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NHPC-JE’21 CE: Daily Practices Quiz. 11-Nov-2021

Know your strengths and practice your concepts with this quiz on NHPC JE Recruitment 2021. This quiz for NHPC JE Recruitment 2021 is designed specially according to NHPC Syllabus 2021.

Quiz: Civil Engineering
Topic: Miscellaneous

Each question carries 1 mark
Negative marking: 1/4 mark
Time: 8 Minutes

Q1. Select the most appropriate option that shows the corresponding quadrantal bearing of the whole circle bearing 137°30’.
(a) S42°30’W
(b) S42°30’E
(c) N42°30’W
(d) N42°30’E

Q2. The nominal size of the modular brick is
(a) 190 mm × 90 mm × 80 mm
(b) 190 mm × 190 mm × 90 mm
(c) 200 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm
(d) 200 mm × 200 mm × 100 mm

Q3. Steel has its yield strength of 400 N/mm² and modulus of elasticity of 2 × 105 MPa. Assuming the material to obey Hook’s law up to yielding, what is its proof resilience?
(a) 0.8 N/mm²
(b) 0.4 N/mm²
(c) 0.6 N/mm²
(d) 0.7 N/mm²

Q4. If the magnetic bearing of the sun at a place at noon in the southern hemisphere is 167°, the magnetic declination at that place is
(a) 13°E
(b) 23°S
(c) 77°N
(d) 13°W

Q5. A clay has unconfined compressive strength of 200 kN/sq m in undisturbed state. The clay was then remolded and the unconfined compressive strength was found to be 60 kN/sq m. the sensitivity of this clay is:
(a) 0.30
(b) 3.33
(c) 2.33
(d) 1.68

Q6. If specific yield of particular sand is 30% and its porosity is 50%, then the specific retention of the sand will be
(a) 80%
(b) 55%
(c) 40%
(d) 20%


S1. Ans.(b)
Sol. W.C.B = 137°30’
Q.B = ?

Civil Engineering quizs

Q.B = 180° – 137° 30’
= S 42°30’ E

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. A brick of standard size. (190 mm × 90 mm × 90 mm) is recommended by BIS with mortar thickness, the size of such brick becomes (200 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm) and it is known as nominal size of modular brick.

S3. Ans.(b)
Sol. Proof Resilience:
U_max = 〖σ_y〗^2/2E = (400)^2/(2 × 2 × 10^5 ) = 0.4 N/mm^2

S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. magnetic bearing = 167°
Magnetic declination = 180°-167°
= 13°
The value given in southern hemisphere. Then
Magnetic declination = 13°E

S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. Sensitivity=(Unconfined compressive strength)undisturbed/(Unconfined compressive strength)remoulded

S6. Ans.(d)
Sol. Given,
Specific yield (S_y) = 30%
Porosity (n) = 50%
Specific retention (SR) =?
30%+S_R= 50%

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