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Teachers Day Speech in English for Students, Short and Long Speech with PDF

Teacher’s Day is one of the most fun-filled day in schools where students get the chance to play the role of their favorite teachers. Teachers’ Day is celebrated in India on September 5th every year. It is celebrated in honor of the memory of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was the 2nd President of India and a great scholar. On this day, students are expected to prepare the speech to show gratitude towards their mentors. So, Teachers Day Speech preparation is very crucial for students on the eve of Teacher Day.

Teachers Day Speech

Teachers’ Day is an important occasion for all educational institutions, honoring the hard work and teaching of all esteemed teachers. It’s a day of school excitement and celebration, followed by a teachers’ day speech in English or any regional language commemorating Teacher’s Day. Therefore, we have provided the Teachers Day Speech in this article in short and long format for students to refer to. This article also includes Teacher’s Day Speech in various word lengths and also a 10 line Teacher Day Speech that students of all grades will find useful.

Teachers Day Speech in English

In India, the 5th of September is set aside every year for the celebration of Teacher’s Day. This day is very important because it marks the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a renowned scholar and the second President of India. Recognizing Teacher’s Day is an important custom in schools and universities, honoring the commitment and knowledge of respected teachers. This event brings a feeling of excitement and celebration to schools, with different activities and events happening, such as a unique speech for Teacher’s Day.


Why is Teacher’s Day Celebrated in India on September 5?

Teacher’s Day is a unique occasion to express gratitude towards teachers for their efforts. Varies from nation to nation, but in India, it falls on September 5th. The Teachers Day in India is celebrated on this date to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a distinguished educator who later went on to become the second President of India.

When his students suggested celebrating his birthday, Dr. Radhakrishnan requested them to pay tribute to all teachers instead. Educators assist us in acquiring knowledge and developing, and they have a significant impact on molding our future. On Teacher’s Day, students express their gratitude by presenting cards, flowers, and small gifts to acknowledge their teachers’ efforts and compassion.

Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the Man Behind Teacher’s Day Celebration

In India, September 5th is observed as Teacher’s Day in honor of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a respected philosopher, leader, and dedicated teacher. The reason for selecting this date comes from Dr. Radhakrishnan’s personal modesty and his deep love for education.

While serving as the President of India, Dr. Radhakrishnan’s colleagues suggested that his birthday should be celebrated as a public holiday. Nevertheless, he modestly proposed that rather than honoring him, the day should celebrate teachers across the country. He strongly held the belief that teachers have a crucial role in molding the country’s future and deserve recognition.

Teachers Day Speech-Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

He expressed his wish for September 5 to be recognized as Teacher’s Day instead of celebrating his birthday. He viewed this as a chance to emphasize the importance of education and the teachers’ part in developing young minds, promoting knowledge, and imparting wisdom.

This idea was widely embraced, resulting in the creation of Teacher’s Day on September 5th, 1962. On this particular day, students across the nation show appreciation and respect for their teachers. Educational organizations host special events, cultural celebrations, and awards ceremonies to show appreciation for teachers who play a crucial role in the lives of students.

Dr. Radhakrishnan’s choice to celebrate his birthday with teachers highlights his deep admiration for the teaching field and his strong belief in the power of education to bring about change. Teacher’s Day is a reminder of the important role teachers have in shaping the minds of future generations and fostering a love for learning.

Teachers Day Speech in English 10 Lines

  1. Every year on September 5th, Teacher’s Day is commemorated.
  2. This day celebrates teachers’ contributions to both education and society.
  3. It is celebrated on the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a renowned educator and India’s second President.
  4. Dr. Radhakrishnan believed that teachers have a vital role in molding students’ futures.
  5. On this day, students show appreciation and admiration for their teachers.
  6. Schools often arrange special events and programs in order to commemorate the occasion.
  7. Teachers are acknowledged for their commitment and effort on this day.
  8. Teacher’s Day stands as a reminder of the significance of education.
  9. It emphasizes the importance of teachers in fostering and directing students.
  10. The event allows for recognition of the influence teachers have on people and communities.

Teacher’s Day Welcome Speech

Good Morning Everyone!

I am delighted to greet everyone on this significant day as we gather to honor Teacher’s Day. I am delighted to be here today to mark Teacher’s Day 2024, a special day that acknowledges the commitment, enthusiasm, and effort that teachers contribute to their students’ lives. On this particular event, I would like to pause and contemplate the significance of being a teacher and the powerful influence we, as educators, exert on society. Today is also a day to express our thanks and admiration for our fantastic teachers who lead us, motivate us, and assist us in becoming improved individuals.

Teachers are similar to candles that illuminate our journey of learning. They put in a lot of effort to help us grasp our lessons and motivate us to achieve our highest abilities. We are lucky to have such committed teachers who are concerned about our future. Let’s use this opportunity to express our gratitude to all our teachers for their dedication, understanding, and unwavering backing. If it weren’t for them, we would not have reached our current position. Welcome once more to this festive event and let’s ensure our educators have a memorable day!

Speech on Teacher’s Day in 100 Words

Good Morning Respected Teachers and Friends,

Today, we gather to commemorate a truly unique occasion – Teacher’s Day. Today is the day we show gratitude to our teachers for their efforts and support. Our teachers serve as beacons of guidance. They assist us in acquiring fresh knowledge on a daily basis, not only from reading materials, but also about life.

Our Teachers instruct us on how to be compassionate, truthful, and diligent. A teacher is similar to a gardener, nurturing young plants. Similar to how a gardener cares for and sustains plants, our teachers provide for our minds and hearts. They provide support during tough times and share in our successes.

It is important to show respect for our teachers and heed their guidance. They put in a lot of effort to ensure that we have a promising future. Today, let’s show appreciation to our teachers for their love and commitment by saying a big “Thank You”. We wouldn’t be ourselves if it weren’t for them. To all our amazing teachers, we wish you a joyous Teacher’s Day!

Thankyou All

Teachers Day Speech for Students in 300 Words

Greetings Dear Teachers and my Buddies,

Today is an incredibly thrilling day as we mark Teacher’s Day! It is a day dedicated to expressing love and appreciation for our fantastic teachers who greatly impact our lives. I am extremely pleased to be here discussing the exceptional qualities of our teachers. Alright, let’s begin!

We are present to express our gratitude to our amazing teachers who support us on a daily basis. Teachers are similar to superheroes. Although they don’t wear capes, they perform incredible feats! They instruct us on reading, writing, and arithmetic. Moreover, they instruct us on how to be virtuous individuals. They demonstrate to us the importance of sharing, kindness, and befriending all.

Our teachers put in a lot of effort. Learning is made enjoyable through the use of stories, games, and songs. They respond to all of our inquiries, including the challenging ones. They assist us when we are in a bind and celebrate our successes. Isn’t that incredible? They engage in these actions because they have a genuine concern for our well-being. They desire for us to mature into intelligent and content individuals.

In the same way that we show love to our parents at home, we should demonstrate love and respect to our teachers at school. They act as our school parents, offering guidance and assistance at every stage. On this day of significance, let us express our appreciation to our teachers with a resounding “Thank You”. Let’s show them wide smiles and express our gratitude for their hard work. And keep in mind, the greatest present we can offer our teachers is to pay attention to them, put in effort, and be diligent students.

Therefore, we should honor our teachers not just today, but every single day. They definitely merit all of our affection and admiration.

Wishing a joyful Teacher’s Day to all of our beloved teachers!

Thankyou all

2 Minute Speech on Teachers Day in English for Small Children

  • Good morning, esteemed Principal, beloved teachers, and dear friends.
  • Today we celebrate Teacher’s Day! We honor our educators who impart numerous lessons to us.
  • Teachers serve as beacons of guidance and support in the school setting. They educate us, assist us with assignments, and engage in games with us.
  • We express our gratitude to them for consistently showing kindness and patience.
  • Wishing all of our fantastic teachers a joyous Teacher’s Day!
  • Thanks!

Teachers Day Short Speech

We all are gathered here to celebrate the auspicious birthday of Dr. Savepalli Radhakrishnan, one of India’s greatest scholars and the second president of India. This day is celebrated throughout India as Teacher’s Day. In my speech, I would like to thank all the teachers who teach us and help us learn new things every day. They not only help us gain knowledge through books but also help us in our lives. They taught us how to overcome fear and failure, gave us confidence, and taught us how to express our views and opinions in the form of speeches to so many people like I am presenting here today.

The teacher is always on top as it is proved by the shlokas also:

“GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha”

Teachers are always the pillars of every student’s life. They lead us out of dark times to enjoy a beautiful and bright future. Teachers’ Day, as declared by UNESCO in 1994, is celebrated worldwide on October 5th.

I am grateful to all of them for helping me to overcome difficulties and become a responsible citizen of India. Together, let’s make this day unforgettable for all teachers.

Thank you very much.


Long Speech on Teachers Day in English


Dear teachers, a warm welcome to all of you here. Today I am here to give a speech on Teacher’s Day. I would like to begin my speech by thanking all my beloved teachers who have always guided us and given us all their teachings, moral values, ​​and discipline.

As you all know we celebrate Teachers’ day in the beloved memory of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan on his birthday who was the first Vice President of India and the second president of India. He was also a great scholar, an ideal teacher and a recipient of Bharat Ratna. Born September 5, 1988. After becoming President of India, some of his friends and students approached Dr. Radhakrishnan to celebrate his birthday. He replied that it was his privilege to celebrate 5th September as Teachers’ Day across India instead of celebrating his birthday on that particular day. It is celebrated to honor our beloved teachers who have nurtured us and prepared us for a brighter future.

Speech Main Content

Teachers are our pillars who play an important role in guiding us through student life. They do their best to teach us valuable life lessons and are our role models to look up to like a potter shapes a pot to make the best as teachers shape the students’ lives to create their future. I would like to thank my parents for being my first mentor and teachers for guiding me throughout my journey.

The teacher is not teaching us only in schools or coaching in fact teacher can be any person who guides us giving any moral lesson that can be beneficial for our future. It is said that the future of the country lies in children’s hands and the support system for children is teachers only who teach them the true meaning of life.

Teachers’ Day is therefore celebrated to honor needs and recognize their special role in our lives. It is a day of excitement, activities, and special performances organized by students, especially teachers. Teacher’s Day is celebrated not only in India but around the world to celebrate the power of education. Different countries celebrate this day on different days. But UNESCO officially declared October 5, 1994, as World Teachers Day.


Last but not least, I would like to conclude my speech by thanking you for giving me the opportunity to speak about my beloved teacher on Teacher’s Day. I am proud to call myself a student at this institution that has helped me grow into a better person and has given me the passion to learn new things every day.

Teachers Day Speech by Teacher

A very warm Good Morning to one and all present here

Like every year we gather here to celebrate Teacher’s Day. Every September 5th is celebrated as Teacher’s Day in India to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan remembered. As a Teacher, Vice President and Second President of India, Dr. RadhaKrishnan has made immeasurable contributions to the country. On this special occasion, I would like to extend my best wishes and greetings to all the teachers gathered here and to all those who have helped me succeed in my studies.

As we all know, it is impossible to define a “teacher”. Because teachers don’t just teach and guide students, they help them get on the right path. They enhance our character and make us ideal citizens of the country.

Secondly, teachers are our second parents and parents are our first mentors. Teachers play an important role in influencing and inspiring us. All students try to imitate their teachers and see them as role models. Parents and teachers both are responsible for shaping a child’s character every step of the way.

Therefore, it is our first and foremost duty to thank our teachers for efforts. Let us take time to pay honour and admire all their contribution in shaping our future. Thank you teachers for your invaluable efforts and guidance at every step.

Teacher Day Speech for Principal in English

Our beloved students Respected teachers, and guests, Today, we have met here as a community, to commemorate a day that honors the backbone of our society: our teachers. Teachers’ Day honors our educators’ unending hours, unwavering enthusiasm, and unlimited patience.

In our fast-changing world, where information is only a click away, one may wonder why we need teachers. It’s because, while the internet can supply information, our professors bring wisdom and life lessons.

Our teachers are responsible for building our judgment, critical thinking, and guidance after our parents. Today, I would also like to acknowledge our teachers’ academic efforts. Our school would not be as successful without the efforts in studies our dedicated educators. They are the creators who create future society. Remember, dear kids, that when your teachers push you to achieve better, when they take an extra minute to explain something, or when they urge you to follow your dreams, it’s their way of expressing their belief in you.

Teachers take pride in our students’ accomplishments and stand by them when they face difficulties. The classroom is more than just a place to teach, it is a haven where life’s most important lessons are transmitted. Cherish these good moments on the occasion of Teachers Day and show respect, attention, and thankfulness.

Our Respected Teachers, There are not enough words to express our gratitude and respect for our great teachers. Every day you walk into this school, you don’t just teach a topic; you’re shaping the future.. Your effect extends beyond these walls and the echo of the institution.

As we celebrate this great event to pay respects to our teachers, let us promise to deepen the link between teacher and student, creating an atmosphere of mutual growth.

Thank you, dear teachers, you are helping to achieve the dreams of many students. Your constant dedication and enthusiasm will lead our students to great heights.

I as Principal of the School wish you all teachers and students a delighted Teachers’ Day!

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Best Speech on Teachers Day

A very warm Good Morning to one and all present here

Today I am here in front of you all to say something for those who made me capable of standing here. We all are gathered here to celebrate the special day even students across the country celebrate this day to pay respect and thank their teachers. Teachers are the backbone of our society. They spearhead change by shaping and building students’ personalities and making them ideal citizens of the country.

As one looks at the great impact on the growth, development and well-being of the students and nation, one must agree that teaching is a noble profession. There is a saying that teachers are greater than the parents. Parents give birth to a child whereas teachers mould that child’s personality and provide a bright future.

Apart from academics, teachers stand by us at every step to guide, motivate and inspire us to become better humans. They are the source of knowledge and wisdom. From the leads the ideas and thoughts, that one day each one of us will use to give back to this society.

I would like to extend my gratitude to every teacher for their selfless service and dynamic support. We are always grateful to you. Thank you everyone.

Five Unique Teachers Day Speech

Students can check five unique speeches for Teachers day below.

1) My Teacher my Inspiration

“Good morning teachers and friends,

Today, I’d like to explain why my teacher is so inspirational to me. Teachers are considered heroes because they create a positive influence on individuals. They back us, lead us, and assist us in reaching our full potential. I recall a time when I was having difficulty with a topic, and my teacher persisted in helping me. She supported me to achieve success with her patience and encouragement. I appreciate the impact teachers have on us and consider them as the real heroes in our lives.

2) Thanks for Making Learning Joyful

“Happy Morning teachers and friends”

Today, we honor the happiness of gaining knowledge, a happiness that our educators impart to us on a daily basis. They succeed in making even the most challenging topics interesting and fun. They demonstrate that education involves more than simply memorizing information; it entails investigating concepts, posing inquiries, and uncovering our surroundings. Thanks to our teachers, we are motivated to attend school, expand our knowledge, and develop. Thank you for turning education into a fantastic adventure and for being amazing mentors throughout the journey.

3) Salute to our Lifelong Mentors

“Esteemed teachers,

On this unique day, we honor you as our eternal mentors. You’ve not only imparted the lessons from our textbooks, but also the lessons of life. You have demonstrated to us the importance of facing challenges bravely, treating others with kindness, and continuously seeking knowledge. The knowledge and advice you’ve shared will remain with us even after we graduate from your classes. Thank you for guiding us, inspiring us, and supporting us. Having you in our lives is a real blessing.

4) A Teacher’s Impact Outside the Classroom

Greetings Dear Teachers and Classmates,

Today, we celebrate Teacher’s Day, a unique day set aside for those who not only assist us in our academics but also in navigating through life. Teachers are not only educators; they also serve as guides who influence our personality, spark our interest, and aid in our personal development. They educate us about kindness, nurture our creativity, and inspire us to have confidence in ourselves. A huge thank you is owed to our teachers for the endless inspiration they provide us on a daily basis. Your impact goes beyond just the classroom, and we are truly grateful for all of your efforts.

5) Thankful for Your Trust in Us

Greetings to all,

On this day dedicated to teachers, I wish to show appreciation to our educators for one specific reason: their belief in us. Sometimes we may have doubts or consider quitting, but our teachers are constantly there to encourage us and remind us of our abilities. They perceive our strengths, even when we are unable to recognize them. The faith they have in us empowers us to persist and strive for our aspirations. Thank you, teachers, for your belief in us and for being our greatest advocates.

Teachers Day Speech in English PDF

Teachers’ Day speeches often express gratitude, respect, and admiration for teachers, highlighting their significant role in shaping students’ lives and the future. If you’re looking for a pdf of the speech, I can help by giving below a direct link for you that you can download the PDF.

Teachers Day Speech PDF

How to Introduce Yourself in Teachers Day Speech

Students can use the following introductory lines for beginning their speech and introducing themselves.

  • A very good morning/afternoon/evening and a hearty welcome to the respected principal, all my beloved teachers and my dear friends!
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening to respected Principal, devoted teachers – our heroes, my dear friends and esteemed guests.
  • The sun is shining bright and all of us are all wide awake and awake and excited. Good morning/afternoon/evening respected Principal, dear teachers and my lovely friends.

Happy Teachers Day Speech Beginning

A motivating address for Teachers’ Day can be effectively given by greeting your teachers with these clever pick-up lines.

  • Greetings to all my dear teachers and a heartfelt welcome to join us in honoring this important day.
  • We have assembled here to observe this significant event in recognition of our revered teachers who have a crucial role in shaping students’ minds and character for a better tomorrow.
  • We are all thankful to teachers who not only imparted knowledge of subjects but also valuable life lessons.
  • We recognize the challenges that come with being a teacher, as you work tirelessly every day to provide top-notch education to all your students.
  • To honor the birthday of the esteemed Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a distinguished leader, philosopher, academic, and educator, Teachers’ Day is celebrated by all in India.
  • Just like the invaluable efforts and assistance our teachers have provided, they have fully supported and contributed to improving students’ lives by providing quality education, teaching them how to deal with crises, and how to navigate difficult situations.
  • Sending gifts or cards cannot compare to the value of your services, hard work, and effort.
  • We, as students, offer our highest appreciation and gratitude for everything you have done for us up to this point, which words cannot fully express.
  • We anticipate your ongoing support and providing valuable service to help us become well-rounded individuals and, most importantly, responsible Indian citizens.
  • Once again, I appreciate your support, motivation, efforts, hard work, and service. Let’s make this day special with our events and celebrations.

How to Express Gratitude Towards Your Mentor on Teachers Day

Apart from giving teachers day speech, we can also thank our teachers using the following methods.

  • Begin by expressing gratitude to your teacher with a simple “Thank you.” Saying thank you can mean a great deal and demonstrates gratitude for their efforts.
  • Create a personalized card with a thoughtful message. It demonstrates your thoughtfulness and effort in creating a unique item.
  • Present a Flower: Provide a flower from your own garden. It is a tiny gesture that can bring joy to your teacher’s day.
  • Assist in the Classroom: Volunteer to aid your teacher by organizing books or erasing the board. It indicates that you appreciate their hard work.
  • Compose a brief message detailing the reasons why you appreciate your teacher. Sharing your emotions is an excellent method.
  • Give Big Smiles: Occasionally, simply giving a wide smile at your teacher can make them feel valued and joyful.
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How do you start a Teachers Day Speech?

Start the speech by thanking all the beloved teachers for their efforts.

What is the best message for Teachers Day?

Happy Teacher's Day to my favorite teacher! Wishing you joy and happiness, you are an amazing teacher, and you only deserve the best.

How to conclude Teachers Day Speech?

Last but not the least, I would like to end my speech by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam's quote, "The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise. Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers." Thank you to all my teachers, who have always been our guiding and support system!

When do we celebrate teachers' day in India?

We celebrate teachers' day on September 5 every year.

How do you thank a teacher?

One can thank the teacher by delivering a speech, gifting them cards, or can prepare a short video.