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Chemical Formula Table, Definition, Types, Example, All Names List

Chemical formula: Each constituent element in a compound is recognized by its chemical symbol, and the chemical formula shows the proportionate number of atoms. A chemical formula is the use of chemical element symbols, numbers, and, on occasion, other symbols such as parentheses, dashes, brackets, commas, and plus (+) and minus (-) signs to represent information about the chemical proportions of atoms that make up a specific chemical compound or molecule.

Chemical Formula

The chemical formula represents the chemical composition of a compound symbolically. Chemical formulas show the components that comprise the molecules of a chemical, as well as the ratio whereby their atoms join to produce those molecules. A molecule of water, for example, is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, according to the molecular formula of water, H2O.

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These proportions in empirical equations begin with a key element before assigning atom counts for the remaining components of the compound in connection with the key element. When applied to molecular compounds, these ratio values are all whole integers. Because all ethanol molecules contain two carbon atoms, six hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom, its empirical formula is C2H6O.

Chemical Formula Definition

A chemical formula identifies each element by its chemical symbol and indicates the proportionate number of atoms of each element. In chemical formulae, these proportions begin with a key element and then assign numbers of atoms of the other elements in the compound, by ratios to the key element.

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Chemical Formula Types

While the phrase ‘chemical formula’ normally refers to a compound’s molecular formula, the compositions of chemical compounds can be stated in a variety of ways, which are detailed below.

  • Molecular Formula: The molecular formula gives information about the number of elements in a compound. The elements are denoted by their respective symbols (as in the periodic table) in molecular formulae, and the number of atoms of each element in the molecule is written in subscripts. The chemical formula for glucose, for example, is C6H12O6.
  • Empirical Formula: The empirical formula of a chemical compound represents the elemental ratio of that substance. Typically, empirical equations are derived from the examination of experimental data. One carbon atom, three hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom make up the simplest ratio of the empirical formula for ethanol, which is CH3O.
  • Structural formula: The atoms of a molecule are arranged in this type of chemical formula.
  • Ball-and-stick model: This is a picture of a molecule in three dimensions. Molecule structures and their interactions can be depicted using ball-and-stick models.

Aluminium Fluoride Formula- Structure, Chemical Name, Uses

How Do I Write a Chemical Formula?

A chemical formula, as previously stated, is a symbolic statement that represents the number of atoms contained in a molecular material. We can tell what type of atom it is by its symbol, thus for Hydrogen, we’ll use H. The subscript linked to the symbol determines the number of atoms. Water has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in its chemical formula, H2O.

How to Write a Chemical Formula –

Step 1: First, you must determine the sort of bond.
If the prefixes are utilized, the bond is covalent. It is an ionic bond if there are no prefixes.

Step 2: Make a note of the symbol for the polyatomic ion or element.

Step 3: If the prefix was utilized, you must now add a subscript. To balance the charge, you’ll also need to include a subscript.

Chemical Formula Table, Definition, Types, Example, All Names List -_3.1

All Chemical Formula Tables for Class 11 and 12

The table below consists of various chemical formulas.

Chemical Formula Table
Sl.No Name of the Chemical Compound Formula
1 Acetic acid formula CH3COOH
2 Aluminium hydroxide formula Al(OH)3
3 Acetate formula CH3COO-
4 Acetone formula C3H6O
5 Aluminum acetate formula C6H9AlO6
6 Aluminium bromide formula AlBr3
7 Aluminum carbonate formula Al2(CO3)3
8 Aluminium chloride formula AlCl3
9 Aluminium fluoride formula AlF3
10 Aluminium formula Al
11 Aluminium iodide formula AlI3
12 Aluminium oxide formula Al2O3
13 Aluminium phosphate formula AlPO4
14 Amino acid formula
15 Ammonia formula NH3
16 Ammonium dichromate formula Cr2H8N2O7
17 Ammonium acetate formula C2H3O2NH4
18 Ammonium bicarbonate formula NH4HCO3
19 Ammonium bromide formula NH4Br
20 Ammonium carbonate formula (NH4)2CO3
21 Ammonium chloride formula NH4Cl
22 Ammonium hydroxide formula NH4OH
23 Ammonium iodide formula NH4I
24 Ammonium nitrate formula NH4NO3
25 Aluminium sulfide formula Al2S3
26 Ammonium nitrite formula NH4NO2
27 Ammonium oxide formula (NH4)2O
28 Ammonium phosphate formula (NH4)3PO4
29 Ammonium sulfate formula (NH4)2SO4
30 Ammonium sulfide formula (NH4)2S
31 Argon gas formula Ar
32 Ascorbic acid formula C6H8O6
33 Barium acetate formula
34 Barium bromide formula BaBr2
35 Barium chloride formula BaCl2
36 Barium fluoride formula BaF2
37 Barium hydroxide formula Ba(OH)2
38 Barium iodide formula BaI2
39 Barium nitrate formula Ba(NO3)2
40 Barium oxide formula BaO
41 Barium phosphate formula Ba3O8P2
42 Barium sulfate formula BaSO4
43 Benzene formula C6H6
44 Benzoic acid formula C7H6O2
45 Bicarbonate formula CHO3–
46 Bleach formula NaClO
47 Boric acid formula H3BO3
48 Potassium Bromate formula KBrO3
49 Bromic acid formula HBrO3
50 Bromine formula Br
51 Butane formula C4H10
52 Butanoic acid formula C4H8O2
53 Calcium acetate formula C₄H₆CaO₄
54 Calcium bromide formula CaBr2
55 Calcium carbonate formula CaCO3
56 Calcium hydride formula CaH2
57 Calcium hydroxide formula Ca(OH)2
58 Calcium iodide formula CaI2
59 Calcium nitrate formula Ca(NO3)2
60 Calcium oxide formula CaO
61 Carbon monoxide formula CO
62 Carbon tetrachloride formula CCl4
63 Carbonic acid formula H2CO3
64 Calcium phosphate formula Ca3(PO4)2
65 Carbonic acid formula H2CO3
66 Citric acid formula C6H8O7
67 Chlorate formula ClO–3
68 Chlorine formula Cl
69 Chlorine gas formula Cl2
70 Chlorous acid formula HClO2
71 Chromate formula CrO42-
72 Chromic acid formula H2CrO4
73 Citric acid formula C6H8O7
74 Copper ii carbonate formula CuCO3
75 Copper ii nitrate formula Cu(NO3)2
76 Cyanide formula CN–
77 Dichromate formula K2Cr2O7
78 Dihydrogen monoxide formula H2O
79 Dinitrogen monoxide formula N2O
80 Dinitrogen pentoxide formula N2O5
81 Dinitrogen trioxide formula N2O3
82 Ethanol formula C2H5OH
83 Iron oxide formula Fe2O3
84 Ethylene glycol formula C2H6O2
85 Fluorine gas formula F2
86 Aluminum bromide formula AlBr3
87 Aluminum sulfide formula Al2S3
88 Ammonium carbonate formula (NH4)2CO3
89 Ammonium nitrate formula (NH4)(NO3)
90 Ammonium phosphate formula (NH4)3PO4
91 Barium chloride formula BaCl2
92 Barium sulfate formula BaSO4
93 Calcium nitrate formula Ca(NO3)2
94 Carbon monoxide formula CO
95 Carbon tetrachloride formula CCl4
96 Carbonic acid formula H2CO3
97 Hydrofluoric acid formula HF
98 Hydroiodic acid formula HI
99 Hypochlorous acid formula HClO
100 Lithium phosphate formula Li3PO4
101 Magnesium nitrate formula MgNO3
102 Magnesium phosphate formula Mg3(PO4)2
103 Nitrogen monoxide formula NO
104 Nitrous acid formula HNO2
105 Potassium carbonate formula K2CO3
106 Potassium iodide formula KI
107 Potassium nitrate formula KNO3
108 Potassium phosphate formula KH2PO4
109 Sodium carbonate formula Na2CO3
110 Sodium oxide formula Na2O
111 Fructose chemical formula C6H12O6
112 Glycerol formula C3H8O3
113 Helium gas formula He
114 Hexane formula C6H14
115 Hydrobromic acid formula HBr
116 Hydrochloric acid formula HCl
117 Hydrocyanic acid formula HCN
118 Hydrofluoric acid formula HF
119 Hydrogen carbonate formula CHO3–
120 Hydrogen gas formula H2
121 Hydrogen peroxide formula H2O2
122 Hydrogen phosphate formula H3PO4
123 Hydrogen sulfate formula HSO4–
124 Hydroiodic acid formula HI
125 Hydrosulfuric acid formula H2SO4
126 Hydroxide ion formula OH–
127 Hypobromous acid formula HBrO
128 Hypochlorite formula NaClO
129 Hypochlorous acid formula HClO
130 Hypoiodous acid formula HIO
131 Iodic acid formula HIO3
132 Iodide ion formula I–
133 Iodine formula I2
134 Iron (iii) nitrate formula Fe(NO3)3
135 Iron (ii) oxide formula FeO
136 Iron (iii) carbonate formula Fe2(CO3)3
137 Iron (iii) hydroxide formula Fe(OH)3
138 Iron (iii) oxide formula Fe2O3
139 Iron (iii) chloride formula FeCl3
140 Lactic acid formula C3H6O3
141 Lead acetate formula
142 Lead (ii) acetate formula
143 Lead iodide formula PbI2
144 Lead (iv) oxide formula PbO2
145 Lead nitrate formula Pb(NO3)2
146 Lithium bromide formula LiBr
147 Lithium chloride formula LiCl
148 Lithium hydroxide formula LiOH
149 Lithium iodide formula LiI
150 Lithium oxide formula Li2O
151 Lithium phosphate formula Li3PO4
152 Magnesium acetate formula
153 Magnesium bicarbonate formula C2H2MgO6
154 Magnesium carbonate formula MgCO3
155 Magnesium chloride formula MgCl2
156 Magnesium hydroxide formula Mg(OH)2
157 Magnesium iodide formula MgI2
158 Magnesium nitrate formula Mg(NO3)2
159 Magnesium nitride formula Mg3N2
160 Magnesium carbonate formula MgCO3
161 Magnesium bromide formula MgBr2
162 Magnesium oxide formula MgO
163 Magnesium phosphate formula Mg3(PO4)2
164 Magnesium sulfate formula MgSO4
165 Magnesium sulfide formula MgS
166 Methane formula CH4
167 Methanol formula CH3OH
168 Nickel acetate formula Ni(C2H3O2)2
169 Nickel nitrate formula Ni(NO3)2
170 Nitric acid formula HNO3
171 Nitride formula N3–
172 Nitrite formula NO2−
173 Nitrogen dioxide formula NO2
174 Nitrogen monoxide formula NO
175 Nitrous acid formula HNO2
176 Oxalate formula C2O42−
177 Oxalic acid formula H2C2O4
178 Oxygen formula O2
179 Ozone formula O3
180 Perbromic acid formula HBrO4
181 Potassium Permanganate formula KMnO4
182 Permanganate ion formula MnO4–
183 Phosphate formula PO43-
184 Sodium hydrogen phosphate formula Na2HPO4
185 Sodium formate formula HCOONa
186 Phosphoric acid formula H3PO4
187 Phosphorus pentachloride formula PCl5
188 Phosphorus trichloride formula PCl3
189 Potassium acetate formula CH3CO2K
190 Potassium bicarbonate formula KHCO3
191 Potassium carbonate formula K2CO3
192 Potassium chlorate formula KClO3
193 Potassium hydrogen phosphate formula K2HPO4
194 Potassium chloride formula KCl
195 Potassium chromate formula CrK2O4
196 Potassium cyanide formula KCN
197 Potassium dichromate formula K2Cr2O7
198 Potassium fluoride formula KF
199 Potassium hydroxide formula KOH
200 Potassium hypochlorite formula KClO
201 Potassium iodide formula KI
201 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate formula KH2PO4
203 Potassium nitrate formula KNO3
204 Potassium nitrite formula KNO2
205 Potassium oxide formula K2O
206 Potassium iodate formula KIO3
207 Potassium phosphate formula KH2PO4
208 Potassium sulfite formula K2SO3
209 Salicylic acid formula C7H6O3
210 Silicon dioxide formula SiO2
211 Silver acetate formula AgC2H3O2
212 Silver carbonate formula Ag2CO3
213 Silver chloride formula AgCl
214 Silver nitrate formula AgNO3
215 Silver oxide formula Ag2O
216 Silver phosphate formula Ag3PO4
217 Sodium acetate formula C2H3NaO2
218 Sodium bicarbonate formula NaHCO3
219 Sodium bromide formula NaBr
220 Sodium thiosulfate formula Na2S2O3
221 Sodium carbonate formula Na2CO3
222 Sodium chloride formula NaCl
223 Sodium chromate formula Na2CrO4
224 Sodium citrate formula Na3C6H5O7
225 Sodium cyanide formula NaCN
226 Sodium dichromate formula Na2Cr2O7
227 Sodium fluoride formula NaF
228 Sodium hydroxide formula NaOH
229 Sodium hypochlorite formula NaClO
230 Sodium iodide formula NaI
231 Uric acid formula C5H4N4O3
232 Sodium nitrate formula NaNO3
233 Sodium nitride formula Na3N
234 Sodium nitrite formula NaNO2
235 Sodium oxide formula Na2O
236 Sodium peroxide formula Na2O2
237 Sodium phosphate formula Na3PO4
238 Sodium sulfate formula Na2SO4
239 Sodium sulfide formula Na2S
240 Sodium sulfite formula Na2SO3
241 Strontium chloride formula SrCl2
242 Strontium nitrate formula Sr(NO3)2
243 Sucrose formula C12H22O11
244 Sugar formula C12H22O11
245 Sulfate ion formula SO42−
246 Sulfur dioxide formula SO2
247 Sulfur trioxide formula SO3
248 Sulfuric acid formula H2SO4
249 Sulfurous acid formula H2SO3
250 Tartaric acid formula C4H6O6
251 Toluene formula C7H8
252 Urea formula CH4N2O
253 Vinegar formula C2H4O2
254 Zinc acetate formula
255 Zinc carbonate formula ZnCO3
256 Zinc chloride formula ZnCl2
257 Zinc hydroxide formula Zn(OH)2
258 Zinc iodide formula ZnI2
259 Zinc nitrate formula Zn(NO3)2
260 Zinc phosphate formula Zn3(PO4)2
261 Zinc sulfate formula ZnSO4
262 Zinc sulfide formula ZnS

Chemical Formula with Name

List of the first 108 chemical formulas for various compounds:

  1. H2O – Water
  2. NH3 – Ammonia
  3. CH4 – Methane
  4. CO2 – Carbon Dioxide
  5. O2 – Oxygen Gas
  6. H2 – Hydrogen Gas
  7. N2 – Nitrogen Gas
  8. NaCl – Sodium Chloride (Salt)
  9. HCl – Hydrochloric Acid
  10. H2SO4 – Sulfuric Acid
  11. HNO3 – Nitric Acid
  12. C6H12O6 – Glucose
  13. C12H22O11 – Sucrose (Table Sugar)
  14. CaCO3 – Calcium Carbonate
  15. Fe2O3 – Iron(III) Oxide (Rust)
  16. CO – Carbon Monoxide
  17. Cl2 – Chlorine Gas
  18. SO2 – Sulfur Dioxide
  19. H2O2 – Hydrogen Peroxide
  20. H2S – Hydrogen Sulfide
  21. NaOH – Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)
  22. C2H5OH – Ethanol (Alcohol)
  23. C6H5OH – Phenol
  24. C6H6 – Benzene
  25. C2H4 – Ethene
  26. C2H6 – Ethane
  27. CH3COOH – Acetic Acid
  28. HC2H3O2 – Acetate Ion
  29. NO2 – Nitrogen Dioxide
  30. SO4^2- – Sulfate Ion
  31. PO4^3- – Phosphate Ion
  32. O3 – Ozone
  33. H2CO3 – Carbonic Acid
  34. Na2CO3 – Sodium Carbonate
  35. MgSO4 – Magnesium Sulfate
  36. KNO3 – Potassium Nitrate
  37. Ca(OH)2 – Calcium Hydroxide
  38. FeSO4 – Iron(II) Sulfate
  39. Al2O3 – Aluminum Oxide
  40. NaHCO3 – Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
  41. C6H5COOH – Benzoic Acid
  42. C4H10 – Butane
  43. C3H8 – Propane
  44. C2H2 – Ethyne (Acetylene)
  45. H2SiO3 – Silicic Acid
  46. H2PO4^- – Dihydrogen Phosphate Ion
  47. C2H3Cl – Vinyl Chloride
  48. C3H6O – Acetone
  49. Na2SO4 – Sodium Sulfate
  50. KMnO4 – Potassium Permanganate
  51. NaNO3 – Sodium Nitrate
  52. FeCl3 – Iron(III) Chloride
  53. NH4OH – Ammonium Hydroxide
  54. C6H4OH – Hydroquinone
  55. H2C2O4 – Oxalic Acid
  56. C6H5CH3 – Toluene
  57. C7H6O2 – Salicylic Acid
  58. C7H6O3 – Aspirin
  59. C8H10 – Xylene
  60. C6H5NH2 – Aniline
  61. C5H5N – Pyridine
  62. C6H5NO2 – Nitrobenzene
  63. H3PO4 – Phosphoric Acid
  64. Ca3(PO4)2 – Calcium Phosphate
  65. FeS – Iron(II) Sulfide
  66. NaClO – Sodium Hypochlorite
  67. CH3COCH3 – Acetophenone
  68. NaCN – Sodium Cyanide
  69. C6H5CHO – Benzaldehyde
  70. C6H5COCH3 – Acetophenone
  71. C2H4O2 – Acetic Anhydride
  72. CH3CH2COCH3 – Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)
  73. C6H5COCH2C6H5 – Acetylbenzene (Acetophenone)
  74. C6H5COOH – Benzoic Acid
  75. C6H5COC6H5 – Benzophenone
  76. C10H14N2 – Nicotine
  77. C6H5COC6H5 – Benzil
  78. C10H12O2 – Vanillin
  79. C10H14N2O – Caffeine
  80. C9H8O4 – Aspirin
  81. C12H10O4 – Terephthalic Acid
  82. C14H8O4 – Anthraquinone
  83. C12H8O4 – Resorcinol
  84. C15H10O4 – Hydroquinone
  85. C12H9N – Quinoline
  86. C10H7N – Indole
  87. C9H6N2O2 – Barbituric Acid
  88. C7H5N3O6 – TNT (Trinitrotoluene)
  89. C6H2(NO2)3CH3 – Tetryl
  90. C7H5N5 – Caffeine
  91. C6H5N3O9 – Nitroglycerin
  92. C6H12N2O4S2 – Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
  93. C6H8O6 – Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
  94. C12H17N4O4S – Coenzyme A
  95. C10H16N2O3S – Acetyl-CoA
  96. C21H28O2 – Progesterone
  97. C21H30O5 – Cortisol
  98. C21H20O6 – Estrone
  99. C22H32O2 – Testosterone
  100. C19H28O2 – Prostaglandin E2
  101. C24H30O4 – Cholesterol
  102. C5H11NO2S – Cysteine
  103. C6H13NO2 – Arginine
  104. C5H9NO4 – Glutamine
  105. C6H13NO5 – Asparagine
  106. C9H11NO3 – Tyrosine
  107. C5H9NO4 – Aspartic Acid
  108. C3H7NO2 – Serine

Chemical Formula Importance for Class 11, 12 Students

Chemical formulas are important for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Identifying chemicals: compounds can be recognized and set apart from other compounds using their chemical formulae. For instance, water has the chemical formula H2O, indicating that it is a mixture of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. This equation can be used to discriminate between water and other substances like sulfuric acid (H2SO4) or carbon dioxide (CO2).
  • Calculating the mass of a compound: A compound’s chemical formula can be used to determine its mass. This is the case because the mass of a compound is equal to the sum of the masses of its atoms. One molecule of water, for instance, has an atomic mass of 18 amu, which is the result of adding the masses of two hydrogen atoms (1 amu each) and one oxygen atom (16 amu).
  • Understanding the properties of a compound: A compound’s qualities can be understood by thinking about its chemical formula. For instance, we know that water is a polar molecule because its chemical formula (H2O) indicates that it has both a positive and a negative end. Many of water’s characteristics, including its high boiling point and propensity to dissolve ionic substances, are due to this characteristic.
  • Designing new compounds: New compounds with desired qualities can be created using chemical formulae. For instance, a scientist can search for compounds with chemical formulas comparable to water if they wish to create a novel compound that is soluble in water.

Chemical All Formula Steps to Write?

Here are the steps on how to write a chemical formula:

  1. Identify the elements present in the compound. The chemical symbol for each element is used to represent it in a chemical formula. The chemical symbols are based on the Latin names of the elements.
  2. Determine the number of atoms of each element present in the compound. The number of atoms of each element is indicated by a subscript following the chemical symbol. If there is only one atom of an element, the subscript is not written.
  3. Write the chemical formula in the following order:
    • Metals: Write the symbol for the metal first, followed by the subscript for the number of atoms of the metal.
    • Nonmetals: Write the symbols for the nonmetals in alphabetical order, followed by the subscripts for the number of atoms of each nonmetal.
    • Polyatomic ions: Write the symbol for the polyatomic ion, followed by the subscript for the number of ions.
  4. Check the formula to make sure that the charges are balanced. If the compound is ionic, the positive and negative charges must be balanced. This means that the sum of the positive charges must equal the sum of the negative charges.

रासायनिक सूत्र कक्षा 12- Chemical Formula with Name in Hindi

यौगिकों के लिए पहले 108 रासायनिक सूत्रों की सूची:

H2O – पानी
NH3 – अमोनिया
CH4 – मीथेन
CO2 – कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड
O2 – ऑक्सीजन गैस
H2 – हाइड्रोजन गैस
N2 – नाइट्रोजन गैस
NaCl – सोडियम क्लोराइड (नमक)
एचसीएल – हाइड्रोक्लोरिक एसिड
H2SO4 – सल्फ्यूरिक एसिड
HNO3 – नाइट्रिक एसिड
C6H12O6 – ग्लूकोज
C12H22O11 – सुक्रोज (टेबल शुगर)
CaCO3 – कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट
Fe2O3 – आयरन(III) ऑक्साइड (जंग)
सीओ – कार्बन मोनोऑक्साइड
सीएल2 – क्लोरीन गैस
SO2-सल्फर डाइऑक्साइड
H2O2 – हाइड्रोजन पेरोक्साइड
H2S – हाइड्रोजन सल्फाइड
NaOH – सोडियम हाइड्रॉक्साइड (लाइ)
C2H5OH – इथेनॉल (अल्कोहल)
C6H5OH – फिनोल
C6H6 – बेंजीन
C2H4 – एथीन
C2H6 – इथेन
CH3COOH – एसिटिक अम्ल
HC2H3O2 – एसीटेट आयन
NO2 – नाइट्रोजन डाइऑक्साइड
SO4^2–सल्फेट आयन
PO4^3- – फॉस्फेट आयन
O3 – ओजोन
H2CO3 – कार्बोनिक एसिड
Na2CO3 – सोडियम कार्बोनेट
MgSO4 – मैग्नीशियम सल्फेट
KNO3 – पोटेशियम नाइट्रेट
Ca(OH)2 – कैल्शियम हाइड्रॉक्साइड
FeSO4 – आयरन(II) सल्फेट
Al2O3 – एल्यूमिनियम ऑक्साइड
NaHCO3 – सोडियम बाइकार्बोनेट (बेकिंग सोडा)
C6H5COOH – बेंजोइक एसिड
C4H10 – ब्यूटेन
C3H8 – प्रोपेन
C2H2 – एथाइन (एसिटिलीन)
H2SiO3 – सिलिकिक एसिड
H2PO4^- – डाइहाइड्रोजन फॉस्फेट आयन
C2H3Cl – विनाइल क्लोराइड
C3H6O – एसीटोन
Na2SO4 – सोडियम सल्फेट
KMnO4 – पोटेशियम परमैंगनेट
NaNO3 – सोडियम नाइट्रेट
FeCl3 – आयरन(III) क्लोराइड
NH4OH – अमोनियम हाइड्रॉक्साइड
C6H4OH – हाइड्रोक्विनोन
H2C2O4 – ऑक्सालिक एसिड
C6H5CH3 – टोल्यूनि
C7H6O2 – सैलिसिलिक एसिड
C7H6O3 – एस्पिरिन
C8H10 – ज़ाइलीन
C6H5NH2 – एनिलीन
C5H5N – पाइरीडीन
C6H5NO2 – नाइट्रोबेंजीन
H3PO4 – फॉस्फोरिक एसिड
Ca3(PO4)2 – कैल्शियम फॉस्फेट
FeS – आयरन (II) सल्फाइड
NaClO – सोडियम हाइपोक्लोराइट
CH3COCH3 – एसिटोफेनोन
NaCN – सोडियम सायनाइड
C6H5CHO – बेंजाल्डिहाइड
C6H5COCH3 – एसिटोफेनोन
C2H4O2 – एसिटिक एनहाइड्राइड
CH3CH2COCH3 – ब्यूटेनोन (मिथाइल एथिल कीटोन)
C6H5COCH2C6H5 – एसिटाइलबेन्जीन (एसिटोफेनोन)
C6H5COOH – बेंजोइक एसिड
C6H5COC6H5 – बेंज़ोफेनोन
C10H14N2 – निकोटीन
C6H5COC6H5 – बेंज़िल
C10H12O2 – वैनिलिन
C10H14N2O – कैफीन
C9H8O4 – एस्पिरिन
C12H10O4 – टेरेफ्थेलिक एसिड
C14H8O4 – एन्थ्राक्विनोन
C12H8O4 – रेसोरिसिनोल
C15H10O4 – हाइड्रोक्विनोन
C12H9N – क्विनोलिन
C10H7N – इंडोल
C9H6N2O2 – बार्बिट्यूरिक एसिड
C7H5N3O6 – टीएनटी (ट्रिनिट्रोटोलुइन)
C6H2(NO2)3CH3 – टेट्रिल
C7H5N5 – कैफीन
C6H5N3O9 – नाइट्रोग्लिसरीन
C6H12N2O4S2 – थायमिन (विटामिन B1)
C6H8O6 – एस्कॉर्बिक एसिड (विटामिन सी)
C12H17N4O4S – कोएंजाइम ए
C10H16N2O3S – एसिटाइल-सीओए
C21H28O2 – प्रोजेस्टेरोन
C21H30O5 – कोर्टिसोल
C21H20O6 – एस्ट्रोन
C22H32O2 – टेस्टोस्टेरोन
C19H28O2 – प्रोस्टाग्लैंडीन E2
C24H30O4 – कोलेस्ट्रॉल
C5H11NO2S – सिस्टीन
C6H13NO2 – आर्जिनिन
C5H9NO4 – ग्लूटामाइन
C6H13NO5 – शतावरी
C9H11NO3 – टायरोसिन
C5H9NO4 – एस्पार्टिक एसिड
C3H7NO2 – सेरीन

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What is the difference between a molecular formula and an empirical formula?

A molecular formula shows the exact number of atoms of each element in a molecule. An empirical formula shows the simplest ratio of the number of atoms of each element in a compound. For example, the molecular formula of ethanol is C2H6O, which means that there are two carbon atoms, six hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom in each molecule of ethanol. The empirical formula of ethanol is CH3O, which means that there is one carbon atom, three hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom in the simplest ratio.

What are the different types of chemical formulas?

There are three main types of chemical formulas:

Molecular formulas: These formulas show the exact number of atoms of each element in a molecule.
Empirical formulas: These formulas show the simplest ratio of the number of atoms of each element in a compound.
Structural formulas: These formulas show the arrangement of the atoms in a molecule.

What are some common mistakes people make when writing chemical formulas?

Some common mistakes people make when writing chemical formulas include:

Using the wrong chemical symbols.
Using the wrong number of subscripts.
Not balancing the charges in ionic compounds.
Writing the formula in the wrong order.

About the Author

Hi, I am Brajesh (M.Tech, MCA), I Professional Educator having 3 years of experience in school education sector. Aim to provide JEE, NEET, CUET, and Other Entrance exams information in a simple way to help students find clarity and confidence. I provide here easily accessible content on Exam Notifications, Syllabus, Admit Cards, and Results.