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ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 PDF Download

ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has released the ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 on its official website. Candidates who intend to take the ICSE Class 10 board exam in 2024 should familiarize themselves with the ICSE Physics Syllabus 2023-24 Class 10. In order to pass the exam with a good grade, students must acquire the ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 PDF from this page.

ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) anticipates that the Class 10 exams 2024 would be held in February – March 2024, so the time has come to begin preparing for the ICSE 2024 board exams. Physics, chemistry, and biology are the three components of the Class 10 Science exam. Students must prepare for and dedicate equal attention to all three areas. Physics is an important subject for those who desire to work in science. Students can refer to the most recent ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 when studying and preparing for Class 10 Physics, which will help them become familiar with the course structure’s topics/chapters.

ICSE Syllabus Class 10 Physics Exam Pattern

Candidates taking the ICSE Class 10 board Exams in 2024 should be familiar with the ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 as well as the Question Paper Design. Examine the key points of the ICSE Class 10 Physics Exam.

  • The ICSE Class 10 Physics exam has a total of 100 marks. The theory paper is worth 80 marks of the overall marks, while the internal assessment is worth 20 Marks. To pass the Physics exam, students must achieve a minimum of 33% of total marks.
  • There will be one paper of two hours duration carrying 80 marks and an Internal Assessment of
    practical work carrying 20 marks.
  • The ICSE Class 10 Physics Theory Exam is broken into two sections: Section I, which is worth 40 points, and Section II, which is also worth 40 points.
  • Section I of the Physics paper will have short answer questions on the entire syllabus, all of which are mandatory.
  • Section II will consist of six questions, of which students may attempt any four.

ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 Pdf Download

The ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 PDF is now available for download from the CISCE website. Candidates who wish to take the upcoming Class 10 board exam can download the ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 PDF and start preparing. For the convenience of the students, we have provided a direct link to download the ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2024 PDF below.

ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 Download PDF

ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2024 Chapter-wise

Candidates must thoroughly study and revise all of the chapters in the ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 in order to achieve high marks in the Class 10 physics exam. The ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 consists of 6 chapters as follows

  1. Force, Work, Power, and Energy
  2. Light
  3. Sound
  4. Electricity and Magnetism
  5. Heat
  6. Modern Physics

The ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 chapter-wise and topics are explained below in detail.

ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 1 – Force, Work, Power, and Energy

Topics and subtopics included in the ICSE Class 10 Physics syllabus Chapter 1 are as follows:

Chapter 1: Force, Work, Power and Energy
(i) Turning forces concept; moment of a force; forces in equilibrium; centre of gravity;
[discussions using simple examples and simple numerical problems].Elementary introduction of translational and rotational motions; moment (turning effect) of a force, also called torque and its cgs and SI units; common examples – door, steering wheel, bicycle pedal, etc.; clockwise and anticlockwise moments; conditions for a body to be in equilibrium ( translational and rotational); principle of moment and its verification using a metre rule suspended by two spring balances with slotted weights hanging from it; simple numerical problems; Centre of gravity (qualitative only) with examples of some regular bodies and irregular lamina.
(ii) Uniform circular motion.
As an example of constant speed, though acceleration (force) is present. Differences between centrifugal and centripetal force.
(iii)Work, energy, power and their relation with force.
Definition of work. W FS = cosθ; special cases of θ = 0º , 90º. W= mgh. The definition of energy is energy as work done. Various units of work and energy and their relation with SI units. [erg, calorie, kW h and eV]. Definition of Power, P=W/t; SI and cgs units; other units, kilowatt (kW), megawatt (MW) and gigawatt (GW); and horsepower (1hp=746W)
[Simple numerical problems on work, power and energy].
(iv) Different types of energy (e.g., chemical energy, Mechanical energy, heat energy, electrical energy, nuclear energy, sound energy, light energy).
Mechanical energy: potential energy U = mgh (derivation included) gravitational PE, examples; kinetic energy K= ½ mv2 (derivation included); forms of kinetic energy: translational, rotational and vibrational – only simple examples. [Numerical problems on K and U only in case of translational motion]; qualitative discussions of electrical, chemical, heat, nuclear, light and sound energy, conversion from one form to another; common examples.
(v) Machines as force multipliers; load, effort, mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency; simple treatment of levers, pulley systems showing the utility of each type of machine. Functions and uses of simple machines: Terms- effort E, load L, mechanical advantage MA = L/E, velocity ratio VR = VE/VL = dE / dL, input (Wi), output (Wo), efficiency (η), the relation between η and MA, VR (derivation included); for all practical machines η <1; MA < VR.
Lever: principle. First, second and third class of levers; examples: MA and VR in each case.Examples of each of these classes of levers as also found in the human body. Pulley system: single fixed, single movable, block and tackle; MA, VR and η in each case.
(vi) Principle of Conservation of energy.
Statement of the principle of conservation of energy; theoretical verification that U + K = constant for a freely falling body. Application of this law to the simple pendulum (qualitative only); [simple numerical problems].

ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 2 – Light

Topics and subtopics included in the ICSE Class 10 Physics syllabus Chapter 2 are as follows:

(i) Refraction of light through a glass block and a triangular prism – qualitative treatment of simple applications such as real and apparent depth of objects in water and apparent bending of sticks in water. Applications of refraction of light.
Partial reflection and refraction due to change in medium. Laws of refraction; the effect on speed (V), wavelength (λ) and frequency (f) due to refraction of light; conditions for a light ray to pass undeviated.
Values of the speed of light (c) in a vacuum, air, water and glass; refractive index µ = c/V, V = fλ. Values of µ for common substances such as water, glass and diamond; experimental verification; refraction through glass block;
lateral displacement; multiple images in thick glass plate/mirror; refraction through a glass prism, simple applications: real and apparent depth of objects in water; apparent bending of a stick underwater. (Simple numerical problems and approximate ray diagrams required).
(ii) Total internal reflection: Critical angle; examples in triangular glass prisms; comparison with reflection from a plane mirror (qualitative only). Applications of total internal reflection. Transmission of light from a denser medium (glass/water) to a rarer medium (air) at different angles of incidence; critical angle (C) µ = 1/sin C. Essential conditions for total internal reflection. Total internal reflection in a triangular glass prism; ray diagram, different cases – angles of prism (60º,60º,60º),(60º,30º,90º), (45º,45º,90º); use of right angle prism to obtain δ = 90º and 180º (ray diagram); comparison of total internal reflection from a prism and reflection from a plane mirror.
(iii) Lenses (converging and diverging) including characteristics of the images formed (using ray diagrams only); magnifying glass; location of images using ray diagrams and thereby determining magnification.
Types of lenses (converging and diverging), convex and concave, action of a lens as a set of prisms; technical terms; centre of curvature, radii of curvature, principal axis, foci, focal plane and focal length; detailed
study of refraction of light in spherical lenses through ray diagrams; formation of images – principal rays or construction rays; location of images from ray diagram for various positions of a small linear object on the
principal axis; characteristics of images. Sign convention and direct numerical problems
using the lens formula are included (derivation of formula not required).Scale drawing or graphical representation of ray diagrams not required.
Power of a lens (concave and convex) – [simple direct numerical problems]:
magnifying glass or simple microscope: location of image and magnification from ray diagram only [formula and numerical problems not included]. Applications of lenses.
(iv) Using a triangular prism to produce a visible spectrum from white light; Electromagnetic spectrum. Scattering of light. Deviation produced by a triangular prism; dependence on colour (wavelength) of light; dispersion and spectrum; electromagnetic spectrum: broad classification (names only arranged in order of increasing wavelength); properties common to all electromagnetic radiations; properties and uses of infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Simple application of scattering of light e.g. blue colour of the sky.

ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 3 – Sound

Topics and subtopics included in the ICSE Class 10 Physics syllabus Chapter 3 are as follows:

Chapter 3: Sound
(i) Reflection of Sound Waves; echoes: their use; simple numerical problems on echoes.
Production of echoes, condition for formation of echoes; simple numerical problems; use of
echoes by bats, dolphins, fishermen, medical field. SONAR.
(ii) Natural vibrations, Damped vibrations, Forced vibrations and Resonance – a special case of forced vibrations.
Meaning and simple applications of natural, damped, forced vibrations and resonance.
(iii)Loudness, pitch and quality of sound:

Characteristics of sound: loudness and intensity; subjective and objective nature of these properties; sound level in decibel(dB) (as unit only); noise pollution; interdependence of: pitch and frequency; quality and waveforms (with examples).

ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 4 – Electricity and Magnetism

Topics and subtopics included in the ICSE Class 10 Physics syllabus Chapter 4 are as follows:

Chapter 4: Electricity and Magnetism
(i) Ohm’s Law; concepts of emf, potential difference, resistance; resistances in series and parallel, internal resistance.

Concepts of pd (V), current (I), resistance (R) and charge (Q). Ohm’s law: statement, V=IR; SI units; experimental verification; graph of V vs I and resistance from slope; ohmic and non-ohmic resistors, factors affecting resistance (including specific resistance) and internal resistance; super conductors, electromotive force (emf); combination of
resistances in series and parallel and derivation of expressions for equivalent resistance. Simple numerical problems using the above relations. [Simple network of resistors].

(ii) Electrical power and energy.

Electrical energy; examples of the heater, motor, lamp, loudspeaker, etc. Electrical power;
measurement of electrical energy, W = QV = VIt from the definition of pd. Combining with ohm’s law W = VIt = I² Rt = (V²/R)t and electrical power P = (W/t) = VI = I². R = V²/R.

Units: SI and commercial; Power rating of common appliances, household consumption of electric energy; calculation of total energy consumed by electrical appliances; W = Pt(kilowatt × hour = kW h), [simple numerical

(iii)Household circuits – main circuit; switches; fuses; earthing; safety precautions; three-pin plugs; colour coding of wires.
House wiring (ring system), power distribution; main circuit (3 wires-live, neutral, earth) with fuse / MCB, main switch and its advantages – circuit diagram; twoway switch, staircase wiring, need for earthing, fuse, 3-pin plug and socket; Conventional location of live, neutral and earth points in 3 pin plugs and sockets. Safety precautions, colour coding of wires.
(iv) Magnetic effect of a current (principles only, laws not required); electromagnetic induction (elementary); transformer.

Oersted’s experiment on the magnetic effect of electric current; magnetic field (B) and field lines due to current in a straight wire (qualitative only), right hand thumb rule – magnetic field due to a current in a loop;
Electromagnets: their uses; comparisons with a permanent magnet; Fleming’s Left Hand Rule, the DC electric motor- simple sketch of main parts (coil, magnet, split ring commutators and brushes); brief description
and type of energy transfer(working not required): Simple introduction to electromagnetic induction; frequency of AC in house hold supplies , Fleming’s Right Hand Rule, AC Generator – Simple sketch of main parts, brief description and type of energy transfer(working not required). Advantage of AC over DC. Transformer- its types, characteristics of primary and secondary coils in each type (simple labelled diagram and its uses).

ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 5 – Heat

Topics and subtopics included in the ICSE Class 10 Physics syllabus Chapter 5 are as follows:

Chapter 5: Heat
(i) Calorimetry: meaning, specific heat capacity; principle of method of mixtures; Numerical Problems on specific heat capacity using heat loss and gain and the method of mixtures. Heat and its units (calorie, joule), temperature and its units (ºC, K); thermal (heat) capacity C’ = Q/ΔT… (SI unit of C’):

Specific heat capacity C = Q/mΔT (SI unit of C) Mutual relation between Heat Capacity and Specific Heat capacity, values of C for some common substances (ice, water and copper). Principle of method of mixtures
including mathematical statements. A natural phenomenon involving specific heat. Consequences of high specific heat of water. [Simple numerical problems].

(ii) Latent heat; loss and gain of heat involving change of state for fusion only.
Change of phase (state); heating curve for water; latent heat; specific latent heat of fusion (SI unit). Simple numerical problems. Common physical phenomena involving latent heat of fusion.

ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 6 -Modern Physics

Topics and subtopics included in the ICSE Class 10 Physics syllabus Chapter 6 are as follows:

Chapter 6: Modern Physics
(i) Radioactivity and changes in the nucleus; background radiation and safety precautions.

Brief introduction (qualitative only) of the nucleus, nuclear structure, atomic number (Z), mass number (A). Radioactivity as spontaneous disintegration. α, β and γ – their nature and properties; changes within the
nucleus. One example each of α and β decay with equations showing changes in Z and A.

Uses of radioactivity – radio isotopes. Harmful effects. Safety precautions. Background radiation. Radiation: X-rays; radioactive fallout from nuclear plants and other sources.Nuclear Energy: working on safe disposal of
waste. Safety measures are to be strictly reinforced.

(ii) Nuclear fission and fusion; basic introduction and equations

ICSE Syllabus Class 10 Physics Chapter wise weightage

The ICSE Class 10 Physics Theory test is worth 80 points. The ICSE does not define a specific mark weightage for a chapter. However, the approximate weightage carried by each chapter in ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 is indicated below based on past years’ exam papers:

S.No. Chapter
Marks Weightage 
1 Force, Work, Power, and Energy 16-19 Marks
2 Light 20-25 Marks
3 Sound 11-18 Marks
4 Electricity and Magnetism 20-21 Marks
5 Heat 14-18 Marks
6 Modern Physics 7-11 Marks

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How many chapters are in ICSE Class 10 physics syllabus?

The ICSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 consists of 6 chapters as follows
Force, Work, Power, and Energy, Light, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism, Heat and Modern Physics

What is the full marks of class 10 physics exam?

The ICSE Class 10 Physics exam has a total of 100 marks. The theory paper is worth 80 marks of the overall marks, while the internal assessment is worth 20 Marks. To pass the Physics exam, students must achieve a minimum of 33% of total marks. There will be one paper of two hours duration carrying 80 marks and an Internal Assessment of practical work carrying 20 marks.

About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities.