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MP Excise Constable Salary 2025, Check Job Profile, Allowances Details

The MP Excise Constable salary 2025 is designed to offer a competitive package, including basic pay, grade pay, and additional allowances such as Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), and Travel Allowance (TA). The remuneration ensures that the constables are adequately compensated for their demanding duties. Along with the financial benefits, the job profile of an MP Excise Constable involves fieldwork, inspections, and coordination with other law enforcement agencies, making it a challenging yet rewarding career option. Go through the article below to get the complete details.

MP Excise Constable Salary 2025

The Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board (MPESB) has released the official notification for the MP Excise Constable Recruitment 2025. Applicants who complete all stages of the MP Excise Constable selection process are appointed as excise constables in Madhya Pradesh. This recruitment offers a highly competitive opportunity with a rewarding MP Excise Constable Salary 2025, growth potential, and comprehensive job responsibilities.  These individuals receive a basic salary of Rs 19,500 under pay level 2. The annual MP Excise Constable salary in 2025 ranges from approximately Rs 234,000 to Rs 768,000. The position offers a competitive pay scale, which includes grade pay, allowances, and various other benefits.

Madhya Pradesh Excise Constable Salary 2025

Before diving into the detailed review of the MP Excise Constable Salary 2025, it is essential for applicants to understand the key components of the salary structure. The salary of an MP Excise Constable is composed of various elements, including basic pay, grade pay, and additional allowances, which collectively ensure a competitive and attractive remuneration package. Applicants should familiarize themselves with the key salary details provided in the table below:

Madhya Pradesh Excise Constable Salary: Key Highlights
Organization Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board
Post Name Excise Constable
Vacancies To Be Announced
Salary Rs 19,500
Official Website www.peb.mp.gov.in

MP Excise Constable Salary Structure

The MP Excise Constable salary structure is set according to government regulations. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are included in the final list of selected candidates for the stipend. The detailed MP Excise Constable Salary Structure is given below:

MP Excise Constable Salary Structure
Description Amount (Rs)
Pay Scale 19500-64000
Pay Level Level 2
Basic Pay 19500
Dearness Allowance (DA) 7562
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 5400
Travel Allowance 1800
Gross Salary (Approx) 33000
Annual Package 234,000 – 768,000

MP Excise Constable Salary In-Hand

The “In-Hand Salary” of the MP Excise Constable 2025 refers to the amount that remains after all mandatory deductions are made. Once appointed, MP Excise Constables can expect to receive their in-hand salary, which is calculated after accounting for necessary deductions such as taxes, insurance, and other contributions.

MP Excise Constable Salary: Perks And Allowances

Apart from the basic MP Excise Constable Salary 2025, recruited aspirants shall be eligible to receive the below-mentioned benefits and allowances. All of these allowances will contribute to the monthly salary as they will be added to it.

Benefit Description
Dearness Allowance A salary component to offset inflation is calculated as a percentage of basic pay.
House Rent Allowance Financial assistance for accommodation; varies by posting location (e.g., rural, urban)
Travel Allowance It covers all the official commuting and travel costs.
Yearly Increments Periodic salary increments and rewards for exceptional performance
PF Contributions by Employer Contributions made to the provident fund for long-term financial security and planning

MP Excise Constable Job Profile 2025

Candidates who surpass the MP Excise Constable cut-off marks and are shortlisted for the position will be eligible to work with the board. Once appointed, they will be expected to carry out the following duties:

  • Perform tasks similar to those carried out by constables at a police station.
  • Assist the Excise Head Constable and Sub Inspector in their duties.
  • Follow and execute orders from higher authorities.
  • File FIRs lodged by the public.
  • Handle paperwork and take statements from individuals.
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What is the basic salary of an MP Excise Constable in 2025?

The basic salary for MP Excise Constable is Rs 19,500.

What allowances are included in the salary?

Allowances include DA (Rs 7,562), HRA (Rs 5,400), and Travel Allowance (Rs 1,800).

What is the annual salary range for an MP Excise Constable?

The annual salary ranges from Rs 234,000 to Rs 768,000.

Are there additional benefits apart from the salary?

Yes, constables receive benefits like medical coverage, uniform allowances, and other special perks.