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UGC NET Selection Process 2023 & Document Verification

UGC NET Selection Process 2023: UGC NET Selection Process for Assistant Professor & Junior Research Fellowship has been defined by the NTA ( National Testing Agency). University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) is a national-level exam conducted in order to determine the eligibility of candidates for only Assistant Professor or both Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Assistant Professor posts in Indian universities and colleges. Here in this article check all information regarding the UGC NET selection process and passing Marks.

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UGC NET Selection Process 2023

Candidates who are appearing for UGC NET 2023 exam should need to know about the UGC NET Selection Process. In UGC NET Exam, the selection process consists of various steps in which the number of candidates to be qualified (total slots or Eligibility for Assistant Professor) shall be equal to 6% of the candidates who appeared in both the papers of NET and 1% (for JRF) from which the final selection will be made. Check out the details UGC NET selection process given below now that the UGC NET Result 2023 and UGC NET Cut Off Marks 2023 is released.

UGC NET Selection Process Guidelines

In UGC NET Selection Process, there are some guidelines which is followed by the NTA while preparing the UGC NET Final Result. Let us now go through the UGC NET selection process, which will help you understand:

  • Step 1: The number of candidates to be qualified (in all slots or Eligibility for Assistant Professor) shall be equal to 6% of the candidates who appeared in both the papers of NET and only 1% will qualify for the JRF Exam among the all.

Note: The total slots shall be allocated to different categories as per the reservation policy of the Government of India

  • Step 2: The UGC NET 2023 exam is going to be conducted online as a Computer Based Test (CBT). In order to be considered for ‘JRF and Eligibility for Assistant Professor’ and for ‘Assistant Professor’, the candidate must have appeared in both the papers and secured at least 40% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for General (Unreserved) category and at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for all candidates belonging to the reserved categories.
  • Step 3: The number of candidates to be declared qualified in any subject for a particular category is calculated by the given mentioned rules.

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For Example :

Number of candidates to be declared qualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor in the subject ‘Economics’ for the Scheduled Caste (SC) category The number of candidates belonging to SC category who secure at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for SC category for ‘Economics’ (x) Total slots derived for SC category as per the above note mentioned  (÷) Total number of candidates belonging to SC category over all subjects who secure at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together.

The aggregate percentage marks of the two papers corresponding to the number of total slots arrived at, shall determine the qualifying cut-off for Eligibility for Assistant Professor ‘in ‘Economics’ for the SC category.

Step 4: All candidates who had applied for JRF & Assistant Professor or both’ out of the total number of qualified candidates derived as per Step 3, shall constitute the consideration zone for JRF.

The total number of slots available for awarding JRF is allocated among different categories as per the reservation policy of the Government of India.

For Example

Number of candidates to be declared qualified for JRF & Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in the subject ‘Economics’ for the Scheduled Tribe (ST) category Number of candidates belonging to ST category who have opted for JRF and have qualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in the subject ‘Economics’ (x) Total JRF slots available for ST category (÷) Total number of candidates belonging to ST category over all subjects who have opted for JRF and have qualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor

UGC NET Selection Process Reservation Policy

The Reservation Policy of the Government of India is applicable to UGC-NET. Here we are discussing the various Reservation Policies category-wise.

(i) 15% of the seats for Scheduled Castes (SC) candidates
(ii) 7.5% of the seats for Scheduled Tribes (ST) candidates
(iii) 27% of the seats for Other Backward Classes (OBC) Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) candidates as per the Central List*
(iv) 10% of the seats for General – Economically Weaker Sections (General – EWS) candidates
(v) 04% of the seats in the above-mentioned categories for Persons with Disability (PwD) with 40% or more disabilities.
(vi) Reservation for Kashmiri Migrant (subject to notification from Ministry of Education for Academic Session 2021-22)

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UGC NET Selection Process -Normalization

The UGC NET Exam 2023 will be held in a multi-shift. In that way, we have raw marks obtained by the candidates in different shifts/sessions which will be converted to NTA Score (percentile). NTA Score will be calculated corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate.

For Example: In the examination held in two shifts, if the 40% marks correspond to a Percentile score of 78 in Shift 1 and 79 in Shift 2, then all those equal to or above 78 percentiles (Percentile score of 100 to 78) in both shifts will become eligible in General Category. A similar method will be adopted for the other categories to determine eligibility cut-offs. In case the examination is held in a greater number of shifts the same principle shall apply.




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UGC NET Selection Process 2023 & Document Verification_3.1


Q: What is the UGC NET Exam Selection Process 2023?

A: The candidates must read the above article carefully to find out detailed information on the UGC NET 2023 Selection Process. 

Q: Is UGC NET conducted online?

Ans: Yes, ever since NTA started conducting the exam, UGC NET is conducted in online mode as a computer-based test (CBT) only.

About the Author

I contribute as a content Manager at Adda247, focusing on National and State Level Competitive Government Exams for the Teaching Vertical. My role involves meticulous research and the creation of compelling articles, aimed at guiding and informing aspiring candidates, all in alignment with Adda247's commitment to educational excellence.