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Assam TET Syllabus 2024 For Paper 1 and 2 PDF Download

Assam Teacher Eligibility Test (Assam TET) 2024 will be released by the Department of Elementary Education, Assam. Assam TET has held on 2 papers i.e. Paper 1 held for Lower Primary (Classes I to V) & Paper 2 held for Upper Primary Level  (Classes VI to VIII). All the candidates has started preparing for the Assam TET examination.

If want to crack any kinds of the exam you need to have complete information about that exam syllabus and exam pattern. In view of the time, we have given Assam TET Syllabus 2024 in PDF format so that you can easily download and start preparation.

Assam TET Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2024

Candidates need to check the Assam TET Exam Pattern & syllabus for Papers I & II. Here we are sharing the Assam TET Exam Pattern & weightage.

S.No. Paper 1 Subjects Paper 2 Subjects
No. of Questions
Child Development and Pedagogy
Language I (Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, Bodo, Manipuri, Garo, Nepali, Karbi, Hmar (compulsory-any one)
Language II (English)
Mathematics & Science
Or Social Studies/Social Science
Environmental Studies

Assam TET Syllabus For Paper – I and II

To get a better knowledge of the Assam TET Exam, candidates should know the Assam TET  syllabus 2024 and exam pattern properly. The detailed of syllabus , exam pattern has been given below :

Assam TET Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus For Paper – I and II 

Topic Paper – I Paper – II
Sub – Topic Sub – Topic
Child Development
  • Concept and stages of Development, Characteristics of different stages of Development
  • Factors influencing Child Development – Biological, heredity, Psychological and Environmental factors.
  • Dimensions of Child Development – Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Social and Moral. Development of language during early childhood and later childhood.
  • Individual differences – Concept and areas of Individual Differences, Intra and Inter individual differences in various areas of Interest, Habit, Aptitudes, Intelligence, Creativity and their assessment.
  • Personality – Concept and types of Personality and factors influencing personality.
  • Common Behavioural problems of Children – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional, Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Causes and Remedies.
  • Adjustment – Concept of Mental Health and Hygiene
  • Factors influencing Development – Concept and stages of Development, Biological, Psychological and Environmental factors.
  • Dimensions of Child Development –
  • Physical changes, Cognitive, Emotional, Social and Moral, Understanding changes during the stages of development.
  • Individual differences – Concept and areas of Individual Differences, Intra and Inter individual differences in various areas of Interest, Habits, Aptitudes, Intelligence, Creativity and their assessment.
  • Personality – Concept and types of Personality and factors influencing personality.
  • Adjustment – Concept of Mental Health and Hygiene.
  • Adolescence – Stages of Adolescence, problems of adolescence, adolescence education, Guidance and Counselling, Understanding developmental Hazards.
Process of Learning


  • Meaning and Nature of Learning.
  • Factors affecting Learning.
  • Maturation and Readiness for learning.
  • Motivation and Learning.
  • Methods of Learning, Major Laws of Learning with their educational implications.


  • Meaning and Nature of Learning.
  • Factors affecting Learning.
  • Maturation and Readiness for learning.
  • Motivation and Learning.
  • Methods of Learning, Major Laws of Learning with their educational implications.
Theories of Learning
  • Connectionism (Stimulus – Response Theory)
  • Conditioning – Classical and operant
  • Constructivism
  • Connectionism (Stimulus – Response Theory)
  • Conditioning – Classical and operant
  • Constructivism
  • Knowledge of children from Diverse Context – Socio – cultural background, Children with special needs inclusive education, Understanding Children with learning difficulties and Behavioural problems.
  • Organising Teaching – Teaching as planned activity, Phases of Teaching (pre – active, Interactive and Post active Phases), Different methods of teaching – Lecture method, project method, Demonstration method, Heuristic Method Concept of TLM and its importance, Diagnostic and remedial teaching
  • Classroom Management – Role of Teacher and the students, Leadership quality of teacher, time and task Management.
  • Concept of child – centred teaching and competency based teaching EvaluationContinuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Formative and summative evaluation.
  • Knowledge of children from Diverse Context – Socio – cultural background, Children with special needs inclusive education, Understanding Children with learning difficulties and Behavioural problems.
  • Organising Teaching – Teaching as Planned activity, Phases of Teaching (pre – active, Interactive and Post active Phases), Different methods of teaching – Lecture method, project method, Demonstration method, Heuristic Method Concept of TLM and its importance, Diagnostic and remedial teaching,
  • Classroom Management – Role of Teacher and the students, Leadership quality of teacher, time and task Management.
  • Concept of child – centred teaching and competency based teaching.
  • Evaluation – Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Formative and summative evaluation.

 Assam TET Language (Hindi) Syllabus For Paper – I And II

Paper – I Paper – II
1.     हिंदी भाषा की व्युत्पति, क्रम – विकास और उपभाषाओं व बोलियों की अवधारणा।

2.     हिंदी साहित्य के प्रसिद्ध साहित्यकार, जैसे – कबीरदास, सुरदास, तुलसीदास, मीराबाई, भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र, हपारी प्रसाद द्विवेदी, बाबू गुलाब राय, आचार्य रामचन्द्र शुक्ल, महावीर प्रसाद द्विवेदी. प्रमचंद्र दिनकर, निराला, महादेवी वर्मा, हरिशंकर परसाई, हरिऔध, आदि के बारे में सामान्य जानाकारी।

3.     (क) हिंदी भाषा के वर्गों का ज्ञान।

(ख) मुहावरों के बारे में जानकारी।

(ग) शब्दों का परिवर्तन – संज्ञा से भाववाचक, जातिवाचक

(घ) उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय का ज्ञान

(ङ) लिंग, वचन, कारक और क्रिया की जानकारी।

4.     (क) मातृभाषा शिक्षण के उद्दश्य और लक्ष्य की अवधारणा।

(ख) भाषा के मूल कौशलों, जैसे – सुनना, बोलना, लिखना और पढ़ना के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी प्राप्त करना।

1.     (क) हिंदी भाषा के क्रम – विकास की अवधारणा।

(ख) हिंदी की उपभाषाओं व बोलियों के बारे में सामान्य जानकारी।

2.     आधुनिक हिंदी साहित्यकार प्रेमचंद, महादेवी वमी, सुमित्रानंदन पंत, रामधारी सिंह दिनकर, जयशंकर प्रसाद, माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी आदि के बारे में जानकारी।

3.     हिंदी भाषा का व्याकरणिक ज्ञान:

(क) संधि और समास का प्रायोगिक ज्ञान ।

(ख) लिंग, वचन और कारक के बारे में जानकारी।

(ग) मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियों के अर्थ और वाक्य में प्रयोग।

(घ) विलोम, पर्यायवाची और समानार्थक शब्दों का ज्ञान।

(ङ) वर्तनी का सही ज्ञान/’र’ का विभिन्न प्रयोग।

4.     (क) मातृभाषा, शिक्षण का महत्त्व।

तृतीय भाषा के रूप में हिंदी की अवधारणा।

(ख) सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना और लिखना – इन कौशलों का प्रयोग क्षेत्र अनुसार अलग अलग ढंग से करना और यथासंभव उदाहरणों के साथ इन कौशलों की पुष्टि करना।

Assam TET Language II (English) Syllabus For Paper – I And II

Paper – I Paper – II
Pedagogy of language teaching

  • Development of four skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
  • Elements of language, preliminary concept of language functions.
  • Learning and acquisition
  • Vocabulary development/structure of sentence
  • Teaching learning materials in English
  • Continuous and comprehensive assessment, assessing the four skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing

Methods –              

Approaches, Methods, Techniques and Strategies

Grammar –

  • Parts of speech (use of noun, adjective, adverb)
  • Jumbled words/sentences
  • Correct form of verb, Tense
  • Verb, phrases
  • Article/determiners
  • Synonyms/antonyms
  • Prepositions
  • Punctuation
  • Question pattern/wh – questions, tag questions
  • Sentence pattern/types of sentence
  • Contracted form
  • Connectors/linking words (use of ‘but’, ‘and’ etc)
Pedagogy of Language Teaching –

  • Learning and acquisition
  • Principles of language teaching, functions of language.
  • Development of four skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing
  • Continuous and comprehensive assessment, Assessing the four skills :Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • Language difficulties, attitude towards errors and mistakes of second language learning
  • Teaching Learning Materials,
  • Teaching of vocabulary and structure

Methods –

Methods, approaches, techniques and strategies of teaching English

Grammar –

  • Correct form of verb/tense
  • Parts of speech (use as noun, adjective, adverbs)
  • Phrase and clause/phrasal verb/use of phrase and idioms
  • Determiners
  • Voice – Active and passive voice
  • Narration
  • Transitive and intransitive verb
  • Prefix, suffix, Vocabulary – Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms
  • Sentence types/simple, compound, complex sentence/question pattern/tag questions

Assam TET Mathematics Syllabus For Paper I

Topic Sub – Topic
Numbers Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Even and Odd numbers, Prime and Composite numbers, Place value system, Four fundamental operations on numbers (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division), Factors and Multiples, Prime Factors, Lowest Common Multiples (LCM), Highest Common Factors (HCF), Skip counting, Group counting, Comparison, Ascending and Descending Order, Application of numbers in real life, Unitary method and Average.
Fraction Concept of Fractions, Types of Fractions, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Fractions, Decimal Fractions, Percentage and their use.
Money Concept of Money, Conversion of Rupee to Paisa and vice versa, Four operations in solving problems involving money, Simple problems involving Profit and Loss.
Geometry and Mensuration Concept and understanding of different shapes, Line, Line Segment, Ray, Angles, Types of Angles, Types of Triangles, Types of Quadrilaterals, Circles. Length, Perimeter and Area of different Geometrical figures, Weight, Time, Capacity and Volume.
Data Handling Introduction to Data, Representation of Data, Pictograph, Bar Diagram, Pie chart and Draw Inferences
Intergration of ICT in teaching Mathematics Importance of ICT in teaching Mathematics. Use of ICT in teaching Mathematics.

Assam TET Environmental Studies Syllabus

Topic Sub – Topic
Children Environment (Near and far)
  • Types of environment – Natural and social Environment:
  • Natural environment (biotic and abiotic component):
  • Plants and animals in surroundings, Ecosystem (pond and grassland), producer, primary, secondary and tertiary consumer.
  • Social and man – made environment: Family, house, neighborhood, social institutions, State, Districts, Gaon Panchayat our neighbouring states (North East).
  • Festivals: State and National.
  • Some social issues: Illiteracy, child labour, superstition, gender discrimination,
  • Use of computer and internet as a means of communication.
Environment and Child’s need
  • Air: Importance of air, composition of air.
  • Water: Importance of water, sources of water, uses of water.
  • Soil: Importance of soil, types of soil, soil erosion.
  • Food: Types of food, food deficiency related disease.
  • Plants: Cultivated plants, plants with medicinal value, Importance of plants in ecological balance, interdependence between plant and animals. Plants in different environment.
Care and Protection of Environment
  • Conservation of Natural Resources: Flora, fauna, endangered and rare species, National Parks, wildlife sanctuary, migratory bird.
  • Transport system and road safety measure, storage of Agricultural products.
  • First aid as safety measure, health care and cleanliness.
  • Disaster risk reduction (pre – disaster, during disaster and post disaster).
  • Preventive measures for different communicable diseases caused by various microorganisms.
  • National integrity.
  • Constitution of India, idea of preamble, directive principles, fundamental right and duties.
  • Role of Assam is freedom movement.
  • Pollution (air, water, soil) – Its impact and measures to prevent.
  • Concept meaning and approach of environmental studies.
  • Nature and scope of environmental studies.
  • Objectives of teaching environmental studies.
  • Different approaches of teaching environmental studies,
Intergration of ICT in teaching Environmental Science
  • Importance of ICT in teaching Environmental Science.
  • Use of ICT in teaching Environmental Science.

Mathematics: For Paper – II


Topic Sub – Topic
Number System Natural numbers, Test of divisibility, Whole numbers, Negative numbers and Integers, Rational numbers, Irrational numbers, Fractions, Decimal fractions, LCM and HCF of rational numbers, Comparisons and operations of rational numbers, properties of numbers, Square, Square roots, cube, cube roots, powers and exponents, Laws of Exponents.
Socially applicable Mathematics Ratio and Proportion, Simple and Compound Interest, use of unitary method, Discount, Profit and Loss.
Algebra Preliminary concept of Algebra, Algebraic expressions and their types, Operations on algebraic expressions, Factorization on algebraic expressions Linear equations in one variable, Linear equations in two variables, Linear inequalities, Algebraic solutions of linear inequalities of one variable, Algebraic method of solutions of pair of Linear Equations.
Geometry and Mensuration Lines and angles, Pairs of angles, Properties of Triangles, Quadrilaterals and polygons, congruency of triangles, Area of triangle, Pythagoras Theorem, Perimeter and Area of different geometrical figures, Idea of Pie, Surface area and volume of Cube, Cuboid, Cone, Cylinder and Sphere, Surface area and volume of Combination of solids.
Introduction to Graphs and Data Handling Axes, Cartesian plane, co – ordinate of points, plotting of points in different situations, distance between two points, reading and drawing of linear graphs, Collection and organization of data, classification of data, class interval, frequency of a class, frequency distribution table, introduction of graphs, Bar and Pie graphs, reading Bar graphs, interpretation of data from graphs, Measures of Central Tendency.
Intergration of ICT in teaching Mathematics Importance of ICT in teaching Mathematics. Use of ICT in teaching Mathematics.


SCIENCE For Paper – II [Physics, Chemistry and Biology]

Topic Sub – Topic

  • Motion in a straight line: Distance and displacement, speed and velocity, uniform and non – uniform motion, average and instantaneous speed and velocity, uniform acceleration, graphical representation of motion periodic motion, pendulum, Oscillatory motion.
  • Laws of Motion: Newton’s first law of motion, qualitative concept of force, inertia of rest and inertia of motion and their examples, Newton’s second law of motion, Quantitative concept of force, Newton’s third law of motion and examples, Law of conservation of linear momentum.
  • Heat and Temperature: Differences between heat and temperature, measurement, transfer of heat.
  • Light: Rectilinear propagation of light shadows, eclipses, transparent, opaque and translucent objects, Reflection of light, plane and spherical mirrors, laws of reflection, Refraction of light, refractive index, total internal refraction, refraction in lenses, laws of refraction, Image formed by spherical Mirrors and lenses, Defects of vision, Power of lenses.
  • Sound: Oscillations and waves, kind of waves, Sound waves, sources of sound, propagation of sound through solids, liquids and gases, Speed of sound in different medium, ultrasound.
  • Electricity: Electric charge and Coulomb’s law, Electric cell, Conductors, Insulators, Electric field, Electric intensity and electric potential and potential difference, Electric current, Primary cell, Ohm’s law, AC and DC, series and parallel combination of Resistances, Heating effects of electric current, magnetic effects of electric current.
Chemistry Total Marks – 9
  • Metals and Non – Metals: Physical properties of Metals and Non – Metals, Chemical properties of Metals and Non – Metals, Reaction with Water and Acids, Use of Metals and Non – Metals.
  • Physical and Chemical Change: Differences between chemical and physical change, Rusting of Iron, Galvanisation, Crystallisation.
  • Acids, Bases and Salts: Acids and Bases, Indicators, Reaction of Acids and Bases with Metals, Reaction of Acids and Bases with each other, Strong or Weak solutions of Acid and Base, idea of pH, Importance of pH in everyday life, Chemicals from common salts.
  • Fibre and Fabric: Natural and Synthetic Fibre, Making of Fabric, Plastics,
  • Chemical Effects of Electric Current: Electrolysis and electroplating.
  • Pollution: Air pollution and water pollution.
Biology Living World:

  • Cells: – Concept of cell, cell types, structure of cells and functions of cell organelles, difference between plant and animal cells, cell division.
  • Transportation in Animals and Plants: Circulatory system, Excretory system in human, Blood vessels, Human heart, Transportation of substances and water in plants, Transpiration.
  • Respiration in organisms: Cellular respiration, anaerobic respiration

Plant World: –

  • Reproduction in plants – Mode of production, vegetation propagation, Fragmentation, sexual Reproduction, Fertilisation, Seed Dispersal.
  • Nutrition in plants – Nutrients, Mode of multiplication in plants, Photosynthesis, Saprotrophs.
  • Crop production and Management – Kharif and Rabi crops, Fertiliser and Manure, weeds and protection from weeds, different types of soil and crop production.

Animal World:

  • Microorganism – Virus, Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, Algae, Common ailments like cold, influenza, Disease like polio and chicken pox ,dysentery and malaria, Beneficial microbes.
  • Animal nutrition – The major nutrients in human’s food and its sources, functions of nutrients, Diseases occurring for deficiency of different nutrients.
  • Reproduction in Animals – Different modes of animal reproduction, Reproductive organs in animals, Development of Embryo and related processes, Asexual reproduction in animals.
Intergration of ICT in teaching Science
  • Importance of ICT in teaching Science.
  • Use of ICT in teaching Science

Social Science For Paper – II

Topic Sub – Topic
  • Our Earth: Size, shape, motion of the earth and their effects, interior of the earth, earth crust, earthquake (with special reference to Assam), latitude and longitude.
  • Solar system: Stars, planets and satellites.
  • Major domains of the Earth: Lithosphere, Continents, Oceans, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere.
  • Major Landforms of the Earth: Mountains, Plateau, Plains.
  • About Assam: Geographic location, climate, natural vegetation, conservation of wildlife, biodiversity, major industries, major rivers and their tributaries.
  • About India: Location, Climate, Physical divisions, Population growth and distribution.
  • Pre – history: Evolution of Human Civilization from Hunting to Agriculture.
  • Ancient urban civilizations: Features of Indus valley civilization – Town planning, religious beliefs, occupation, trade and commerce, art and culture, Harappan culture and contemporary world civilization.
  • Vedic Age: Settlement of the Aryans, religious practices, livelihood, social system, Composition of Vedas.


History of Assam:

  • Pre – history of Assam – Geographical location of ancient Kamrupa, Socio – Economic Condition of Ancient Kamrupa, Barman, Sakstambha and Pal dynasties.
  • Medieval Assam: The Ahom, Chutia and Koch Kingdom, the Baro Bhuyans and the Kacharis.
  • Emergence of new religious ideas: Jainism and Buddhism
  • Major political dynasties of India and their contribution – (i) Ancient period – Mauryans and Guptas, (ii) Medieval period – Turko – Afghans and Mughals.
  • Rise and growth of the British power in India: The Regulating Act, The Pitt’s India Act, Doctrine of Lapse, Sepoy Mutiny, growth of India nationalisms, social reform movements, Non – cooperation movement, Civil disobedience movement and Quit India Movement, Role of Assam in the freedom movement of India from 1857 to 1947.
  • Reforms during the rule of East India Company: Administrative Reforms, Revenue Collection, Educational Reforms, Brahmo Samaj, Prarthana Samaj, Ramkrishna Mission, Arya Samaj,
  • Basic concepts of Economics: Production, utility, income, wealth, money, price.
  • Market: Concept of Market, Difference between whole Sale market and retail market.
  • Money and Banking: Concept of money, types and functions of bank, other funding agencies.
  • Natural Resources: Natural Resources of India with special reference to Assam, Role of natural resources in economic development.
  • Human Resources: Human Resource development, its indicators, Problems of Human resource development and role of the Govt., Measures taken by the Govt. in Education, Health and Employment sector, Role of human resources in economic development of India.
  • Planning and Budget: Planning, Budget and national income, Economic planning, Five Year Planning.
  • Financial Institutions: Role of financial institution in Economic development, types and functions of banks and other financial institution for socio economic development of people, functions of NEDFi and NEC, schemes of Self – Help – Groups.
  • National Income: Gross National Product (GNP), Net National product (NNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Net Domestic Product (NDP), Nominal and Real Income, per capita income and standard of living.
Political Science
  • The Government: Concept of Government, various types of Government, State and Central Government, Local – Self Government.
  • Democracy: Democracy and its principles, the Election process, the role of opposition parties and democracy.
  • The Constitution: Basic concept of constitution, Types of the constitution, Characteristics of Indian constitution, its Preamble and principles, Fundamental rights and duties of a citizen.
Integration of ICT in Teaching Social Science
  • Importance of ICT in teaching Social Science.
  • Use of ICT in Teaching Social Science

Assam TET Syllabus PDF

Candidates should know about the Assam TET topic-wise weightage before starting to prepare. Read below to know what you need to prepare and how you can strategize your preparations for the Assam TET 2024 exam.

To make your exam easy and simple we have given New Assam TET Syllabus Paper I & II  PDF. Candidates appearing for classes 1st to 5th should prepare with Assam TET paper 1 syllabus whereas candidates aspiring to teach classes 6th to 8th should prepare with Assam TET paper 2 syllabi

Assam TET Syllabus PDF
Download Assam TET 2024  Syllabus PDF for Paper 1 Download Assam TET 2024 Syllabus PDF for Paper 2


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Does the Assam TET 2024 exam have negative marking?

No, the Assam TET 2024 Exam exam does not involve any negative marking.

In which language is the Assam TET 2024 Exam conducted?

The Assam TET written test is conducted in five languages. The question papers are available in English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, and Bodo for the Assam TET 2024.

How can I download the Assam TET 2024 Syllabus?

The candidates can download the Assam TET syllabus PDF from the official website of the Board of Secondary Education Assam. The candidates can download it and prepare for the examination of the Assam TET accordingly.

About the Author

I serve as a Team Leader at Adda247, specializing in National and State Level Competitive Government Exams within the Teaching Vertical. My responsibilities encompass thorough research and the development of informative and engaging articles designed to assist and guide aspiring candidates. This work is conducted in alignment with Adda247's dedication to educational excellence.