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India: A Leader in Making Through EdTech Revolution

A Leader in Making Through EdTech Revolution

After the Industrial Revolution that started in the 18th century and the IT revolution in the 20th century, we are currently a part of the next big revolution i.e. EdTech Revolution. We can trace its beginning from the time internet started reaching common people in India sometime after the 2008 financial crisis. The unfortunate COVID pandemic initiated the boom in the EdTech sector. While everything came to halt, it was time for people to start new learning and adapt to new methods of learning. The traditional methods of learning were forced to step into this new revolution and we saw a plethora of people jumping towards EdTech. The resilience of learners and educators proved once again that Pen is mightier than the Sword and the revolution which seems at its peak currently is just an infant that has been growing exponentially.

Though every revolution had its impacts on the human race, this time it’s not only about impacts or consequences, this is about shaping a new and better world for our future generations. This new world is going to be more inclusive and will generate platforms that will not discriminate in providing opportunities. There were a lot of restrictions such as time, money, resources which stopped people from becoming a better version of themselves. These restrictions have no place in this new uprising and a whole new crowd is working on themselves in the dark and they are on the way to shine so much brighter. It is literally going to light up the world and there will be no place for marginalization.

This revolution neither was nor will be about new products or generating profits. This is going to be the most ethical revolution and it is not built around a person and there’s no leader in the making. But as Education has always been given prime importance in India and we have treated Education equivalent to almighty, so the responsibility lies on the shoulders of India to take forward this EdTech revolution and emerge as a leader and reclaim our crown. Having the second largest population in the world and out of that more than half of the population lying in young age, we will have to be torchbearers and the whole world will follow.

Ed-Tech Revolution Integrated Learning Environments

We will have to tread very cautiously as we don’t want to make this EdTech revolution only about generating business. We will have to aim higher than the game of acquisitions and funding. The organizations which have caught the nerve of the EdTech revolution i.e. removing marginalization will emerge as a hope for a better world. This torch will be carried on and on for centuries and thinking of the short term will be injustice with ourselves.

“selfish goals lead to mediocrity”. Hence, if you or your organization is a part of this revolution, I appeal to you to aim higher and change millions of lives which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible for a single person without the means generated by this Revolution.


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About the Author

Hi, I am Brajesh (M.Tech, MCA), I Professional Educator having 3 years of experience in school education sector. Aim to provide JEE, NEET, CUET, and Other Entrance exams information in a simple way to help students find clarity and confidence. I provide here easily accessible content on Exam Notifications, Syllabus, Admit Cards, and Results.