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KVS Transfer Policy, Check Revised Transfer Guidelines for Teaching and Non Teaching Posts

KVS Transfer Policy: The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) is responsible for overseeing the operations of all central schools across the country. These schools employ individuals in different positions such as PGT, TGT, PRT, and Non-Teaching roles. In the current year, KVS is planning to announce over 10,000 vacancies for teaching and non-teaching positions. Following each recruitment phase, teachers are assigned to various locations throughout India.

Due to the enticing benefits provided by KVS jobs, teachers often have to relocate from their homes, families, and states. To facilitate the return of teachers to their preferred cities or states, KVS has introduced a revised transfer policy. The specifics of this transfer policy for TGT, PGT, and Non-Teaching Staff are outlined below:

KVS Transfer Policy- Applicability & Transfer Process

The Transfer guidelines shall be applicable to all categories of Teachers up to PGTs, Librarian, Head Master, and all non-teaching employees up to Assistant Section Officer.

  1. As far as possible KVS will invite Annual Transfer Applications through an ONLINE mode. Annual Transfers will also be operated on the basis of the computerized database through a computerized process.
  2. All Transfer orders issued during the Annual Transfer process will be displayed on the website of the KVS (HQ).

Types of Transfer

Transfer may broadly be classified in two types:

  • Administrative Transfer, which the KVS orders in the exigencies of service and administration and in public interest.
  • Request Transfer which is considered on the request of an employee.

Eligibility for Transfer

  • a) Redeploy surplus staff in excess of sanctioned strength at a location to other locations against sanctioned vacancies.
  • b) Post employees in Hard/NER stations to fill the vacant posts.
  • c) Displacement of an employee from a location to accommodate the request of an employee who is LTR/DFP/MDG/PH employee/Widow/ Single Parent/employees who have completed tenure In Hard/NER station.
  • d) Rotational transfer of employees working in sensitive posts in pursuance with the instructions issued by the Central Vigilance Commission
  • e) Employees recruited under North East Region (NER) Special Recruitment Drive will be transferred within North East Region only on administrative ground

Tenure for KVS Transfer

S. no. Post For Hard and NER Stations For Normal Stations
1 Deputy Commissioner/Director ZIET 3 3
2 Assistant Commissioner 3 5
3 Principal 3 5
4 Vice Principal 3 5
5 Administrative Officer 3 5
6 Finance Officer 3 5
7 Section Officer 3 5
8 Teachers up to the post of PGT 3 5
9 Non teaching Employee up to the post of Assistant Section Officer 3 5

Factors, Points and Calculation Of Displacement Count Of An Employee For Displacement Transfer: –

Displacement Count of an employee shall be computed by assigning appropriate points to such appropriate factors considered material for displacement as per the following: –

S.N. Factors Points to Be Counted as on 30th June Of the Year
1. Stay at a station in the same post as on 30th June in complete years.


(a) Period of absence on any account shall also be counted for this purpose.

(b) If an employee returns to station X on request after being transferred from X within three years, the stay of such an employee at X shall be the number of years spent at X before being transferred plus the number of years spent after coming at X. However, if an employee returns to the station, after a period 02 years in Very Hard (existed earlier) and 03 years from Hard/North East Region (NER) station, the stay shall be counted afresh.

Note: Category of Very Hard Station is abolished w.e.f. year 2017.

+2 For each completed year
2. Annual Performance Appraisal Report Grading for the last two years. +2 For each completed year
3. Employees below 40 years (as on 30th June of the year) who have not completed one tenure at Very Hard (existed earlier)/Hard /NER stations (during entire service on any post). Y/N (Indicate Y for Yes and N for No)
4. Less than three years to retire (LTR) Death of family person (DFP)/ Widow / Single Parent / Medical ground (MDG)

Clarification: If an employee qualifies for more than one ground the points shall be limited to a maximum of ( – ) 50 only.

 – 50
5. Spouse, if a KVS Employee and posted at the same station or within 100 km  – 50
6. Spouse, if a Central Government/Central Govt. Autonomous body/ Central Govt. Public Sector Undertaking/Defence employee and Central Armed Police Forces employee posted at the same station or within 100 km  – 40
7. Spouse, if a state Government/ State Govt. Autonomous body/ State Govt. Public Sector Undertaking Employee and posted at the same station or within 100 km  – 30
8. Woman employee who is not spouse of a KVS / Defence / Central or State Govt. (or its autonomous body/ its public sector Undertaking) / Central Armed Police Forces employee or an unmarried lady  – 20
9. Physically Challenged employees.  – 60
10. Members of recognized associations of KVS staff who are also members of JCM at KVS regional offices and/or KVS Headquarters.  – 25
11. Award winning employees:
(a) National award given by the President of India  – 6
(b) KVS National Incentive award  – 4
(c) KVS Regional Incentive Award  – 2
Clarification: If an employee has won any two or all the three awards then the maximum concession of marks shall be given as (-)6
Total Displacement Count Total score of all the points

Request Transfer of Employee

  • Transfer Count: Employees who have completed 01 year stay at the present place of posting as on 30th June of the relevant year are eligible to apply for Request Transfer. An employee will not be eligible to request a transfer twice in an academic year.
  • Working Period: An employee who gets a choice station on request transfer shall not be considered again for request transfer before elapsing a period of 03 years at the choice station. This condition shall not be applicable in the cases of those employees whose spouses are working in KVS or other departments/organizations of Govt. of India/State Govt. having All – India transfer liability.
  • Double Shift: An employee posted in a double shift Kendriya Vidyalaya, if wants to change his/her shift in the same Vidyalaya against a vacancy, he/she can apply for the same during the annual transfer.
  • North East Region (NER): The employees recruited under North East Region (NER) special recruitment drive shall not be considered for request transfer Including Mutual Transfer/No Taker Vacancy Outside North East Region in accordance with the terms and conditions as per the policy in this regard. However, this condition shall not be applicable in the cases of those employees, whose cases are covered under Death of Family Person (DFP) and Medical Ground (MDG)
  • Zonal policy: All the employees of KVS including those recruited under the Zonal policy would be treated at par and governed by these Transfer Guidelines.

Method of Administrative Transfer

  • Administrative transfer under clause 5(a) shall be made In the decreasing order of displacement count of employees holding a post at the station to eliminate surplus staff and such staff shall be accommodated against clear vacancies.
  • Administrative transfer under 5(b) shall be made in decreasing order of the displacement count of employees holding a post to fill up anticipated vacancies in hard stations and other desired stations to a desired extent.
  • an employee seeking to request transfer within the same station can apply for KVs choice but such transfer will be considered only against vacancy and this will not affect the station seniority of the employee and will be liable to be transferred/ displaced in the public interest.
  • Candidates have to go through the online transfer procedure till 17 Sept 2021

Factors, Points and Calculation Of Transfer Count Of An Employee For Request Transfer: –

S.N. Factors Points to be counted as on 30th June of the year
1. Active Stay at a station in the same post as on 30th June for all stations (periods of continuous absence of 30 days or more at normal station and 45 days or more at Hard/NER stations shall not be counted)

Clarification: An employee whose transfer order is issued on or after 20th June during the process of annual transfer Shall be allowed to count the period from 01st July till the date of issue of the transfer order + admissible joining time, taken together for counting a tenure at Hard/NER station.

+2 for each completed year
2. Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) Grading for the last two years.

If the report for any of the last two years is not written or is unavailable, APAR for the corresponding previous year will be considered.

+2 for outstanding grading for each year
3. Award winning employees:
(a) National award given by the President of India +6
(b) KVS National Incentive award +4
(c) KVS Regional Incentive Award +2
Clarification: If an employee has won any two or all the three awards then the maximum concession of +6 marks shall be given.
4. Spouse if working in KVS at the requested station or within 100 km. +50
4(a) Spouse, if working in a Central Government/Central Govt. Autonomous body/ Central Govt. Public Sector Undertaking/ Defence / Central Armed Police Forces employee at the requested station or within 100 km. +40
5. Spouse, if working in State Government/ State Govt. Autonomous body/ State Govt. Public Sector Undertaking at the requested station or within 100 km. +30
6. Less than three years to retire (LTR)/ Death of family person (DFP)/ Medical ground (MDG)/Widow/ Single Parent.


(a)  if an employee qualifies for more than one ground the points shall be limited to a maximum of +50 only.

(b)  Further. If an employee has already secured a request transfer in previous year(s) on the basis of these grounds, then points shall not be given again.

7. Completion of tenure (03 years) in Hard/NER stations at present place of posting. +55
8. Physically challenged employee.

Further, if an employee has already secured a request transfer in previous year(s) on the basis of this ground, the points shall not be given again in the same post.

9. Woman employee who is not spouse of a KVS/ Defence / Central or State Govt. (or its autonomous body/ its public sector undertaking) / Central Armed Police Forces employee or an unmarried lady.

Clarification: Women employees eligible for points under serial no. 4, 4(a), 5 and 6 herein above shall not be eligible for this Transfer points.

10. Members of recognized associations of KVS staff who are also members of JCM at KVS regional offices and/or KVS Headquarters.

Clarification: NJCM members shall claim these transfer counts for seeking transfer anywhere in the country whereas RJCM members shall claim these transfer counts for seeking transfer within the same region only.

Total Transfer Count Total score of all the points

Method For Request Transfer

Request transfer for a post will be considered at a station on the basis of decreasing order of “Transfer Count” computed on the basis of clause 10 of competing employees. In case of a tie in the transfer count of two or more employees competing for a location/station, the female employee shall be preferred first. In case of tie in two or more employees of the same gender an employee with an earlier date of joining in present post in present station shall be accommodated and in case, if the date of joining in present post in present station also coincides then the older employee shall be first accommodated. Transfer counts of all request transfer applications shall be displayed on KVS website before issuing transfer orders. Fresh applications shall be invited for Mutual and transfer against No – Taker Vacancies as per the prescribed schedule.  The Minimum Transfer Counts for consideration of a request of transfer will be Two (02) only. Candidate have to go through the online transfer procedure till 17 Sept 2021

Mutual Transfer

An employee shall be eligible for seeking a Mutual Transfer at his/her desired place, if, she/he full – fills the following conditions: –

  • (i) If, he/she has completed at least 01 year stay in the same post at the same station on as on 30th June. However, an employee who gets choice station on request transfer shall not be considered again for request transfer before elapsing a period of 03 years at the choice station. This condition shall not be applicable in the cases of those employees whose spouses are working in KVS or other Departments/Organisation of Govt. of India/State Govt. having all – India Transfer Liability.
  • (ii) Benefit of the Mutual Transfer shall only be allowed twice in the entire Service Period with the condition that the same pair of employees cannot seek the second time Mutual Transfer with each other.
  • (iii) The entry for availing the opportunity of a Mutual transfer shall be made in the service records of the employee. Mutual Transfer seeker employees shall apply separately through proper channel after the completion of the normal process of transfer every year. The mutual transfer of an employee shall be considered only once in an academic year at the end of annual transfer process.
  • (iv) Mutual Transfers will be treated as Request Transfer.
  • (v) Yoga Teacher can apply for their request transfer to any KV. Transfer of a Yoga Techer shall be treated as transfer with his / her post.

 Calendar of Activities Of Annual Transfer

A detailed calendar of activities of annual transfer will be prepared by KVS to effect annual transfers pursuant to these guidelines. As far as possible, the following time frame/deadlines will be followed by the KVS to complete the transfer process: –

  1. To be notified by KVS in month of January.
  2. Transfer requests in exceptional circumstances against clear vacancies will be done with the approval of the Commissioner KVS after completion of transfer process in the following cases: –
  3. Death of Family Person (DFP)
  4. Medical Ground (MDG) of employee (self & family member) as per Annexure – I of transfer guidelines.

Type of diseases prescribed as valid for transfer on medical grounds

1. Cancer.
2. Paralytic Stroke.
3. Renal Failure.
4. Coronary Artery Disease
5. Thalassaemia.
6. Parkinsons’ Disease.
7. Motor – Neuron Disease.
8. Any Other Disease with More Than 50% Mental Disability.
9. Aids

KVS Transfer Detailed Policy

KVS Recruitment 2022 Links
How to Prepare KVS? KVS Previous Year Papers
KVS Selection Process What is KVS?


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What is the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) responsible for?

The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) oversees the operations of all central schools across the country. These schools employ individuals in different positions such as PGT, TGT, PRT, and Non-Teaching roles.

How many vacancies is KVS planning to announce in the current year for teaching and non-teaching positions?

In the current year, KVS is planning to announce over 10,000 vacancies for teaching and non-teaching positions.

What has KVS introduced to facilitate teachers' return to their preferred cities or states?

To facilitate the return of teachers to their preferred cities or states, KVS has introduced a revised transfer policy.

Who does the KVS Transfer Policy apply to?

The KVS Transfer Policy applies to all categories of Teachers up to PGTs, Librarian, Head Master, and all non-teaching employees up to Assistant Section Officer.

How are Annual Transfers conducted in KVS?

KVS invites Annual Transfer Applications through an online mode as far as possible. The transfer process is computerized, based on a computerized database.

Where can I find the transfer orders issued during the Annual Transfer process?

All transfer orders issued during the Annual Transfer process are displayed on the website of the KVS (HQ).

About the Author

I serve as a Team Leader at Adda247, specializing in National and State Level Competitive Government Exams within the Teaching Vertical. My responsibilities encompass thorough research and the development of informative and engaging articles designed to assist and guide aspiring candidates. This work is conducted in alignment with Adda247's dedication to educational excellence.