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English Quiz For SBI Clerk Mains 2021 in Malayalam [28th August 2021]

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August 3rd week” button=”ഡൗൺലോഡ് നൗ” pdf=”/jobs/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/23144613/Weekly-Current-Affairs-3rd-week-August-2021-in-Malayalam.pdf”]


English Quiz Questions

Q1. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Keep a civil tongue

(a) Speak with great politeness

(b) Express dissent mildly

(c) Argue with soft words

(d) Maintain silence when needed

Read more: English Quiz on 27th August  2021


Q2. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.

Success is the _________________ of taking risks, everybody knows.

(a) tension

(b) by-product

(c) pressure

(d) burden

Read more: English Quiz on 26th August 2021


Q3. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.


(a) Appease

(b) Enrage

(c) Propitiate

(d) Conciliate

Read more: English Quiz on 25th August2021


Q4. Select the wrongly spelt word.

(a) Envioronment

(b) Solvent

(c) Residual

(d) Pollutant


Q5. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options select the one that gives their correct order.

A. When Franco was young; he would stay at sea all night.

B. Every morning, he would arrive with a big catch of fresh fish and sell it in the market.

C. Franco was a fisherman who lived on the beach.

D. He had been fishing for as long as he could remember.

(a) CDAB

(b) CBDA

(c) DCAB

(d) CDBA


Q6. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.

People readily accept any ______________ of their leaders if supported by the media.

(a) dispute

(b) argument

(c) concession

(d) compromise


Q7. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.

Painless death given to patients to relieve suffering

(a) Euphemism

(b) Euphorbia

(c) Euphoria

(d) Euthanasia


Q8. Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.

Sheetal might have misplaced Mohan’s wallet in their rush.

(a) Mohan’s wallet may be misplaced by Sheetal in their rush.

(b) Mohan’s wallet may have been misplaced by Sheetal in their rush.

(c) Mohan’s wallet might have been misplaced by Sheetal in their rush.

(d) Mohan’s wallet might be misplaced by Sheetal in their rush.


Q9. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options select the one that gives their correct order.

A. Though John found none, he was not ready to give in.

B. He continued the search till noon.

C. John wanted to have a big well dug.

D. He searched around for workers who would do the job for him without pay.

(a) CDAB

(b) DCAB

(c) CADB

(d) CDBA


Q10. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.

A person who speaks always in praise of himself

(a) Evangelist

(b) Egotist

(c) Nationalist

(d) Conventionalist

[sso_enhancement_lead_form_manual title=”ജൂലൈ 2021 മാസപ്പതിപ്പ് | ജയം ആനുകാലികം പ്രധാന ചോദ്യങ്ങളും ഉത്തരങ്ങളും PDF മലയാളത്തിൽ ” button=”ഡൗൺലോഡ് നൗ” pdf=”/jobs/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/04092949/MONTHLY-CURRENT-AFFAIRS-IMPORTANT-QUESTION-AND-ANSWERS-IN-MALAYALAM-JULY-2021.docx-1.pdf”]


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English Quiz Solutions


Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Keep a civil tongue – It is an idiomatic expression which means, ` To speak kindly and politely; to refrain from using harsh, insolent, or rude language.

Option a portrays the same meaning as that of the given idiom. Hence, it is the correct choice.



Sol. The correct answer is option b.

The word that can be filled in the blank is, ` By-product.’

As per the context of the sentence the word ` By-product’ fits in here.



Sol. The correct answer is option b.

Placate – Make (someone) less angry or hostile.

Synonyms – Pacify, Calm, Appease, Soothe.

Antonyms – Provoke, Anger, Enrage.



Sol. The correct answer is option a.

The correct spelling is, `Environment.’

Remaining words are spelt correctly.



Sol. The correct answer is option a.

The correct sequence is – CDAB.

C – It is the opening sentence as it introduces the topic by informing about a person named ‘Franco’.

D – It comes 2nd as it talks more about that person which is linked with the 1st sentence. (Fishing) Hence, CD forms the pair.

A – This sentence states that he used to stay at sea all night when he was young which should come after sentence D.

B – It concludes by stating that he used to sell a large number of fish in the market.



Sol. The correct answer is option b.

The word that can be filled in the blank is, ` Argument.’

As per the context of the sentence the word `Argument’ fits in here.



Sol. The correct answer is option d.

Euthanasia – The act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy.

Option d portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words. Hence, it is the correct choice.



Sol. The correct answer is option c.

The given sentence is of active voice.

The sentence is said to be in active voice when `Subject’ is active & does something.

In the given sentence, the subject is `Sheetal’ & the subject performed some

action (Misplaced the wallet of Mohan)

Now we have to convert it into passive voice.

Passive voice – If the sentence is in passive form, the subject remains inactive. It does

nothing, but allows something to be done.

In the passive form, the object of the verb in Active voice becomes the subject of the

verb in the Passive voice. ‘By’ is introduced as now the subject receives the action by the


The sentence thus formed is- Mohan’s wallet might have been misplaced by Sheetal in their rush.



Sol. The correct answer is option a.

The correct order is – CDAB.

C – This is the opening sentence as it introduces the topic by informing about a person named ‘John’. (that he wanted to have a big well dug.)

D – Sentence C should be followed by sentence D as it talks about searching for workers (for digging well which sentence has stated) without pay.

A – It states that he didn’t find anyone but he was not ready to stop. Since, the sentence D talks about searching for workers & sentence A talks about the same (that he didn’t get anyone), DA forms the pair.

B – It concludes by stating that he continued his search for workers till noon.



Sol. The correct answer is option b.

Egotist – Excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself; self-centered.

Option b portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words. Hence, it is the correct choice.


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