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Mole Concept Notes, Formula, Previous Year Questions PDF for NEET

Mole Concept: Mole concept notes and formulas are an important element of chemistry because this concept is used in almost all the branches of theoretical and practical chemistry. The mole concept is important to understand for comprehending the fundamentals of a chemical reaction. The mole concept is used in the analysis and quantification of the reactants and products formed in a chemical reaction. Many times, students find it difficult to understand this concept. To make this concept more clear and easy for students, our top Chemistry faculty at Adda 247 has created special video lessons and notes.

Mole Concept

One easy way to convey the amount of a substance is with the mole concept. Even one gram of a pure element is known to contain a large number of atoms when discussing particles at the atomic (or molecular) level. Here’s where the idea of a mole is commonly applied. It is mainly concerned with the unit called a “mole,” which is a count of an extremely high number of particles. The concept of Mole made it possible to comprehend and quantify the world of chemical reactions. In this article, we will help students in mastering this concept by providing the expert notes PDF and video solution. The expert faculty has also solved previous year question papers on the mole concept that will not only help students in understanding the concept better but will also help students in cracking the NEET exam.

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Mole Concept Class 11

Chemistry’s foundation for comprehending the quantitative features of chemical processes is the mole concept, which is basic and essential. Presented in Class 11, this idea is essential for bridging the gap between the macroscopic world of daily measurements and the microscopic world of atoms and molecules. Fundamentally speaking, a mole is a measurement unit for chemical amounts. Any substance that has the same number of atoms, molecules, ions, etc. as 12 grammes of carbon-12, a common isotope of carbon, is referred to as one mole. Also referred to as Avogadro’s number, it is roughly equal to 6.022 x 10^23.

Mole Concept Formula

The mole concept comprises of different formulas to calculate various quantities. It is important to remember and understand these formula for solving complex stoichiometric problems. Some of the important formulas related to the concept of mole is discussed hereunder.

Molar Mass

A substance’s total mass in a mole of that substance is its molar mass. The unit of measurement is frequently expressed as “grams per mole” (g/mol). Nonetheless, kg/mol is the SI unit for this quantity. This formula can be used to denote molar mass:

A substance’s molar mass = substance’s mass (in grams)/(number of moles)

For instance, the mass of the NA (Avogadro number) number of water molecules is the molar mass of water, which is roughly 18.015 g/mol.

Gram Molecular Mass and Gram Atomic Mass

An element’s gram atomic mass is equal to one mole of that element. In a similar vein, the mass of a single mole of a substance is indicated by its gram molecular mass. As a result, the molecular mass of water is roughly 18.015g and the atomic mass of hydrogen is approximately 1.007g per gram.

Number of Moles

The following formula can be used to determine how many moles of an element or compound are present in a given sample by dividing the sample’s total mass by the element or compound’s molar mass.

Number of Moles = (Mass of the substance)/(Molar Mass)


Number of Atoms/Molecules

By multiplying the number of moles by the Avogadro constant, one can get the total number of atoms or molecules in a sample. This formula is expressed as follows:

Number of Atoms or Molecules = (Number of Moles) x (6.022 x 1023)

Relation Between amu (atomic mass unit) and gram

The relation between the atomic mass unit and gram for any substance is given by:

1 amu = (1gram)/(6.022 x 1023) = 1.66 x 10-24 grams

As a result, an element’s mass in grams will match its atomic mass in one mole.

Mole Concept Notes PDF

All the important notes of mole concept along with detailed explanation has been provided in the notes given below. The notes have been created by one of the top teachers for Chemistry in India. By going through these notes pdf, students will easily solve any question related to the mole concept not only in board exam but also in NEET exam.

Mole Concept Notes PDF 1 for NEET

Mole Concept Notes PDF 2 for NEET

Mole Concept Questions Previous Year With Solutions PDF

To completely master any chapter, it is important to solve their previous year questions asked in the exam. As it is one of the most important chapters for NEET exam, one cannot stress enough the importance of solving previous year questions on this topic. For this purpose, our expert faculty at Adda 247 have made a dedicated video in which he has solved previous year questions for NEET and JEE with complete concepts. The PDF of that session has been provided below for students so that they can download and understand the art of solving complex questions the mole concept. Along with the pdf, the video explanation of the solved questions have been also provided here. The video explanation will help students in grasping the key concepts through the solutions of complex numerical. The video is a must watch for NEET aspirants.

Mole Concept Previous Year Questions with Solutions

Mole Concept Notes Video

The video explanation on the concept and formulas of the Mole concept is given below. Students can fully understand this concept by going through the expert video given below.

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What is a Mole?

A mole is defined in chemistry as the quantity of a material that contains precisely 6.02214076 x 10^23 'elementary entities' of the supplied substance.

Why is mole concept important to learn?

The mole concept permeates all of chemistry. Understanding the mole is crucial for the study of chemistry since it is the subject of the majority of quantitative chemical calculations. Understanding how the mole relates to mass and the quantity of things.

Define Avogadro Number.

Any element has 6.022 x 10^23 entities overall in a mole. The Avogadro number is the name given to this value. It bears the name of Amedeo Avogadro, an Italian scientist who postulated that all gases have the same number of molecules in equal quantities at constant temperature and pressure. The unit of Avogadro's number is zero.

About the Author

Hi there, I am Ashish and have done my post graduation in Science. I have 2 years of experience in content creation, catering to the demands of young students. I provide written content related to NEET, JEE, Board Exams, CLAT, CUET (UG & PG) and management exams in a simple manner. My content provides important insights on several topics in depth.


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