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7 Days Name: Check Week Days Name in English

The names of the days of the week in English are taken from the Roman calendar’s names of the planets. Sunday is called the Sun, Monday is called the Moon, Tuesday is called Mars, Wednesday is called Mercury, Thursday is called Jupiter, Friday is called Venus, and Saturday is called Saturn. The names of the days of the week in some other languages are drawn from other sources, such as the Norse gods or the Hebrew calendar. The days of the week, for example, are called after the Norse gods Thor, Odin, Tiw, Woden, Freya, and Saturn in German. Check all day names of a week.

Days Name

Seven days of the week: Today in this article we are going to give you information about Seven Days’ Name in English and Hindi (names of 7 days of the week). Although everyone must have known about the name of the 7 days of the week, some people are not yet aware of the Seven Days. In this article, we will provide you with information related to the Name of All Days in A Week. To know the names of the 7 days of the week in English and Hindi and to get more information about Seven Days Name In English and Hindi, read the information given in this article carefully till the end.

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Week Days Name in English and Hindi

A table is given below which consist of days’ name in English and Hindi along with their abbreviations.

SUNDAY 1. रविवार Sun
MONDAY 2. सोमवार Mon
TUESDAY 3. मंगलवार Tue
WEDNESDAY 4. बुधवार Wed
THURSDAY 5. गुरूवार/बृहस्पतिवार Thur
FRIDAY 6. शुक्रवार Fri
SATURDAY 7. शनिवार Sat

7 Days Name: Check Week Days Name in English -_3.1

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Some Other Words Related to Week Days Name

In the table given below, we are telling you about some words related to days in both English and Hindi language. Some other words related to days in English and Hindi are as follows –

Hindi English
आज Today
दिन Day
कल (आने वाला) Tomorrow
कल (बीता हुआ) Yesterday
आज रात Tonight
कल रात (बीता हुआ) Yesterday Night
कल रात (आने वाला) Tomorrow Night
किसी दिन Someday
सप्ताह Week

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The History Behind the 7 Days Name of the Week

Monday associated with the Moon
Tuesday from the god Tiw, associated with Mars
Wednesday from Germanic god Odin
Thursday from the Germanic god of thunder Thor
Friday from Germanic goddess Frigga associated with Venus
Saturday  associated with Saturn
Sunday  associated with the Sun

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Days of the week after Gods and Planets

The names of the 7 days of the week originate from the Latin language from the Roman calendar, which is related to each day to 7 celestial bodies considered to be gods: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

The English language has kept the planet names for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. However, the names for the other days of the week have been replaced by their equivalent Norse or Germanic gods.

Some Asiatic languages such as Hindi, Japanese, and Korean have almost the same relationship between the weekdays and the planets.

7 Days Name: Check Week Days Name in English -_4.1

7 Days name of the week

There are 7 weekdays from Sunday to Saturday.

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

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Weekends are only Saturday and Sunday

7 Days Name: Check Week Days Name in English -_5.1

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Importance of learning days name

Days of the week are important time proportions for all of us. Everyone knows the names of the days of the week, but sometimes children get confused with this. Children also do not understand that time is measured in years, weeks, and days. So how can children know how important it is for us to know the names of the days of the week? Children go to school one day a week and one day a week is a public holiday. This weekly holiday in India is on Sunday. All schools, universities, many government agencies, private offices, etc. will be closed on this day. So it is important for all the children to know the names of the days sequence-wise.

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Starts from Monday or Sunday

Almost all countries in North and South America start the week on Sunday. Countries in Europe and Oceania mostly start on Monday. The world’s most populated continent is divided. About half of the countries in Africa and Asia participate in Team Sunday, while the other half participate in Team His Monday. According to the international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. Followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the seventh and last day of the week. Sunday is considered the start of the week in some countries, including the United States and Canada.

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Que. What are 7 days in a week?

Ans. The 7 days in a week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Que. Which days are weekdays?

Ans. Weekdays are only 5 days i.e., Monday to Friday.

Que. Is Friday a weekend?

Ans. No, Friday is not a weekend in India.

Que. Which country has 3 weekends?

Ans. Scotland

Que. Is Sunday the first day of the week?

Ans. In many countries, Sunday is considered the first day of the week.