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JEE Mains 24 January Shift 1 & 2 Paper Solutions, Download Free PDF

The NTA is conducting the examinations in two shifts, 1st shift is from 9:00 to 12:00 P.M and the second shift is from  3:00 to 06:00 P.M. The overall difficulty level of the JEE Mains 24 January paper of both shifts is moderate. The Mathematics section was considered challenging and lengthy in both shifts, while Physics and Chemistry were easy to moderate in difficulty level.

Students who appear in the exam, are keenly looking for JEE Mains 24 January Paper solutions on the internet. To address this issue, we will share the complete JEE Mains 2025 24 Jan shift 1 & 2 Paper Solutions on this page along with the downloadable pdf for absolutely free.

JEE Mains 24 January shift 1 & 2 Paper Solutions

On January 24, 2025, the National Testing Agency (NTA) will administer the JEE Main 2025 Session 1 test for B.Tech in several Indian cities and 15 foreign countries. Examinees taking the online (computer-based) examination can access the JEE Mains 2025 24 January paper solutions with analysis for both Shift 1 (morning session) and Shift 2 (afternoon session) on this page just after the shift is over.

It should be noted that the Jee main 2025 24 Jan shift 1 paper and Jee main 24 Jan shift 2 papers which are shredded here, are types. Our experts prepared these papers after reviewing the inputs of the students who appeared in the exam.

Also Check JEE Mains 28 January Shift 1 & 2 Paper Solutions

JEE Mains 2025 24 January Question Paper Solutions PDF Download

After each shift concludes, we will share the JEE Mains Question Paper 2025 for 24 January Shift 1 & 2 in the table below. The PDFs include all the memory-based questions for the JEE Mains Exam Question Paper along with detailed solutions.

JEE mains 24 January 2025 Question Paper with Solutions Free PDF Download
jee main 2025 24 Jan shift 1 Paper Solutions PDF Available Soon
jee main 2025 24 Jan shift 2 Paper Solutions PDF Available Soon

24 January JEE Mains Exam Question Paper 2025 Analysis

Our team is available outside of some exam centers to assess students’ initial reactions to the JEE Mains question paper. After the students depart from the centers, we ask them about their initial thoughts after reading the question paper. We provide a full expert analysis of the JEE Mains 2025 24 January Shift 1 and Shift 2 Paper for Shift 2 here.

jee main 24 Jan Shift 1 Paper Analysis

The JEE Mains Day 3 Shift 1 is now over, According to students’ feedback on the JEE Main January 24 Shift 1 exam, the Mathematics section was lengthy but not particularly difficult. Physics was rated as easy to moderate, while Organic Chemistry had more weight than Inorganic Chemistry. Key topics covered included fluids, ray optics, rotation, work-energy-power (WEP), conic sections, and vectors in 3D, among others.

Parameter Analysis
Overall difficulty level Moderate
Difficulty Level of Physics Easy to Moderate
Difficulty Level of Chemistry Easy to Moderate
Difficulty Level of Mathematics challenging and lengthy
Physics High Weightage Topics To be updated
Chemistry High Weightage Topics To be updated
Mathematics High Weightage Topics To be updated
Expected number of good attempts To be updated

JEE Main 24 Jan Shift 2 Paper Analysis

Students in the JEE Main 2025, January 24 Shift 2, rated the paper to be moderately difficult. Physics and Chemistry were quite easy, however, Mathematics was lengthy and difficult. However, when compared to earlier shifts, this paper was deemed easier.

  • Physics questions included Current, Magnetic, Modern Physics, Cylinders, Semiconductor, and Gravitation. Graph questions were included in the paper. The section was easier than previous shifts.
  • In Maths, 3D Vector had three questions: two on matrices and determinants and one on probability. In a math paper, a question was posed about the probability of irreversible determinants, combining topics from probability and matrix theory.
  • In Chemistry, organic chemistry was given more weight than inorganic chemistry. Physical chemistry had the fewest queries during this shift. Two to three questions came from the Mole Concept (Halogen estimate), two from Salt Analysis, one from GOC, and two from Aromaticity.

JEE Mains 24 Jan Shift 2 Paper Difficulty level

Parameter Analysis
Overall difficulty level moderate
Difficulty Level of Physics Easy
Difficulty Level of Chemistry Easy to moderate
Difficulty Level of Mathematics challenging and lengthy
Physics High Weightage Topics Ray Optics, Modern Physics, Electrostatics,
Fluid Mechanics, Wave Optics
Chemistry High Weightage Topics Coordination Compounds, Periodic Table, Chemical Bonding, Biomolecules
Mathematics High Weightage Topics 3D Vector, Coordinate Geometry, Integration, Matrices and
Determinants, Quadratic Equation, Statistics
Expected number of good attempts 48-52

JEE Main 2025 January 24 Shift 1 Question Paper Solutions

Check Section wise January 24 JEE mains 2025 Shift 1 Question papers

JEE Main Physics Paper Shift 1

  • A spring has tension 5N at x1 extension and 7N at x2 extension. Determine the tension in the spring when the extension is 5×1 − 2×2.
    (1) 11 N
    (2) 39 N
    (3) 25 N
    (4) 12 N
  • Body projected with initial velocity V0 at 45° angle in X-Y plane. Angular momentum at highest point is?
  • If I = IASinωt + IBCosωt, then find rms value of current.
  • Radius of curvature plano convex lens is 2cm and refractive index is 1.5 has focal length of f1 in air and f2 in a medium of refractive index 1.2. Calculate f1/f2.
  • A wire of resistance 9 ohm is bent into a form of equilateral triangle the equivalent resistance between any two points of its vertex will be?
  • What is the relative shift of a focal length of a lens when optical power is increased from 0.1D to 2.5 D? (a) 24/25 (b) 13/10 (c.) 21/25 (d) 11/10.
  • Solid cylinder rolling on inclined plane at angle θ. What is the linear acceleration?
    In a square loop of side length 1/√2 m current of 5A is flowing. Find magnetic field at its centre in (µt).
  • A big spherical drop breaks down to 27 drops. The work done to break is 10 J and the same drop breaks into 64 droplets of the same radius. Find the work done.
  • An electron jumps from principle quantum state A to C by releasing photon of wavelength 2000 A° and from state B to C by releasing of photon of wavelength 6000 A°, then find the wavelength of photon for transistor from A to B.
  • A satellite revolving in a circular orbit of radius R. If iits radius is now increased to 1.03 R, find the % change in time period. (a) 9% (b) 4.5% (c) 3% (d) 2.5%
  • For an ideal mono atomic gas undergoing an isobaric process, the ratio od ΔQ/ΔU is? (a) 5/3 (b) 7/5 (c) 4/3 (d) 5/4
  • A solid cylinder is rolling on an inclined plane at an angle θ. What is its linear acceleration?

Mathematics Jan 24 Shift 1 Question Paper

If 5th 6th and 7th term of the binomial expansion of (1+X2)n+4 are in A.P. Then the greatest binomial coefficient in the expansion of (1+X2)n+4 is?
If A is a 3 x 3 Matrix such that det (A) = 2. Then det(adj(adj(adj(adjA))))? (a) 232 (b) 216 (c) 28 (d) 212
Evaluate : limcosecx (√2 cos2x + 3 cosx – √cos2x + sinx +4)
If the area bounded by X2 + 4X + 2 ≤ y ≤ |x-2|.
If dy/dx is (1/x+x2)y = √x/√1=x2 ; y(0)=0, then y(1) will be?
If α and β are real numbers such that Sec2 (tan-1 (α)) + Cosec2 (cot-1 (β) = 36 and α + β = 38, then (α2 + β) is?

JEE Main Chemistry Paper Shift 1

  • The difference in melting point and boiling point of Oxygen and Sulphur can be explained by?
    Ribose present in DNA is
    (A) It is a pentose sugar
    (B) Present in pyranose form
    (C) α anomeric carbon is present
    (D) Present in D configuration
    (E) It is reducing sugar in free form
  • Which of the following statements about carbocation stability and aldol reactions is correct?

(1) A primary carbocation is more stable than a tertiary carbocation.
(2) In an aldol reaction, a base abstracts a proton from the α-carbon, leading to an enolate
(3) The stability of carbocations decreases with resonance stabilization.
(4) Aldol condensation occurs without the formation of an enolate ion.

  • Which of the following is the strongest oxidizing agent?
    (a) Eu2+
    (b) Ce2+
    (c) Ce4+
    (d) Eu4+
  • The difference in melting point (M.P.) and boiling point (B.P.) between oxygen and
    sulfur can be explained by:
    (a) EN (Electronegativity)
    (b) ∆Neg (Electron affinity)1
    (c) Atomicity
    (d) IE (Ionization Energy)
  • If 10 mol of CO and 10 mol of Fe3O4 react according to the equation:
    Fe3O4 + 4CO → 4CO2 + 3Fe
    What is the weight of Fe produced?
  • A body is projected with an initial velocity v0 at a 45◦ angle in the X − Y plane. What is the angular momentum at the highest point?
  •  Compare the dipole moment of the following molecules: NH3, H2O, CH4
  • A wire of resistance 9 ohm is bent into the shape of an equilateral triangle. What is the equivalent resistance between any two vertices of the triangle?
  •  A big spherical drop breaks down into 27 smaller droplets. The work done to break it is 10 J. If the same drop breaks into 64 droplets of the same radius, find the work done

JEE Main Jan 24 Shift 2 Question Paper Solutions

The JEE Mains January 24 Shift 2 examination took place from 3:00 to 6:00 P.M. As the exam is now concluded, we shared the complete JEE Mains shift 2 question paper with solutions hereunder

1. In Young’s Double Slit Experiment, monochromatic light of wavelength λ is used.
The slits are separated by a distance d, and the screen is placed at a distance D from the
slits. If the fringe width is observed to be β, and the distance between the slits and the
screen is doubled, what will be the new fringe width?
(A) β
(B) 2β
(C) β
(D) 4β
Correct Answer: (B) 2β

2. Sulfur undergoes oxidation to form sulfur trioxide (SO3) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the following reactions:
1. S + O2 → SO2
2. 2SO2 + O2 → 2SO3

Given that sulfur (S) is oxidized to SO2, and SO2 is further oxidized to SO3, calculate the change in oxidation states of sulfur in both reactions.
(A) Sulfur is oxidized from 0 to +2 in the first reaction and from +2 to +6 in the second reaction.
(B) Sulfur is reduced from 0 to -2 in the first reaction and from +2 to -2 in the second reaction.
(C) Sulfur is oxidized from 0 to +4 in the first reaction and from +2 to +6 in the second reaction.
(D) Sulfur is reduced from 0 to +6 in the first reaction and from +4 to +2 in the second reaction.

Correct Answer: (A) Sulfur is oxidized from 0 to +2 in the first reaction and from +2 to +6
in the second reaction.

3. The temperature in a city is measured to be 30°C. What is the corresponding
temperature in Fahrenheit?
(A) 72°F
(B) 90°F
(C) 86°F
(D) 100°F
Correct Answer: (C) 86°F.

4. A solid sphere and hollow sphere rolls down purely equal distances on same inclined plane (starting from rest) in time t 1 t 2 then___

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About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities.