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Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus All Semesters

Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus All Semesters

Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus: The Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus has been published on the official website of Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University, Prayagraj. Candidates who are preparing for the UP BED Course must be under Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University, Prayagraj must check out the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus for clarity. In this article, the candidates will find all the relevant and significant information on the Prof. Rajendra Singh State University BED Syllabus.

Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus

The Rajju Bhaiya State University offers BED Courses to Eligible Candidates. BED is a two-year course with 4 semesters. Refer to the following table for more details on Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus.

Prof. Rajendra Singh State University BED Syllabus Overview
Name of Exam Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam
Exam Conducting Body Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University, Prayagraj
Number of Semesters 4 Semesters
Duration of Course 2 Years
Category Sarkari Result Syllabus

Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam Pattern

The candidates will find the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam Pattern Semester-wise in the following section. The candidates must check the marks distribution as well.

Semester I Theory

Check out the marks distribution for the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam Pattern for Semester I.

Course Code Course Name Evaluation (MM = 100)
Internal External
CIE Practical ETE
E060101T Philosophical and Sociological Perspective of Education 25 75
E060102T Psychological Perspective of Education 25 75
E060103T School Management and Hygiene 25 75
E060104T Value and Peace Education 25 75
E060105T Inclusive Education
E060106P Practical 100
E060107R Extension Work Grade A to E

Semester I Practical

Check out the marks distribution for the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam Pattern for Practical and Extension Work in Semester I.

Marks Distribution for Practical Paper and Extension Work
Course Course Code Particulars Marks Allotted
Practical E060106P Review of any relevant book 40
One Week observation of teaching of regular teachers 20
Survey of Any institution 20
Preparation of question paper of Secondary level 20
Extension Work E060107R Yoga: Theoretical understanding and practice of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation Grade A to E
Extension work in Community as Health, Hygiene and Zero garbage.

Semester II Theory

Check out the marks distribution for the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam Pattern for Semester I.

Course Code Course Name Evaluation (MM = 100)
Internal External
CIE Practical ETE
E060201T Contemporary India and Education 25 75
E060202T Theoretical Foundation of Curriculum 25 75
E060203T Child and Adolescent Development 25 75
E060204T Technological Perspective of Education 25 75
E060205T Environmental Education
E060206P Practical 100
E060207R Extension Work Grade A to E

Check out the marks distribution for the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam Pattern for Practical and Extension Work in Semester I.

Marks Distribution for Practical Paper and Extension Work
Course Course Code Particulars Marks Allotted
Practical E060206P Microteaching and Lesson planning 40
Educational Psychology Practical 40
Preparation of TLM 20
Extension Work E060207R Extension Work in the Community as related to literacy, environmental degradation Grade A to E
Library Visit to school and Report writing

Semester III

Check out the marks distribution for the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam Pattern for Semester I.

Course Code Course Name Course Name Evaluation (MM = 100)
Internal External
CIE Practical ETE
E060301T (Elective Course) Select any TWO School Subjects studied at UG level* Hindi 25  – 75
E060302T Sanskrit 25  – 75
E060303T English 25  – 75
E060304T Urdu 25 75
E060305T Mathematics 25 75
E060306T Physical Science 25 75
E060307T Biological Science 25 75
E060308T Home Science 25  – 75
E060309T History 25  – 75
E060310T Civics 25  – 75
E060311T Geography 25  – 75
E060312T Economics 25  – 75
E060313T Commerce 25  – 75
E060314T Music 25  – 75
E060315T Fine Arts 25  – 75
E060316P 30 Lesson Plan Practice Teaching of School Subject – I  –  –  100
E060317P Practice Teaching of School Subject – II  –  – 100
E060318R Project Extension Work Grade A to E

Check out the marks distribution for the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam Pattern for Practical and Extension Work in Semester I.

Marks Distribution for Practical Paper and Extension Work
Course Course Code Particulars Marks Allotted
Extension Work E060318R Report Submission on internship experience Grade A to E
Invite Feedback from internship School

Semester IV

Check out the marks distribution for the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam Pattern for Semester I.

Course Code Course Name Evaluation (MM = 100)
Internal External
CIE Practical ETE
E060401T Fundamental of Teacher Education 25 75
E060402T Innovations in Education 25 75
E060403T Measurements and Evaluation in Education 25 75
E060404T Guidance and Counselling in Education 25 75
E060405T Guidance and Counselling in Education
E060406P Practical 100
E060407R Extension Work Grade A to E

Check out the marks distribution for the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Exam Pattern for Practical and Extension Work in Semester I.

Marks Distribution for Practical Paper and Extension Work
Course Course Code Particulars Marks Allotted
Practical E060406P Visit to a distance/open educational institution 60
Construction of an achievement test in any school subject 40
Extension Work E060407R Educational tour Grade A to E
Organization and management of Cocurricular activities

Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus

In the following section, the candidates will find the detailed Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus for all Semesters.

Semester I – Compulsory Paper I

Philosophical Perspective of Education

Unit I

  • Education: Meaning, concept and nature of Education Agencies of Education. Forms of Education, New Trends in Education, Philosophy: Meaning, nature and scope, philosophy and its interrelation with education, the need of philosophy for teachers.


  • Philosophical visionaries and its contribution in education in sense of Mahatma Gandhi (Basic Education Swami Vivekanand (man-making Education) Rasnonath Take Gijju Bhai (elementary education) Russo (negative education), John Dewy (Instrumentalism & (experimentalism).
  • Major Philosophies of education – Idealism, Naturalism, Pragmatism, with reference to Aims, Curriculum, Methods and its impact on modem education.
  • Modem Thinkers Ivan Ellich, Paulo Frere, Osho, J. Krishnamurti – its contribution in education.

Sociological Perspective of Education


  • Sociology of education- meaning, nature, scope and need.
  • The new social order. emerging trends in Indian society – Religion, Casteism, Gender, issues generation gap, Socialization, Social change, Social mobility – it’s interrelation with education.


  • Contemporary Indian Society and major issues related to Exclusion. environmental education. value education. nation integration and international Understanding of Privatization. Globalization, Liberalization of social media and Education.


  • Seminar Presentation with PowerPoint in one of the following –
    •  Privatization in Education
    • In collusive Education
    • Generation Gap
  • Extension work in the community- (any one)
    • Health & hygiene, Zero Garbage

Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus PDF

In the following table, the candidates will find the Prof. Rajendra Singh State University BED Syllabus PDF Link for download.

Syllabus PDF Link
Prof. Rajendra Singh State University BED Syllabus Semester I Click Here
Prof. Rajendra Singh State University BED Syllabus Semester II Click Here
Prof. Rajendra Singh State University BED Syllabus Semester III Click Here
Prof. Rajendra Singh State University BED Syllabus Semester IV Click Here



What is the Exam Conducting body for Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Course?

Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University, Prayagraj is the conducting body for the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Course.

What is the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Course Duration?

The duration for the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Course is 2 years.

Where can I find the Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus?

The Rajju Bhaiya State University BED Syllabus PDF Link is available in the article above.