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Stages of Child Development and Growth Complete Notes

Stages of Child Development and Growth: Stages of development make a child physically, mentally, emotionally, and verbally developed. Development of a Child starts from birth to the beginning of adulthood. To understand child growth, we have to learn about the stages of development. Every psychologist has mentioned different stages of child development. Let’s learn about stages from birth to adulthood of development given by various psychologists. The child Development Topic is Stages of Development- Child Growth and Development.

Different Stages of Child Development (From Infancy to Adolescence)

Child Development

It refers to qualitative changes taking place in an individual simultaneously with quantitive changes of growth. Development not only represents changes in an organism physically from its origin to its death but more particularly it is the progressive changes with take place from its origin to maturity.

Stages of Child Development

The development of human being passes through various stages. Each and every stage has different characteristics and behaviours. The characteristics of one stage differ the characteristics of the other stage. Hence, in order to understand a child, the teacher must know these characteristics. The different psychologists have divided the human development in different stages. Some of the classifications are as below.

According to Ross Child Development 

The human development passes through the following stages :

(i) Infancy 1 to 3 years
(ii) Early childhood 3 to 6 years
(iii) Late childhood 6 to 12 years
(iv) Adolescence 12 to 18 years

According to Sellay State of Developmen

(i) Infancy 1 to 2 year
(ii) Childhood 3 to 6 years
(iii) Late childhood 6 to 12 years
(iv) Adolescence 12 to 18 years

According to Kolesnic Stage of Development 

(i) Pre – natal The period from conception to birth is termed as ‘pre – natal’ stage
(ii) Neo-natal From birth to 3 or 4 weeks
(iii) Early Infancy 15 to 30 months
(iv) Late Infancy 5 to 9 years
(v) Early Childhood 30 months to 5 years
(vi) Middle Childhood 5 to 9 years
(vii) Late Childhood 9 to 12 years
(viii) Adolescence 12 to 21 years

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According to Ruch of Child Development

(a) Germinal Period Its duration is 0 to 2 weeks. During this period, the fertilized ovum develops due to cell – division.
(b) Embryonic Stage This stage lasts from 2 to 10 weeks. In this stage, the various organs of the body start getting their shapes developed
(c) Foetal Stage From 10 weeks to the birth period comes under this stage.

According to E.B. Hurlock

1. Pre-natal Period From conception period to birth i.e., 280 days.
2. Infancy Stage From birth to 2 weeks
3. Babyhood upto 2 years
4. Childhood
(a) Early childhood
(b) Later childhood
From 2 to 11 or 12 years.
upto 6 years
From 7 to 12 years
5. Adolescence
(a) Pre Adolescence
(b) Early Adolescence
(c) Later Adolescence
From 11 to 13 years to 20 – 21 years.
In girls, it is 11 – 13 years and in boys it is one year later.
upto 16 – 17 years
upto 20 – 21 years

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According to Dr. C.L. Kundu and Dr. D.N. Tutoo

1. Pre-natal
a. Ovum
b. Embryo
c. Foetus
0 to 250 or 300 days.
0 to 2 weeks
2 to 10 weeks
From 10 weeks till birth
2. Neonate Stage The life period of first two weeks just after birth
3. Infancy First two years after birth
4. Early Childhood 2 to 6 years
5. Middle Childhood 6 to 10 years
6. Late Childhood 10 to 13 years 1
7. Puberty In girls it is in 12 years, boys in 14 years
8. Early Adolescence 13 to 15 years
9. Later Adolescence 15 to 20 years
10. Adulthood and old age From 20 years to the end

According to Jones  of State Development

(a) Infancy From birth to 5 years
(b) Childhood 6 to 12 years
(c) Adolescence 13 to 19 years
(d) Adulthood Above 20 years

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What are the 5 developmental stages?

newborn, infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age stages.

In which state is the Physical growth is rapid?


Child using whole arm movement in writing before he uses his fingers in holding a pen or pencil is indicative of

This principle states that development proceeds from the center of the body outward.The limbs of the body form before the hands and the feet, and the hands and the feet develop before the fingers and the toes.

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Follow all the above activities

The major difference about the concept of development between JE Anderson and E Hurlock is that Anderson considers it as ……….. and Hurlock considers it as ……….

The major difference about the concept of development between JE Anderson and E Hurlock is that Anderson considers it as ……….. and Hurlock considers it as ……….

What do you mean by stages of development?

A stage of development is an age period when certain needs, behaviors, experiences and capabilities are common and different from other age periods.