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Mustard Meaning and Definition

Mustard is any of numerous herbs in the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) plant family and is the condiment prepared from the pungent seeds of these species. Mustard plant leaves and swelling leaf stems are also used as greens or potherbs. White or yellow mustard and brown or Indian mustard, both of Himalayan origin, are the most common varieties.


The latter species has nearly completely replaced the formerly employed black mustard, which was unsuitable for automated cropping and now only exists as a weed. Both white and brown mustard are annual crops that are sown in the spring and harvested in the early autumn.

The taste of the seed is robust, spicy, and slightly bitter. Mustard condiments come in a variety of flavours, from sweet to spicy.

Mustard is often used as a condiment for sandwiches, hamburgers, corn dogs, and hot dogs, as well as other meats, vegetables, and cheeses. It’s also used in a variety of sauces, dressings, glazes, soups, and marinades.

Mustard is used as a condiment in the cuisines of India and Bangladesh, and a lot of other countries as well, as a cream or individual seeds, making it one of the most popular and widely used spices and condiments on the planet.
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Mustard Meaning in Hindi

सरसों एक मसाला है, जो सरसों के बीज से तैयार किया जाता है। पेस्ट या सॉस बनाने के लिए, साबुत, पिसा हुआ, सरसों के बीजों को पानी, सिरका, नींबू का रस, वाइन, या अन्य तरल पदार्थ, नमक, और अक्सर अन्य मसालों के साथ मिलाकर तैयार किया जाता है। बीज का स्वाद मसालेदार और थोड़ा कड़वा होता है। सरसों के मसाले कई तरह के स्वाद में आते हैं, मीठे से लेकर मसालेदार तक।

सरसों को अक्सर सैंडविच, हैमबर्गर के साथ-साथ अन्य मांस, सब्जियों के लिए मसाला के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है। इसका उपयोग विभिन्न प्रकार के सॉस, ड्रेसिंग, ग्लेज़, सूप और मैरिनेड में भी किया जाता है।

सरसों का उपयोग भारत और बांग्लादेश के व्यंजनों में मसाले के रूप में किया जाता है, और कई अन्य देशों में भी, एक क्रीम या व्यक्तिगत बीज के रूप में, यह सबसे लोकप्रिय और व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किए जाने वाले मसालों और मसालों में से एक है।
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Mustard Meaning, Definition, and Pronunciation

The Anglo-Norman mustarde and Old French mostarde are the origins of the English word “mustard.” It is currently known as moutarde in modern French. The first element comes from the Latin word mustum, which signified unfermented grape juice, and the condiment was originally made by blending powdered seeds with must or verjuice. The second ingredient is ardens, which signifies hot or burning in Latin. Though it was discovered as a surname a century earlier, it was first mentioned in English in the late 13th century.
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Mustard: History

Mustard seeds have been used as a spice since the beginning of recorded history, according to Indian and Sumerian records going back to 3000 BCE. Mustard plants are frequently mentioned in Greek and Roman sources, as well as in the Bible. The small mustard seed is a symbol of trust in the New Testament. Hippocrates, among other ancient physicians, employed mustard seed as a medicine. During the twentieth century, mustard’s popularity as a spice or condiment grew to the point where it is now the world’s most popular spice by volume.



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What exactly does mustard mean?

Mustard is a pungent yellow condiment made from the crushed seeds of several mustard plants.

Is mustard considered a slang term?

The word mustard is used in a variety of idiomatic expressions in English, as well as as a slang term with a variety of connotations. Mustard, for example, can denote monetary value.

What is the use of mustard?

Mustard is most commonly used as a condiment on cold and hot meats at the table. Mayonnaise, vinaigrette, marinades, and barbecue sauce all contain this component.

What part of the mustard are we supposed to eat?

Mustard seed is a spice that can be used in a variety of dishes. Mustard oil can be made from the seeds, and the edible leaves can be consumed as mustard greens.

What are mustard's side effects?

It is regarded safe when people eat mustard seeds, leaves, or paste, especially in proportions that are common in the normal person's diet. However, taking significant levels of mustard extracts, such as those contained in mustard extracts, can cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and gut inflammation.

About the Author

Hi, I am Brajesh (M.Tech, MCA), I Professional Educator having 3 years of experience in school education sector. Aim to provide JEE, NEET, CUET, and Other Entrance exams information in a simple way to help students find clarity and confidence. I provide here easily accessible content on Exam Notifications, Syllabus, Admit Cards, and Results.

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