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Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25 with Solution Out, Download PDF Here

Practicing Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25 may help students perform better on the CBSE 12th Psychology Board Exam 2025. Psychology 12th Sample Papers provide students with valuable practice material before their final exam.

Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25

Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25 comprehend whether or not they are fully prepared for the exam. They can test their understanding of the subject and feel confident about their answers. Psychology questions in class 12 range from easy to complex; nonetheless, each question is structured according to the CBSE Class 12 Syllabus. We have provided have sample question paper answer key pdf for Class 12 CBSE Psychology in an understandable manner. Students are advised to practice the previous year’s CBSE Class 12 Psychology question papers as well with practice papers for better performance.

Psychology Sample Paper Pattern 2025

All questions in the Psychology Sample Paper 2025 are mandatory except for those with an internal choice. The paper is divided into 6 parts. Learn the Psychology class 12 sample paper pattern below –

  • Section A – Section A’s questions 1-14 each carry one mark. You are expected to respond as advised.
  • Section B – Question Nos. 15-19 in Section B are concise answer type-I questions worth two points each. Each question’s solution should be no more than 30 words long.
  • Section C – Section C’s questions 20-23 are short answer type II questions worth three marks each. Each question should have a maximum of 60 words.
  • Section D – Question Nos. 24 – 27 in Section D are extended answer type-I questions worth four points each. Each question should have a maximum of 120 words.
  • Section E – Question Nos. 28-29 in Section E are extended answer type-II questions worth six marks each.
    Each question should have a maximum of 200 words.
  • Section F – Section F’s questions 30-33 are based on two given cases. The answer to each one-mark question should not be longer than 20 words. The answer to each two-mark question should not be longer than 30 words.

Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25: SECTION A


Q 1 Bobby is diagnosed with diabetes. However, he refuses to accept thediagnosis and continues to maintain the same lifestyle. Identify the defense mechanism that Bobby is using.
A. Repression
B. Rationalization
C. Denial
D. Displacement
Q 2 Which one of the following is true for personality assessment?
i. A person’s behaviour in a variety of situations can provide us with
meaningful information about his/her personality.
ii. Indirect techniques can be scored in an objective manner.
iii. Direct methods of personality assessment cover the unconscious part of our behaviour.
iv. Psychological testing requires great skill and training.
A. i and iii
B. i and iv
C. ii and iii
D. ii and iv
Q 3 Rita wants to perform well in the examination and hence starts attending classes regularly, taking notes, setting study targets, etc. Which theory of intelligence gives importance to this stage of planning?
A. Hierarchical Model of Intelligence
B. PASS Model
C. Theory of Multiple Intelligences
D. Structure of Intellect Model of Intelligence
Q 4 Which of the following statements applies to Sudarshan Kriya Yoga?
A. It combines pranayam with chanting
B. It consists of mindfulness-based meditation
C. It involves rapid breathing technique to induce hyperventilation
D. It refers to asanas or only bodily postures
Q 5 Suhail’s intense and overwhelming fear of driving has disrupted his daily life. He does not go outside for important tasks unless somebody else drives the car for him. He has even left his job and has few social contacts. The
most suitable behaviour therapy for Suhail would be:
A. Systematic desensitization
B. Positive reinforcement
C. Differential reinforcement
D. Token economy
Q 6 In the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice:
Assertion (A): In Logotherapy, transference is actively discouraged.
Reason(R): The goal of Logotherapy is to help patients find meaning and responsibility in their lives irrespective of their life circumstances.
Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
C. A is true but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true.
Q 7 Jayant believes that the television news anchor is talking to him. He is exhibiting:
A. Delusion of reference
B. Delusion of control
C. Formal thought disorder
D. Auditory hallucination
Q 8 Maya has been feeling anxious and experiencing panic attacks for the past two weeks. She feels a constant sense of fear accompanied by rapid heartbeat, sweating, and shortness of breath. This is affecting her ability to
participate in school activities.
Which of the following criteria for abnormality in psychological disorders is best illustrated by Maya’s symptoms?
A. Deviance and danger
B. Distress and dysfunction
C. Duration and distress
D. Danger and depression
Q 9 Which of the following is not a characteristic of Autism spectrum disorder?
A. Shortness of breath
B. Repetitive behaviour
C. Problem in non-verbal communication
D. Problem in social interaction
Q 10 Identify the statements that are not true to group polarisation: 1
i. It is a consequence of extreme cohesiveness.
ii. Groups are more likely to take extreme decisions than individuals alone.
iii. When you find people having similar views you perceive them as an ingroup.
iv. As the group becomes one unit you begin to think, feel and act like them.
A. i and iv
B. iii and iv
C. ii and iv
D. ii and iii
Q 11 Which one of the following statements describes a team?
A. Collection of people who may be present at a place by chance.
B. The members have complimentary skills and are committed to a common goal.
C. Only the leader is responsible for the work.
D. Polarisation in attention and actions of persons are in common direction.
Q 12 Shweta has joined the National Cadet Corps. Identify the type of group she is now a member of:
i. Primary
ii. Secondary
iii. Informal
iv. Formal
A. i and iv
B. iii and iv
C. ii and iv
D. ii and iii
Q 13 The concept of balance as proposed by Fritz Heider states that balance is found when:
A. All three sides of the P-O-X triangle are negative.
B. Two sides of the P-O-X triangle are positive, and one side is
C. Two sides of the P-O-X triangle are negative, and one side is positive.
D. There is a state of cognitive dissonance.
Q 14 Identify the statement that can help in reducing social loafing.
A. Making the group effort identifiable, instead of individual effort.
B. Decreasing the pressure to work hard towards the achievement of group goals.
C. Making people feel that their individual contribution is important.
D. Weakening group cohesiveness and increasing motivation to increase productivity.

Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25: SECTION B


Q 15 ‘An individual’s response to a stressful situation largely depends upon the perceived events and how they are interpreted or appraised.’ Do you agree with this statement with reference to Lazarus’ theory? State a reason for
your answer.
Q 16(A) Explain two major limitations of rating scales in assessment. 2
Q 16(B) State the main characteristics of Type A personality. 2
Q 17 “The cross-situational consistency of traits is found to be quite low”. Evaluate this statement with reference to the interactional approach to personality.
Q 18 Is intelligence an interplay of nurture and nature? Support your answer with one evidence for each.
Q 19 Aslam is a manager in an organisation. To conduct a team-building activity, he assigned work to selected members randomly. He observed that while executing the task, there came a stage when there was conflict among the
At what stage of group formation would this have taken place and explain the stage that is likely to follow?

Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper PDF 2024-25 with Solution

Download the Class 12 Psychology Sample question paper PDF and their answer key from the links given below. You can take printouts of them and practice them with a timer.

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Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25 with Solution

Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25: SECTION C


Q 20 Maninder is confident in saying ‘no’ to a request that he cannot fulfil. He is also able to organise his work and not procrastinate it. Explain the life skills exhibited by him.
Q 21 Peter is a 28-year-old man who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He lacks the necessary skills to be independent and productive member of society. As a mental health professional, suggest any three rehabilitation
techniques to support Peter in becoming self-sufficient.
Q 22(A) Ramit, a painter, is a happy, self-fulfilled and fully functioning person. He holds exhibitions of his art work which is always appreciated by all the visitors. How will Carl Rogers explain Ramit’s personality?
Q 22(B) The Birhors, a tribal community largely lead a nomadic life depending on hunting and gathering. How will this lifestyle influence the personality development of children from this community?
Q 23 Differentiate between obsessive and compulsive behaviour. 3

Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25: SECTION D


Q 24(A) Sara believes in the importance of regular exercise for maintaining good health. Despite this belief, she rarely engages in any form of physical activity. With respect to Sara, explain the reasons for the lack of consistency
between her attitude and behaviour.
Q 24(B) Rajan has a prejudice against senior citizens. As a result, he ignores their inputs and ideas. What are the likely sources of the prejudice that he holds?
Q 25 Gagan’s psychologist used a technique of personality assessment that required story writing around pictures and completion of sentences etc. Identify and describe the techniques being referred to here.
Q 26 Shanta has an IQ of 140. She has recently won an award for the ‘Best Author’ as well. Will she be gifted or talented? Elaborate on giftedness and its characteristics.
Q 27 Explain the effect of stress on the psychological functioning of an individual.

Psychology Class 12 Sample Paper: SECTION E


Q 28(A) What are the features of Neurodevelopmental Disorders? Explain any two disorders under this category.
Q 28(B) Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Phobia are types of anxiety disorders. How will different psychological models explain the development of these disorders?
Q 29(A) Differentiate between information processing and psychometric approach
to understand intelligence. Explain any four theories of psychometric approach.
Q 29(B) What is the relationship between creativity and intelligence? Differentiate between creativity tests and intelligence tests.

Psychology Practice Paper 2024-25: SECTION F


Read the following passage and answer question numbers 30 and 31.
Anita, a 40-year-old woman having a history of persistent depression was referred for therapy. She described feeling overwhelmed by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness, which had significantly impacted
her personal and professional life. Anita’s childhood was marked by significant adversity, including growing
up in a dysfunctional family environment characterised by parental neglect and emotional abuse. As a child, Anita internalised feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness. She exaggerated her flaws and overlooked her strengths.
Her self-critical thoughts manifested statements such as “I’m a failure,” “I’ll never be happy,” and “Nobody cares about me.” These distorted thoughts reinforced her feelings of hopelessness and contributed to her ongoing
depressive state.
Q 30 Identify the core beliefs developed during Anita’s childhood. 1
Q 31 Which therapy would be most suitable to reduce Anita’s distress? Give reason for your answer.

Read the following passage and answer question numbers 32 and 33.
Renowned environmentalist T. Shobheendran, after retiring as a Professor of Economics, dedicated himself to fostering a culture of nature conservation among young people. Shobheendran spearheaded unique
programs to engage students in tree planting and conservation efforts, transforming approximately 100 acres of barren land surrounding the college campus into a lush green area adorned with over 5,000 trees. Additionally, he actively participated in planting hundreds of saplings in public spaces and along roadsides.
Shobheendran’s initiatives also led to the establishment of research centres for afforestation projects at both campus and city levels. Members of the Kerala Prakruthi Samrakshana Samiti fondly recalled Shobheendran’s tireless efforts against river bank encroachments and water pollution. His advocacy prompted government authorities to take decisive action.
Shobheendran’s legacy as a champion for nature lives on through the countless individuals he inspired with his relentless conservation activities and social campaigns.
Source: The Hindu

Benefits of Practicing Psychology Sample Papers

The benefits of practicing the previous year’s Psychology sample papers are listed below.

  • Students will be able to comprehend the Class 12 Psychology board exam marking scheme 2025 and exam level by practicing Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25.
  • Understand the types of questions that will be asked in the CBSE 12th Psychology Board Exam 2025.
  • Students can use Psychology practice papers to identify the most important questions and chapters.
  • Know their level of preparation by attempting practice papers.
  • It aids in achieving accuracy and speed on the real exam day.
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How can I download Official Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25?

Visit the https://cbseacademic.nic.in/SQP_CLASSXII_2024-25.html, there you will get the official sample paper of all subjects.

What is the full marks of Psychology Sample paper 2025?

The psychology practice paper is worth 70 marks.

What is the time duration of Class 12 Psychology exam?

Students will be given 3 hours to complete the Class 12 Psychology question Paper 2024-25.

What are the total sections of the Class 12 Psychology Sample Paper 2024-25?

The question paper have total 6 sections.

About the Author

Hi buds, I am Monisa, a postgraduate in Human Physiology (specialization in Ergonomics and Occupational health) with 2 years of experience in the Ed Tech sector. With versatile writing skills, I provide educational content to help students find the right path to success in various domains, such as JEE, NEET, CUET, CLAT, other entrance and CBSE, ICSE, ISC and other State Board exams.