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Precis Writing Examples, Format, Meaning, Rules, Samples with Answers


A precis is a concise summary or condensed version of a longer text or document, often used to capture the main ideas, key points, and essential information of the original work. It typically omits unnecessary details, examples, and supporting evidence, focusing instead on presenting the core concepts and the author’s central argument or message in a more succinct form. Precises are commonly used in academic, journalistic, and professional contexts to provide readers with a quick understanding of a complex or lengthy piece of writing.

Precis Writing Meaning

Precis Writing is a narrative synopsis. As few words as possible are used to convey the main idea of the passage. By merely reading the Precis, the reader should be able to understand the idea presented in the first reading. Thus, it ought to cover all the essential details. It is a comprehension exercise. It must constantly be reduced to fit the space available. Many readers read hastily and miss the point of the chapter for precise writing. Since no one writes a Precis without thoroughly reading it, it is therefore beneficial for them to pay attention while reading.

Precis Writing Rules

Precis Writing Rules- Follow the guidelines below to write a precis without making any mistakes:

  • Carefully read the comprehension.
  • Make a note of the crucial details.
  • Create an outline for the precis.
  • As much as you can, utilise language that is clear and concise.
  • Once all of the points have been covered, create the final precis.

Precis Writing Format

Precis writing is a concise summary of a longer text, focusing on the most important ideas and details while maintaining the original meaning. Here’s a basic format to follow when writing a precis:

  1. Heading:
    • Include the title of the original text and the author’s name.
  2. Introduction:
    • Begin with a statement that introduces the original text, its author, and its main topic or purpose.
  3. Main Body:
    • Write a single paragraph summarizing the main ideas, arguments, and supporting details of the original text.
    • Use your own words to convey the key points of the text.
    • Maintain the chronological order or logical structure of the original text.
    • Be objective and avoid adding your opinions or interpretations.
  4. Length:
    • A precis is typically one-third to one-fourth the length of the original text.
  5. Clarity and Conciseness:
    • Ensure that your precis is clear and concise, avoiding unnecessary repetition or elaboration.
    • Use simple and precise language.
  6. Eliminate Examples and Illustrations:
    • Remove specific examples, illustrations, and anecdotes unless they are crucial to the main argument or theme.
  7. Maintain the Tone:
    • Maintain the tone and style of the original text. If it’s formal, keep your precis formal; if it’s informal, keep it informal.
  8. Conclusion:
    • Summarize the main point or message of the original text in a concise manner.
    • Restate the author’s purpose or thesis if it’s evident.
  9. Proofread:
    • Carefully proofread your precis for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  10. Word Limit:
    • If there’s a word limit specified, make sure your precis adheres to it.

Remember that the primary goal of a precis is to provide a condensed yet comprehensive understanding of the original text. It should capture the essence of the source material, making it easier for readers to grasp the main ideas without having to read the entire text.

What is Precis Writing Importance

A good precis is made up of several elements. It is crucial for candidates who have just begun studying for the upcoming examinations to be aware of the characteristics of a strong precis.

Some of the characteristics that will help the writing of a strong precis are covered below:

  • Precis length: Avoid writing a lengthy precis. Most of the time, the word count must be close to one-third of the passage’s or comprehension’s word count.
  • Easy to read: Make sure the summary you write is not too difficult to understand or has terminology that is too sophisticated.
  • Cover each and every crucial point: Make a note of the key points as you read the chapter to make sure that nothing is missed.
  • It must make sense: The synopsis also has to incorporate the keywords related to the passage.
  • Use a suitable Title: The precis needs a title. Therefore, candidates must make sure that the title matches their level of comprehension.
  • The precis’s specifics must correspond to those in the passage. The summary must only contain the information provided in the paragraph and must make sure to cover all of the passage’s significant content.

Precis Writing Examples- Samples with Answers

Here are a few examples of précis writing:

  1. Original Passage: “In the 21st century, technology has revolutionized every aspect of our lives. From smartphones that connect us with people around the world to self-driving cars that promise to make transportation safer and more efficient, we are living in an era of unprecedented technological advancement.”Precis Example: In the 21st century, technology has transformed our lives, offering global connectivity through smartphones and improving transportation safety with self-driving cars.
  2. Original Passage: “Climate change poses a grave threat to our planet. Rising global temperatures, caused primarily by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, are leading to more frequent and severe weather events, melting polar ice caps, and threatening the survival of countless species.”Precis Example: Climate change, driven by human activities like fossil fuel combustion, endangers Earth with rising temperatures, increased extreme weather, polar ice cap melt, and species extinction.
  3. Original Passage: “The novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee is a classic of American literature. Set in the racially segregated South during the 1930s, it tells the story of a young girl named Scout Finch and her father, Atticus Finch, who defends an innocent African American man accused of rape. The novel explores themes of racism, injustice, and moral growth.”Precis Example: Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ a classic of American literature, depicts the racially segregated 1930s South through Scout Finch’s perspective and her father Atticus’s defense of an innocent African American man, delving into themes of racism, injustice, and moral development.
  4. Original Passage: “The internet has profoundly impacted education. Online courses and resources have made learning accessible to people worldwide. However, concerns about digital distractions and data privacy have also arisen as a result.”Precis Example: The internet’s influence on education is profound, enabling global access to learning through online resources and courses, although concerns about distractions and data privacy have emerged.
  5. Original Passage: “The COVID-19 pandemic, which emerged in late 2019, had far-reaching consequences. It led to lockdowns, economic recessions, and millions of infections and deaths worldwide. Governments implemented various measures to curb the spread of the virus, including social distancing, mask mandates, and vaccination campaigns.”Precis Example: The COVID-19 pandemic, originating in late 2019, resulted in global lockdowns, economic downturns, and widespread illness and death. Governments responded with measures like social distancing, mask mandates, and vaccination efforts to contain the virus.

Précis writing involves condensing a larger passage into a shorter form while retaining its essential meaning and main points. These examples demonstrate how to capture the key ideas and information from the original passages concisely.

Dos & Don’ts in Precis Writing

Candidates should be aware that the examiner looks for a few fast things that will help your precis writing score the highest among the thousands of entries that need to be reviewed.

Following are a few Dos and Don’ts that a candidate should be aware of before beginning to write a precis, which are based on the same knowledge.

Dos for Precis Writing

  • To make the precis easy to read, start with the passage’s main concept.
  • Give the reader a clear notion of what they are about to read.
  • Make a list of all the crucial details as you read the passage and incorporate them in the precis.
  • Follow the facts, suggestions for improvement, approaches, etc. that were mentioned in the understanding to the passage’s primary idea.
  • Include all of the passage’s crucial terminology and keywords in your summary.
  • Record the tenses you employ. Data pertaining to previous occurrences must only be expressed in the past tense.
  • All of the information you include in the precis must be related to one another. It ought to share some connections.

Don’ts for Precis Writing 

  • The precis’ word count must be less than that of the passage.
  • Use simple terminology, avoid complicating the message, and avoid jargon.
  • Don’t add information to the precis or make assumptions based on your own imagination.
  • Don’t interject your personal judgement or critique into the comprehension.
  • Avoid using acronyms.
  • Don’t write statements in the precis in the form of questions.
  • Never spend too much time concentrating on one thing. Keep the details as accurate as you can.

The aforementioned dos and don’ts will aid candidates in understanding the concept and teaching them how to write a precis in the proper manner.

Steps for Precis Writing

  • Before writing the precise, begin by carefully reading the text. It is crucial to comprehend the passage’s main idea. Once the concept has been determined, incorporate it in the appropriate way.
  • Another crucial consideration for a strong Precis is the word count. Verify if the total number of words is provided. Count the number of words if not. Typically, it should make up one-third of the entire passage’s words.
  • For Precis Writing, you should be clear on the passage’s theme or main point. Before beginning to write your Precis, read the paragraph a few times to make sure you comprehend the theme. Make sure the concept is understood.
  • While reading, note down the points or highlight them. Try to find the points that are irrelevant to your Precis.
  • Your Precis’s heading is quite important. It must provide a succinct summary of the passage. Therefore, pick your title carefully.
  • The Precis should be structured so that the reader may easily grasp the main idea. Your sentences should be logically arranged and written in reported speech.
  • You must submit titles and designations for an official Precis rather than names. In the absence of any details, simply type your name. Throughout your Precis, be sure to adhere to the same rules. Make sure there are no errors before submitting. There should be a very small inaccuracy because it is already written in a brief manner.
  • Mention your Precis’ word count in brackets at the end.

Elements of Precis

The following are the key elements of a Precis:

Clarity: Since a Precis is essentially a plot summary, the reader should be able to tell what the story is about. Readers should have no trouble understanding your Precis.

Correctness: When writing a precise, always watch out for spelling, grammatical, and sentence structure errors. Ensure that all of the dates, addresses, facts, and statistics from the original passage are verified.

Clarity: Since a Precis is essentially a plot summary, the reader should be able to tell what the story is about. Readers should have no trouble understanding your Precis.

Correctness: When writing a precise, always watch out for spelling, grammatical, and sentence structure errors. Ensure that all of the dates, addresses, facts, and statistics from the original passage are verified.

Features of a Good Precis

  • An excellent Precis must be precise, concise, and clear.
  • For precise writing, it shouldn’t merely be necessary to copy and paste passage-specific sentences. Your words should be used when writing them.
  • It is a condensed version of the passage that is provided.
  • It should be a tight-knit community among the Precis.
  • The simplest way to do this is to employ linking verbs like thus, and, and, because, further, etc.
  • It needs a catchy title.
  • It must be coherent and match the original extract’s arrangement.
  • Only the information from the precise writing passage may be included in it.

Characteristics of Precis

The following are some of the primary Characteristics of Precis.

  • Compared to the original section, a Precis is typically concise and to the point.
  • It is the perfect illustration of the original passage’s topic.
  • Precis strips the original passage of its illustrative elements, supporting arguments, and supporting information.
  • It is written from the perspective of the content’s original creators.
  • In precise writing, indirect speech is frequently employed.
  • In Precis Writing, third-person pronouns are typically preferred.

What a Precis is Not?

  • It shouldn’t just be an abstract or summary of the passage provided.
  • It must not contain contradictory facts and assertions.
  • Your Precis does not allow you to express your own opinions.
  • There shouldn’t be any inquiries about it.

Precis Writing Tips

One should follow the tips mentioned below to write a good precis.

  • Carefully read the passage: Verify that you comprehend the passage’s primary premise and its supporting arguments.
  • Determine the primary points: Highlight or underline the passage’s most important sentences.
    Write the precis in rough draught form. This will assist you in structuring your ideas and guarantee that your precis is clear and succinct.
  • Talk in your own terms: Not a transcript of the passage, but your own words should be used in the precis.
    Be impartial. The precis ought to be an objective synopsis of the text rather than an interpretation or personal statement.
  • Be succinct: Usually about one-third or one-fourth the length of the original text, the precis should be shorter.
    Edit your synopsis. Verify that there are no mistakes in the grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
  • Employ words and sentences that transition: This will improve the readability and flow of your precis. Steer clear of technical terms and jargon.
  • Give precise instances: This will strengthen your arguments and add interest to your precis. 
  • Use language that is easy for everyone to grasp, unless you are writing for highly specialized audience.
  • Verify the Precision of your Precis: Double check that you have incorporated all of the pertinent details from the paragraph and that no facts have been omitted.

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How do you write a precis?

To write a good precis, read the passage given, note down the important points and main idea of the passage, use simple and clear words and draft a final precis in precise language

What is precis writing with example?

Precis Writing is a summary. It is an exercise of compression. A precis writing is a gist of any passage in as few words as possible.

What are the 8 steps of precis writing?

1. Decide Theme of the Passage.
2. No Reproduction of Important Sentences.
3.Have Brevity and Clarity.
4. Reflects the Intelligence of the Precis-writer.
5. Use Own Language.
6. Avoid Direct Speech and Use Indirect Speech.
7. Inclusion of Statistical Information.
8. Observe Proportion.

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