Table of Contents
Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Services Selection Board (UPSESSB), Allahabad, is all set to conduct the UP TGT exam. Candidates aspiring for the UP TGT Hindi position must have a thorough understanding of the UP TGT Hindi Syllabus and exam pattern to ensure effective preparation. The TGT Hindi syllabus focuses on a wide range of topics, including Hindi literature, grammar, and language science, which are essential for evaluating a candidate’s proficiency in teaching Hindi at the secondary school level. This article will provide detailed insights into the UP TGT Hindi Syllabus, helping candidates prepare systematically for the exam.
UP TGT Hindi Syllabus 2025
The UP TGT Hindi syllabus 2025 is designed to test candidates’ knowledge of various aspects of the Hindi language, including literature, grammar, and linguistic concepts. The syllabus covers topics from Hindi literature across different periods, language skills such as comprehension, usage, and grammar, along with significant literary works. Candidates are expected to be well-versed in classical and modern Hindi literature, literary criticism, as well as the structure and nuances of the Hindi language. A comprehensive understanding of the syllabus is essential for clearing the exam and preparing for the Hindi TGT Teacher role.
Uttar Pradesh Hindi TGT Syllabus: Outline
The UP TGT Hindi syllabus covers three major areas: Hindi Literature, Grammar, and Language Science. Each of these areas includes specific topics that will be tested in the exam. Here’s a breakdown of the syllabus to guide your preparation:
Uttar Pradesh Hindi TGT Syllabus 2025: Outline | |
Recruitment Name | UP TGT PGT Teacher Vacancy |
Origination Name | Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board |
Advertisement No. | Advt No. 01/2022 |
Selection Process | Written Exam, Interview |
Section | UP TGT Hindi Syllabus |
No. of TGT Vacancy | 3539 |
Syllabus Sections | Hindi Literature, Grammar, and Language Science |
Exam Date for TGT | 14-15 May 2025 |
UP TGT Hindi Exam Pattern 2025
The UP TGT Hindi Exam 2025 is aimed at assessing candidates’ expertise in various aspects of the Hindi language, including literature, grammar, and linguistic analysis. The exam will consist of 125 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), each worth 4 marks, leading to a total score of 500 marks. Candidates will be asked to focus on key topics within Hindi literature, language structure, and grammar.
The exam will last for 2 hours, and all 125 questions are mandatory. Each question will feature four answer options, with only one correct response, which candidates must mark by shading the corresponding circle with a black ballpoint pen. There will be no negative marks in the exam, giving candidates the freedom to attempt all questions confidently without the fear of losing marks for incorrect answers.
Exam Component | Details |
Total Questions | 125 MCQs |
Marks per Question | 4 marks |
Total Marks | 500 marks |
Exam Duration | 2 hours |
Question Type | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Answer Options per Question | 4 options (only 1 correct) |
Marking Scheme | No negative marking |
Compulsory Questions | All questions are compulsory |
Focus Areas | Hindi Literature, Grammar, Language Structure, Poetry, Prose |
UP TGT Syllabus in Hindi
The UP TGT Hindi Detailed Syllabus 2025 focuses on a wide array of topics within Hindi literature, grammar, and language structure. Candidates aiming to appear for the exam should concentrate on these key areas, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of both theoretical concepts and practical applications. The syllabus is designed to test various aspects of Hindi proficiency, including literary history, grammar, poetry, prose, and language structure. Below is a detailed breakdown of the UP TGT syllabus in Hindi.
Section | Topics |
हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास | आदिकाल, भक्तिकाल, (संत काव्य, सूफी काव्य, रामकाव्य, कृष्ण काव्य) रीतिकाल, आधुनिक काल, भारतेन्दु युग, द्विवेदी युग, छायावाद, प्रगतिवाद, प्रयोगवाद, नयी कविता। |
हिन्दी गद्य साहित्य का विकास | निबन्ध, नाटक उपन्यास, कहानी, हिन्दी गद्य की लघु विधाएं-जीवनी, आत्मकथा, सस्मरण रेखा चित्र, यात्रा-साहित्य, गद्यकाव्य व्यग्य। |
काव्य शास्त्र |
हिन्दी के रचनाकार एवं उनकी रचनाएँ। काव्य के भेद रस-अवयव भेद, छन्द, अलंकार, शब्दालंकार, अर्थालंकार, काव्यगुण, काव्य दोष । |
भाषा विज्ञान |
हिन्दी की बोलियाँ, विभाषाएं, हिन्दी की शब्द सम्प्रदा, हिन्दी की ध्वनियाँ देवनागरी लिपि मामाकरण, विकास विशेषताएं, त्रुटियाँ सुधार के प्रयत्न। |
व्याकरण | लिंग वचन, कारक, सन्धि, समास, वर्तनी, वाक्य, शुद्धिकरण, शब्द रूप-पर्यायवाची, विलोम, श्रुति समभिन्नार्थक शब्द, वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द, मुहावरा, लोकोक्ति। |
संस्कृत साहित्य |
(क) संस्कृत के प्रमुख रचनाकार एवं उनकी रचनाएं, कालिदास, भवभूति, गारवि, माघ, दण्डी, श्रीहर्ष। |
(ख) सन्धि-स्वर एवं व्यंजन सन्धि, समास, शब्द रूप, प्रतु रूप कारक प्रयोग। | |
(ग) अनुवाद |
Download UP TGT Hindi Syllabus PDF
The UP TGT Hindi Syllabus PDF is an essential resource for candidates preparing for the exam. This UP TGT Hindi syllabus PDF provides a comprehensive breakdown of all the topics covered in the Hindi syllabus, offering a structured approach to your studies. By downloading the PDF, candidates can easily track their progress, focus on the key areas, and ensure a focused and thorough preparation for the exam. If needed, candidates can also check the complete UP TGT PGT syllabus for all posts under UPSESSB to ensure they are well-prepared across various subjects.
Download UP TGT Hindi Syllabus PDF