO

The merger of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) with the Central Statistics Office (CSO) to form the National Statistical Office (NSO) in May 2019 represents a strategic restructuring aimed at enhancing the efficiency and coherence of statistical operations in India. Under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI), NSO consolidates resources and eliminates redundancies while covering a wide spectrum of statistical activities, including large-scale sample surveys, national accounts compilation, and industrial production indices. This integration seeks to streamline data collection, analysis, and dissemination processes, ultimately facilitating informed policy formulation and socio-economic planning at both central and state levels.

National Statistical Office (NSO)

When the government issued the order to merge NSSO and CSO, it didn’t mention any involvement of the National Statistical Office (NSO). As of February 2021, the NSO’s official website is inactive, and any updates regarding NSO will be provided here. Candidates should critically analyze the merger of NSSO and CSO using the following points:

  • The merger may compromise the autonomy of NSSO as it becomes part of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI).
  • Placing the merged entity under the MoSPI Secretary’s authority raises concerns about the independence of the process for collecting and publishing official survey data.

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What is national sample survey?

The National Sample Survey (NSS) which came into existence in the year 1950, is a multi-subject integrated continuing sample survey programme launched for collection of data on the various aspects of the national economy required by different agencies of the Government, both Central and States.

Who releases the national sample survey?

National Sample Survey Office(NSSO) Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. Government Of India.

Who started national sample survey in India?

The National Sample Survey was started at the instance of Prime Minister Nehru with the aim of obtaining comprehensive and continuing information relating to social, economic and demographic conditions on a country-wide basis.

What is the National Sample Survey Office?

The National Sample Survey Office(NSSO) headed by a Director General is responsible for conduct of large scale sample surveys in diverse fields on All India basis. Primarily data are collected through nation-wide household surveys on various socio-economic subjects, Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), etc.

Where is the headquarter of Nsso in India?

Field Operations Division (FOD): The Division, with its headquarters at Delhi/Faridabad and a network of six Zonal Offices, 49 Regional Offices and 118 Sub-Regional Offices spread throughout the country, is responsible for the collection of primary data for the surveys undertaken by NSSO.

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