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How to Reduce Screen Time for Kids?

How to Reduce Screen Time?

We have smartphones in our pockets, iPads on nightstands, laptops at work and school, and a never-ending selection of high-quality TV shows and movies that are available whenever and wherever we want them. With so many digital distractions available, it’s understandable that parents and children are spending an increasing amount of time each day in front of screens.

Even though we all understand that spending too much time in front of screens is hazardous for our mental, physical, and emotional health, the majority of you now struggle to limit your screen time. Finding a good balance, though, can be simpler than you think.

How to Reduce Screen Time for Kids?: Why should screen time be restricted?

Small amounts of screen time provide kids the chance to connect with people and build empathy, as well as to develop their talents and interests and be creative, which opens up chances for self-expression and learning. And there have been many reasons, particularly during the epidemic, to be glad for technology’s ability to amuse and divert kids.

A youngster’s capacity to visualize is also impacted by too much screen time since, with screens, the visuals are constantly there and can’t be created by the child. For reading, writing, spelling, comprehension, and even math, visualization abilities are essential.

Additionally affected is the auditory system. The auditory system takes a backseat because screens are such a visual medium and aren’t stimulated.

In addition, unstructured social (rather than digital) play and attentive parent-child interactions are the best ways to teach children the higher-order thinking abilities and executive functions necessary for academic success, such as task persistence, impulse control, emotion regulation, and creativity, flexible thinking.

How to Reduce Screen Time for Kids?: Top Tips

1. On your phone, disable or set a limit to notifications

Is it really necessary to receive an alert informing you that a high school classmate you haven’t seen since graduation liked the sunset shot you uploaded on Facebook? You’ll be less inclined to go for your phone if you only set notifications for reminders you actually need, like meetings and birthdays.

2. Screen time and routines

Routines teach kids what to do when to do it, and how frequently. This implies that you may incorporate screen time into your family life in a way that works for you by creating routines.

You may include this into a routine, for instance, if you wish to set time limitations on-screen use. You can determine that your youngster can use the iPad or watch TV between the hours of 5 and 6 pm. Alternatively, you may follow a single-program schedule before dinner, or whatever works best for your family.

Routines can also help you avoid arguments over screen use. For instance, you may create a routine that includes listening to music in the car if you don’t want your child to use devices while driving.

3. Begin As Late As You Can

Don’t let kids use a PDA, TV, or computer to start their day. They may ruin the remainder of the day since they are quite difficult to remove once they are on. Encourage them to eat breakfast, get dressed, do their chores, and engage in other activities before the television comes on.

4. To establish “Technology-Free Zones”

Create areas in your home where technology, including computers, portable video games, and mobile phones, are categorically forbidden. 3 One instance is the dining room or kitchen in your house, which you may keep set apart for family meals and chat.

5. Keep screens out of your child’s bedroom

If your kids are allowed to use gadgets away from you, you won’t be able to see what they’re doing on them.

For this reason, you might wish to establish a rule prohibiting the use of TVs, video game consoles, and laptops in your child’s bedroom. This also applies to portable gadgets that your children could be enticed to use after bedtime, which might disrupt their sleep.

6. Screens are included

Try to think of screen time as just one enjoyable activity among many others. Consider all the different things you two may do together, such as building a cave out of sheets, playing in boxes, baking, trying crafts, or going on playdates.

Additionally, it is recommended that toddlers be active for three hours each day. Make an effort to ensure they are playing and exercising frequently.

7. Try listening to audiobooks 

A suitable substitute for screens is audiobooks. The ability to visualize, which is essential for learning at a higher level, is developed in children through audiobooks. Instead of using headphones, have the youngster listen through speakers since this fosters “spatial hearing,” which is how we all listen, particularly in the classroom.

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How to Reduce Screen Time for Kids?- FAQs

Ques 1. What consequences may too much screen time have?

Ans. Children who spend too much time on screens may develop obesity, sleep issues, chronic neck and back pain, depression, anxiety, and worse academic performance. The recommended daily screen time for kids is between one and two hours. Adults should make an effort to restrict their screen usage after work.


Ques 2. How can social life get affected by screen time?

Ans. Screen use might restrict social skills and decrease in-person interactions. Children playing outside or utilizing their imaginations are becoming less common. It is much more typical to see a bunch of kids absorbed in their tablets these days.

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What consequences may too much screen time have?

Children who spend too much time on screens may develop obesity, sleep issues, chronic neck and back pain, depression, anxiety, and worse academic performance. The recommended daily screen time for kids is between one and two hours. Adults should make an effort to restrict their screen usage after work.

How can social life get affected by screen time?

Screen use might restrict social skills and decrease in-person interactions. Children playing outside or utilizing their imaginations are becoming less common. It is much more typical to see a bunch of kids absorbed in their tablets these days.

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