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25 Important Previous Year Q&A | HCA Study Material [24 September 2021]

25 Important Previous year Q & A | HCA Study Material [24 September 2021]: ഹൈകോർട്ട് പരീക്ഷകൾക്ക് വിജയം നേടാൻ ധാരാളം മുൻകാല ചോദ്യപേപ്പറുകൾ വിശകലനം ചെയ്യേണ്ടതുണ്ട്. ഹൈ കോർട്ടിലേക്ക് ഒരു ജോലി എന്ന സ്വപ്നം പൂവണിയാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുന്ന എല്ലാ ഉദ്യോഗാർത്ഥികൾക്കും ഇനി വരാൻ പോകുന്ന പരീക്ഷകളെ ധൈര്യത്തോടെ നേരിടാൻ ഞങ്ങളിതാ നിങ്ങൾക്കായി മുൻകാല വർഷങ്ങളിലെ ചോദ്യപേപ്പറുകളിൽ നിന്നും പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്തു അവയുടെ ഉത്തരങ്ങളും വിശദീകരണത്തോടെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്നു. മുൻകാല വർഷങ്ങളിലെ 25 ചോദ്യങ്ങളും , അവയുടെ ഉത്തരങ്ങളും (25 Important Previous year Q & A )ചുവടെ കൊടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നു.

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Read More : 25 Important Previous Year Q&A [22 September 2021]

HCA Study Material: 25 Important Previous year Questions (25 ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ)

1. Pick out the word that is spelt incorrectly.

(A) Playwright (B) Millennium (C) Caribean (D) Liaison


2. May l – ?

(Complete the question, choosing the options given)

(A) entry (B) enter (C) entree (D) entered


3. His family depends entirely ________ him.

(A) with (B) in (C) on (D) at


4. He has a liking for sweet food. That is, he has a sweet ________ .

(A) tongue (B) mind

(C) tooth (D) appetite


5. There aren’t ________ oranges.

(A) any (B) little (C) some (D) few

Read More :25 Important Previous Year Q&A [21 September 2021]


6. _________ he is wealthy, he doesn not waste money.

(A) Despite

(B) In spite of

(C) Although

(D) Yet


7. In which of the following sentence the phrase ‘at arm’s length’ correctly used ?

(A) He threw the stone at arm’s length.

(B) No one knows him at arm’s length

(C) He was given an arm’s length of advice

(D) He was advised to keep his old friends at arm’s length.


8. I wish __________ would rain.

(A) it       (B) they    (C) the       (D) today


9. Pick the error in the underlined part of the following sentence.

No,             there are             no sugar            in the house

(a)                   (b)                       (c)                         (d)

(A) a             (B) b                   (C) c                   (D) d


10. We went to visit them last year, ________ ?

(A) had we ?

(B) did we ?

(C) didn’t we ?

(D) hadn’t we ?

Read More : General English 25 Important Previous year Q&A


11. Pick the odd one out of the following

(A) fascinate (B) charm

(C) allure (D) magnify


12. “He is so proud that he will not beg”.This sentence can be expressed as :

(A) He is too proud a beggar

(B) He is so proud a beggar

(C) He is as proud as a beggar

(D) He is too proud to be a beggar


13. “They gave him up for dead”. This sentence means

(A) They sacrificed him alive

(B) They dedicated his life to the memory of dead people

(C) They gave up all hope for his life

(D) They knew he was dead


14. Identify the error in the following sentence

France is an European country, as is the Netherlands.

(A) France is

(B) an European

(C) as is

(D) the Netherlands

Read More: 25 Important Previous Year Q&A | HCA Study Material [23 September 2021]

15. I have been living here ____ 2003. Fill in the blanks choosing the right option given below

(A) for (B) till

(C) since (D) in


16. De facto means

(A) In fact

(B) in court

(C) deceased

(D) deseased


17. Pick the euphemism from the following

(A) pass

(B) pass over

(C) pass up

(D) pass away


18. “Just as we discipline and test our knowledge we also ______ to learn to control our passions”. Fill in the blanks, choosing from the options given :

(A) have (B) had

(C) has (D) will


19. When Mark Antony said, “Lend me your ears”, he meant

(A) Show your courage by giving up your ears

(B) Give me the best years of your life

(C) Give me your best crops of corn

(D) Listen carefully to me


20. “The two presidents are signing the treaty”. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning the sentence.

(A) “The treaty has been signed by the two presidents

(B) ”The treaty is being signed by the two presidents

(C) The treaty will be signed by the two presidents

(D) The treaty is signed by the two presidents

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21. As for us, we ‘re quite fortunate. Luckier than millions of people. It’s quite and safe here, and we’re using our money to buy food. We’re also selfish that we talk about ‘after the war’ and look forward to new clothes and shoes, when actually we should be saving every penny to help others when the war is over, to salvage whatever we can.

The children in this neighbourhood run around in their shirts and wooden shoes. They have no coats, no caps, no stockings and no one to help them. Gnawing on a carrot to still their hunger pangs, they walk from their cold houses through cold streets to an even colder classroom. Things have gotten so bad in Holland that hordes of children stop passersby in the streets to beg for a piece of bread. I could spend hours telling you about the suffering the war has brought, but I’d only make myself more miserable. All we can do is wait, as calmly as possible, for it to end. Jews and Christians alike are waiting, the whole world is waiting, and many are waiting for death.

“We are quite fortunate”. Pick another word from the options given to replace ‘quite’.

(A) never

(B) neither

(C) rather

(D) quiet


22. As for us, we ‘re quite fortunate. Luckier than millions of people. It’s quite and safe here, and we’re using our money to buy food. We’re also selfish that we talk about ‘after the war’ and look forward to new clothes and shoes, when actually we should be saving every penny to help others when the war is over, to salvage whatever we can.

The children in this neighbourhood run around in their shirts and wooden shoes. They have no coats, no caps, no stockings and no one to help them. Gnawing on a carrot to still their hunger pangs, they walk from their cold houses through cold streets to an even colder classroom. Things have gotten so bad in Holland that hordes of children stop passersby in the streets to beg for a piece of bread. I could spend hours telling you about the suffering the war has brought, but I’d only make myself more miserable. All we can do is wait, as calmly as possible, for it to end. Jews and Christians alike are waiting, the whole world is waiting, and many are waiting for death.

Why does the speaker claim to be selfish?

(A) The speaker has bought new clothes and shoes.

(B) The speaker has forgotten about the war

(C) He / She thinks the war will never end

(D) She /He is not saving money to help others


23. As for us, we ‘re quite fortunate. Luckier than millions of people. It’s quite and safe here, and we’re using our money to buy food. We’re also selfish that we talk about ‘after the war’ and look forward to new clothes and shoes, when actually we should be saving every penny to help others when the war is over, to salvage whatever we can.

The children in this neighbourhood run around in their shirts and wooden shoes. They have no coats, no caps, no stockings and no one to help them. Gnawing on a carrot to still their hunger pangs, they walk from their cold houses through cold streets to an even colder classroom. Things have gotten so bad in Holland that hordes of children stop passersby in the streets to beg for a piece of bread. I could spend hours telling you about the suffering the war has brought, but I’d only make myself more miserable. All we can do is wait, as calmly as possible, for it to end. Jews and Christians alike are waiting, the whole world is waiting, and many are waiting for death.

The word ‘salvage’ towards the end of the first paragraph means

(A) cover

(B) recover

(C) fight

(D) fear


24. As for us, we ‘re quite fortunate. Luckier than millions of people. It’s quite and safe here, and we’re using our money to buy food. We’re also selfish that we talk about ‘after the war’ and look

forward to new clothes and shoes, when actually we should be saving every penny to help others when the war is over, to salvage whatever we can.

The children in this neighbourhood run around in their shirts and wooden shoes. They have no coats, no caps, no stockings and no one to help them. Gnawing on a carrot to still their hunger pangs, they walk from their cold houses through cold streets to an even colder classroom. Things have gotten so bad in Holland that hordes of children stop passersby in the streets to beg for a piece of bread. I could spend hours telling you about the suffering the war has brought, but I’d only make myself more miserable. All we can do is wait, as calmly as possible, for it to end. Jews and Christians alike are waiting, the whole world is waiting, and many are waiting for death.

What do the children in the neighbourhood lack most?

(A) food

(B) shoes

(C) shirt

(D) school


25. As for us, we ‘re quite fortunate. Luckier than millions of people. It’s quite and safe here, and we’re using our money to buy food. We’re also selfish that we talk about ‘after the war’ and look forward to new clothes and shoes, when actually we should be saving every penny to help others when the war is over, to salvage whatever we can.

The children in this neighbourhood run around in their shirts and wooden shoes. They have no coats, no caps, no stockings and no one to help them. Gnawing on a carrot to still their hunger pangs, they walk from their cold houses through cold streets to an even colder classroom. Things have gotten so bad in Holland that hordes of children stop passersby in the streets to beg for a piece of bread. I could spend hours telling you about the suffering the war has brought, but I’d only make myself more miserable. All we can do is wait, as calmly as possible, for it to end. Jews and Christians alike are waiting, the whole world is waiting, and many are waiting for death.

The initial letter in the word ‘ gnaw’ is pronounced

(A) as in ‘great’

(B) as in ‘gentle’

(C) as in ‘sing’

(D) as in ‘sign’

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HCA Study Material: 25 Important Previous year Solutions (25 പരിഹാരങ്ങൾ)



1. Correct Choice : (C)

Solution :

The correct spelling is ‘Caribbean’.

2. Correct Choice : (B)

3. Correct Choice : (C)

4. Correct Choice : (C)

Solution :

sweet tooth: a great liking for sweet-tasting foods.

6. Correct Choice : (A)

Solution :

We use ‘any’ in interrogative sentences.

7. Correct Choice : (C)

Solution :

Although means ‘in spite of something’. It is a subordinating conjunctions.

8. Correct Choice : (D)

Solution :

at arm’s length : keep distance from something or somebody. avoid intimacy or familiarity. avoid being connected with someone or something. not let someone be too friendly.


9. Correct Choice : (A)

10. Correct Choice : (B)

Solution :

there is ‘is the correct usage.

11. Correct Choice : (C)

HCK Exam
HCK Exam

Solution :

For a positive sentence the tag will be negative. It’s form : auxillary + n’t +subject


12. Correct Choice : (D)

Solution :

magnify : praise highly : glorify. All the other words have same meaning.


13. Correct Choice: (D)

Solution :

The words too…to have a negative meaning. It means ‘more than is necessary or desirable’.

14. Correct Choice : (C)

Solution :

give someone up for dead : to give up hope for someone who is dying; to abandon a dying person as already dead.

15. Correct Choice : (b)

Solution :

‘A European’ is correct. Because European is said with an initial y sound which counts as a consonantal sound in English speech, It is said (and written) with a not an.

16. Correct Choice : (C)

Solution :

“Since” can be an expression of time. ie , from a time in the past until the present.

17. Correct Choice : (A)

Solution :

De facto : in fact, whether by right or not.

18. Correct Choice : (D)

Solution :

‘pass away’ is a euphemism for ‘death’. Euphemisms are a way to convey something without saying a specific word that may be considered too blunt or direct.

19. Correct Choice : (A)

Solution :

In the simple present tense we use the base form’ has’ or ‘have’.

20. Correct Choice : (D)

Solution :

“Lend me your ears” means ‘Pay attention, listen’.

21. Correct Choice : (B)

Solution :

‘The treaty is being signed by the two presidents’ is the passive form of ‘The two presidents are signing the treaty’.

22. Correct Choice : (C)

Solution :

Synonyms of ‘quite’ are fairly, rather, somewhat etc.

23. Correct Choice : (D)

Solution :

It is given in the first paragraph.

24. Correct Choice : (B)

Solution :

‘salvage’ means ‘recover’.

25. Correct Choice : (A)

Solution :

It is given in the second paragraph that children are begging for a piece of bread.

Correct Choice: (D)


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