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EMRS Syllabus 2025 And Exam Pattern for TGT, PGT and Non Teaching

The Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) initiative by the Government of India focuses on delivering quality education to tribal students. To recruit competent professionals for these schools, EMRS conducts national-level exams for various teaching and non-teaching roles. This article outlines the EMRS Syllabus 2025, highlighting the key subjects and topics covered for positions such as Principal, Vice-Principal, PGT, TGT, Junior Secretariat Assistants (JSAs), Accountants, Lab Assistants, Librarians, and Hostel Wardens. Additionally, we provide the complete EMRS syllabus along with a downloadable PDF for detailed preparation guidance.

EMRS Syllabus 2025

The Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS) will conduct the EMRS Exam 2025 to recruit qualified candidates for various teaching and non-teaching positions, including TGT, PGT, Principal, Junior Secretariat Assistants (JSAs), Accountants, Lab Assistants, Librarians, and Hostel Wardens. Aspiring candidates should begin their exam preparation as soon as possible. It is essential to review the complete EMRS Syllabus 2025 to understand the exam pattern, marks distribution, and key topics covered. This will help ensure thorough preparation and increase the chances of success in the EMRS Exam.

EMRS Syllabus 2025 -Overview

Candidates preparing for the EMRS Exam 2025 should start their study plan by thoroughly understanding the EMRS Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025. A clear grasp of both the syllabus and the exam structure is crucial for success in the examination. This article provides a detailed overview of the syllabus and exam pattern for various positions, including Principal, PGT, Accountant, Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA)/Clerk, and Lab Attendant, to help candidates prepare effectively for the upcoming exam.

EMRS Syllabus
Conducting Body National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS)
Mode of Examination Offline
Duration of Exam 3 hours
Category Syllabus
Level of Exam National Level
Category Syllabus
Status Released
EMRS Official Website www.emrs.tribal.gov.in
Selection Process Written and Interview

EMRS Exam Pattern 2025

The EMRS Exam Pattern 2025 varies depending on the post. Candidates are advised to refer to the official notification for detailed information on the exam pattern for each specific position such as TGT, Hostel warden, Principal, PGT, Accountant, Jr. Secretariat Assistant (JSA), and Lab Attendant. The official notification provides comprehensive information about the exam Pattern, marking scheme, and syllabus.

EMRS Librarian Syllabus 2025

EMRS Principal Exam Pattern 2025

Candidates may check the EMRS Exam Pattern 2025 for the Principal Post in the tabular form.

  • Exam (Objective Type): 130 marks and language Competency Test -20 marks
  • Personality Test/ Interview: 40 marks
S. No. Sections No. of Questions
I Reasoning & Numeric Ability 10
II General Awareness 20
III Language Competency Test (General English and General Hindi-10 marks for each subject) 20
IV Academics and residential aspects (Detailed syllabus as on NESTS website) 50
V Administration and Finance (Detailed syllabus as on NESTS Website) 50
Total 150
Note: 1 mark shall be awarded to every correct answer. 0.25 mark shall be deducted for every incorrect answer.

EMRS PGT Exam Pattern 2025

The pattern of the EMRS Exam for PGT comprises a single-stage OMR-based test with objective-type questions. The exam duration is 180 minutes. For PGT posts, there is a negative marking of 0.25 for every incorrect answer.

S. No. Sections No. of Questions
I General Awareness 10
II Reasoning Ability 20
III Knowledge of ICT 10
IV Teaching Aptitude 10
V Domain Knowledge:
a) Subject-specific syllabus as on – the NESTS website under Recruitment
Heading (emrs.tribal.gov.in)
b) Experiential activity-based pedagogy and case study-based questions.
c) NEP-2020
Total 130
VI Language Competency Test (General English and General Hindi-10 mark each subject). This part is qualifying in nature only with a minimum of 40% marks in each language. Part-I to V of the candidate will not be evaluated, if he/she fails to attain qualifying marks in Part VI. 20
Note: 1 mark shall be awarded to every correct answer. 0.25 mark shall be deducted for every incorrect answer.

Note: For all subjects of PGTs, Part-I to IV & VI will be common. Part V will be subject-specific.

EMRS TGT Exam Pattern 2025

The Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) TGT (Trained Graduate Teacher) Exam Pattern has been revised for 2025. There is a negative marking of 0.25 for every incorrect answer. Here’s an overview:

  • Exam Duration: 180 minutes (3 hours)
  • Total Marks: 150
  • Number of Sections: 6
S. No. Sections No. of Questions
I General Awareness 10
II Reasoning Ability 10
III Knowledge of ICT 10
IV Teaching Aptitude 10
V Domain Knowledge:
a) Subject-specific syllabus – Difficulty level Graduation
b) Experiential activity-based pedagogy and case study-based questions.
c) NEP-2020
d) Khelo India, Fit India and other similar programs
of Govt of India (for PETs only)
Total 120
VI Language Competency Test (General Hindi, General
English and Regional Language-10 mark each subject). This part is qualifying in nature only with a minimum of 40% marks in each language. Part-I to V of the candidate will not be evaluated, if he/she fails to attain qualifying marks in Part-VI.
Total 150

EMRS Hostel Warden Exam Pattern 2025

The EMRS Exam consists of six sections, with a total of 120 questions. Section I (General Awareness) includes 10 questions, while Section II (Reasoning Ability) has 20 questions. Section III (Knowledge of ICT) and Section IV (Knowledge of POCSO and other child safety-related Acts of the Government of India) each have 20 and 10 questions, respectively. Section V (Administrative Aptitude) consists of 30 questions. Section VI is the Language Competency Test, which assesses proficiency in General Hindi, General English, and a Regional Language, with 10 marks allocated to each subject. This section is qualifying in nature, requiring candidates to secure at least 40% marks in each language. If a candidate does not meet the minimum requirements in Section VI, the marks from Sections I-V will not be evaluated.

S. No. Sections No. of Questions
I General Awareness 10
II Reasoning Ability 20
III Knowledge of ICT 20
IV Knowledge of POCSO and other children
safety-related Acts of Govt of India.
V Administrative Aptitude 30
VI Language Competency Test (General Hindi, General
English and Regional Language-10 mark each subject). This part is qualifying in nature only with a minimum of 40% marks in each language. Part-I to V of the candidate will not be evaluated, if he/she fails to attain qualifying marks in Part-VI.
Total 120

EMRS Accountant Exam Pattern 2025

The EMRS (Eklavya Model Residential Schools) Accountant Exam pattern consists of a total of 130 marks, with each question carrying one mark. However, candidates must be cautious as there is a negative marking system in place, where a fraction of marks (i.e 0.25) will be deducted for every incorrect answer. Candidates will have a time limit of 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the exam.

  • Exam (Objective type): 130 marks
  • Duration of Exam: 2 hours and 30 Minutes
S. No. Sections No. of Questions
I Reasoning Ability 20
II Quantitative Aptitude 30
III Language Competency Test (General English and General Hindi 10 marks each for each language) 20
IV Basic knowledge of Computer Operation, General Awareness & Current Affairs 20
V Subject Knowledge ( Accountancy, Annual Taxation, Accounts, Budgeting Auditing & Financial Management, GeM) 40
Total 130
Note: 1 mark shall be awarded to every correct answer. 0.25 mark shall be deducted for every incorrect answer.

EMRS Lab Attendant Exam Pattern 2025

The EMRS Lab Attendant Exam Pattern 2025 consists of a total of 120 marks. Each question in the exam carries one mark, and candidates need to be cautious while answering, as there is a negative marking for wrong answers. This means that for every incorrect response, a certain fraction of marks (i.e. 0.25) may be deducted from the total score.

  • Exam (Objective type): 120 marks
  • Duration of Exam: 2 hours and 30 Minutes
S. No. Sections No. of Questions
I Reasoning Ability 15
II General Awareness 15
III Language Competency Test (General English and General Hindi15 marks for each subject) 30
IV Subject-specific knowledge 60
Total 120
  • Note: 1 mark shall be awarded to every correct answer.
  • 0.25 mark shall be deducted for every incorrect answer.

EMRS Exam Pattern for Junior Secretariat Assistant

The EMRS Junior Secretariat Assistant Exam is conducted for a total of 130 marks, with each question worth 1 mark. The exam follows a negative marking system, where 0.25 marks are deducted for each incorrect answer. It is expected to assess candidates on subjects like general knowledge, English language proficiency, numerical aptitude, and reasoning skills. Candidates will be given 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the exam.

  • Exam (Objective type): 130 marks
  • Duration of Exam: 2 hours and 30 Minutes
S. No. Sections No. of Questions
I Reasoning Ability 20
II Quantitative Aptitude 20
III General Awareness 30
IV Language Competency Test (General English and
General Hindi-15 marks for each subject)
V Basic knowledge of Computer Operation 30
Total 130
Note: 1 mark shall be awarded to every correct answer. 0.25 mark shall be deducted for every incorrect answer.

EMRS Syllabus 2025 For Non-Teaching Post

The Non-Teaching Staff Recruitment include the post of Accountant, Junior Secretariat Assistant Lab Assistant and Hostel Warden. The candidates preparing for these posts will find the EMRS Syllabus for Non Teaching Staff in the above section. It is of paramount importance for the candidates to go through the Syllabus for Non Teaching Staff to ensure they understand the nuance of the syllabus and exam pattern.

EMRS TGT Syllabus 2025

The EMRS TGT syllabus is an essential document for anyone preparing for the Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) recruitment exam. It outlines the specific topics and sub-topics that will be covered in the various sections of the exam, which include:

  • General Awareness: Current affairs, history, geography, Indian Polity, economy, and science.
  • Reasoning Ability: Verbal and non-verbal reasoning, analytical and critical thinking ability.
  • Knowledge of ICT: Fundamental computer knowledge, operating systems, MS Office suite, and keyboard shortcuts.
  • Teaching Aptitude: Principles of teaching, learning, and child development, methodologies, classroom management, and communication skills.
  • Domain Knowledge: Subject-specific knowledge relevant to the chosen teaching domain (e.g., Mathematics, English, Hindi).
  • Language Competency Test: Language proficiency in English and Hindi, including grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.

EMRS PGT Syllabus 2025

Downloading the official EMRS PGT syllabus PDF is crucial for your preparation as it ensures you’re focusing on the right areas and covering the entire scope of the exam. This document outlines the detailed topics and sub-topics you need to master for each section of the exam, including:

  • Part I: General Awareness: Current affairs, national and international events, history, geography, polity, etc.
  • Part II: Reasoning Ability: Analytical reasoning, verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, etc.
  • Part III: Knowledge of ICT: Basic computer knowledge, applications of ICT in education, etc.
  • Part IV: Teaching Aptitude: Principles of teaching, learning methods, classroom management, etc.
  • Part V: Domain Knowledge: Subject-specific syllabus, experiential activity-based pedagogy, case study-based questions, and NEP-2020.

EMRS Syllabus 2025 PDF For All Post

Check out the EMRS Syllabus PDF given for the post of PGT, Principal and Non-Teaching Posts such as Junior Secretariat Assistants (JSAs), Accountants, Lab Assistants, Librarians, and Hostel Warden.

EMRS Teaching Syllabus and Exam Pattern
TGT and Hostel Warden Download PDF
TGT (Manipuri) Download PDF
PGT Download PDF
Principal Download PDF
Non-Teaching Posts Download PDF

EMRS Syllabus 2025 And Exam Pattern for TGT, PGT and Non Teaching_3.1

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EMRS Syllabus 2025 And Exam Pattern for TGT, PGT and Non Teaching_4.1


Q. What will be the difficulty level of the EMRS TGT Recruitment Exam?

Ans. The difficulty level of the EMRS TGT Recruitment Exam is Class X CBSE Unrevised syllabus with a difficulty level up to XII.

Q. Is there any negative marking for EMRS Teaching Recruitment Exam?

Ans. The making system for EMRS Teaching Recruitment Exam is given below :

1 mark shall be awarded to every correct answer.
0.25 mark shall be deducted for every incorrect answer.

Q. In which TGT subjects Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) Teaching Recruitment have been released?

Ans. Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) Subject – English / Hindi / Mathematics / Science/Social Studies

Q. Is the Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) Teaching Recruitment Exam going to be held?

Ans. The Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) Teaching Recruitment Exam will be going to be held offline

About the Author

I contribute as a content Manager at Adda247, focusing on National and State Level Competitive Government Exams for the Teaching Vertical. My role involves meticulous research and the creation of compelling articles, aimed at guiding and informing aspiring candidates, all in alignment with Adda247's commitment to educational excellence.