Table of Contents
English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams: स्पर्धा परीक्षांमध्ये दरवर्षी समाविष्ट करण्यात आलेल्या विशाल अभ्यासक्रम आणि नवीन प्रश्नसंचांमुळे प्रत्येक विषयाचा पुरेपूर सराव करणे कठीण होते. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams पुनरावृत्तीची प्रक्रिया जलद करतात आणि आपल्याला नियमितपणे अभ्यासात शक्य नसलेल्या प्रश्नांच्या सहाय्याने तो पूर्ण मुद्दा अभ्यासात घेण्यास मदत होते. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams चा सराव केल्यास आपला वेळ वाचतो, आपल्याकडे मॉक टेस्टमध्ये समर्पित करण्यासाठी एक किंवा दोन तास नसल्यास आपण English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz चा प्रयत्न करू शकता. आपल्या सोयीनुसार आपण या Daily Quiz कधीही घेऊ शकता; आपल्याला फक्त 10-12 मिनिटे वाचण्याची आवश्यकता आहे. English Language Quiz केवळ आपला वेळच वाचवत नाही तर हे आपले सामर्थ्य आणि दुर्बलता दोन्ही प्रतिबिंबित करते.
Daily Quiz for Competitive Exams: English Language
सर्व विषय आणि विविध परीक्षांच्या विशिष्ट English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz चा प्रयत्न केला तर आपण ज्या परीक्षेची तयारी करत आहात जसे की MPSC State Service, MPSC Group B, MPSC Group C, Saral Seva Bharati, Talathi, Police Constable, PMC & PCMC Recruitment, RRB इ. त्यानुसार दररोज तुम्ही Daily Quiz बघू शकता. परीक्षेसाठी तयारी वाढविण्यासाठी English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz हा एक उत्कृष्ट मार्ग आहे. हे आपला वेग वाढवते आणि फक्त काही आठवड्यांत आपणास आपले गुण आणि क्रमवारीत मोठा फरक दिसेल. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz आपली 2022 च्या स्पर्धा परीक्षेची तयारी वर्धित करते. तर चला आजची Quiz पाहुयात.
Daily Quiz for Competitive Exams– English Language: Questions
Directions (1-3): In the following questions, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select ‘No Error’.
Q1. Whatever be the work that which you undertake put your best efforts in it.
(a) Whatever be the work
(b) that which you undertake
(c) put your best efforts in it.
(d) No error
Q2. All the doctors were puzzled on the strange symptoms reported by the patient.
(a) All the doctors were
(b) puzzled on the strange symptoms
(c) reported by the patient.
(d) No error
Q3. He has been working on the problem from a long time but is still not able to solve it.
(a) He has been working on
(b) the problem from a long time
(c) but is still not able to solve it.
(d) No error
Q4. In the following questions, four words are given, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
(a) Screepture
(b) Skripture
(c) Scripture
(d) Scripchur
Q5. In the following questions, four words are given, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
(a) Pedestrean
(b) Pedestrian
(c) Padestrian
(d) Pedistrian
Directions (6-8): In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
Q6. Gagan Narang and Vijay won bronze medals in the London Olympics.
(a) Bronze medals won by Gagan Narang and Vijay in the London Olympics.
(b) Bronze medals had been won by Gagan Narang and Vijay in the London Olympics.
(c) Bronze medals were won by Gagan Narang and Vijay in the London Olympics.
(d) Bronze medals have been won by Gagan Narang and Vijay in the London Olympics.
Q7. The modern means of communication have made life so much easier.
(a) Life had been made so much easier by the modern means of communication.
(b) Life is being so much easier by the modern means of communication.
(c) Life has been made so much easier by the modern means of communication.
(d) Life was made so much easier by the modern means of communication.
Q8. All of them know the results of the assembly elections.
(a) The results of the assembly elections are being known to all of them.
(b) The results of the assembly elections have been known to all of them.
(c) The results of the assembly elections were known to all of them.
(d) The results of the assembly elections are known to all of them.
Directions (9-10): In the following questions the 1st and the last part of the sentence/passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence/ passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence/passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
Q9. Plato’s ‘Republic’ has exercised tremendous influence
P. He states that statesmen should.
Q. On human thought and intelligence.
R. Integrity because he felt that, only such men.
S. Be men of supreme intelligence and impeccable.
6. Could enlighten the darker side of human nature into a positive.
(a) PRSP
(b) SQPR
(c) RSQP
(d) QPSR
Q10. India has a vibrant space science program
P. The Indian space science programmer has been working.
Q. Formulating an industrial participation policy to.
R. Covering astronomy, astrophysics and space science.
S. With cooperative Indian Industries and has been.
6. Aid the growth of space industry in India.
(a) QPRS
(b) RPSQ
(c) SQPR
(d) PQRS
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Daily Quiz for Competitive Exams- English Language: Solutions
S1. Ans.(b)
Sol. Usage of ‘which’ is redundant; simply use conjunction ‘that’.
S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. There is a preposition related error. One is puzzled ‘by’ something, not ‘on’ it.
S3. Ans.(b)
Sol. Instead of ‘from a long time’ use ‘for a long time’.
S4. Ans. (c)
Sol. Scripture means the sacred writings of a religion.
S5. Ans. (b)
Sol. Pedestrian means a person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle.
S6. Ans.(c)
S7. Ans.(c)
S8. Ans.(d)
S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘QPSR’ is the correct sequence.
S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘RPSQ’ is the correct sequence.
Importance of English Language Quiz | English Language Quiz चे महत्त्व
English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz चा सराव का करावा? स्पर्धात्मक परीक्षेत चांगले गुण मिळण्यासाठी सर्व प्रश्नांचा अभ्यास चांगला केला पाहिजे. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams हे आपले बळकट क्षेत्र बाहेर आणते आणि त्याकडे लक्ष वेधते जेथे काही लक्ष देणे आवश्यक आहे. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams चा नियमितपणे प्रयत्न करून, नियमितपणे आपल्या तयारीच्या पातळीचे विश्लेषण करीत आहात. कारण आपल्यासह इतर हजारो इच्छुक रोज त्यांच्या कामगिरीचे मूल्यांकन करण्यासाठी या क्विझचा प्रयत्न करतात.
English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams चे आणखी एक वैशिष्ट्य म्हणजे आपण प्रश्नमंजुषामध्ये विचारलेले तपशीलवार विषयवार प्रश्न तपासू शकता. हे आपणास आपल्या कमकुवत आणि सशक्त क्षेत्राचे विश्लेषण करण्यास मदत करते, नंतर आपण आपल्या कमकुवत भागावर कार्य करू शकता आणि अधिक गुण मिळविण्यासाठी क्विझवर पुन्हा प्रयत्न करू शकता. तसेच तुम्ही English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz आमच्या Adda247-मराठी App वर सुद्धा प्रयत्न करू शकता. तेथे तुम्ही तुमची Daily Quiz, Quiz ला दिलेल्या वेळेनुसार देऊ शकता.
FAQs: English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams
Q1. What are the subjects for which daily quizzes are available on Adda247, Marathi?
Ans:Adda247, Marathi हे स्पर्धा परीक्षांसाठी आवश्यक असणाऱ्या सर्व विषयांचे दैनिक
क्विझ प्रकाशित करते.
Q2. How does a daily quiz in Marathi will help aspirants to score well in competitive exams?
Ans: मराठीतील दैनिक क्विझ च्या माध्यमातून परीक्षार्थी अचूक सराव करू शकतात. जो त्यांना परीक्षेमध्ये उत्तम गुण मिळवण्यास मदत करेल.
Q3. Are these daily quizzes according to exam pattern?
Ans: होय, दैनिक क्विझ हि Adda247, Marathi च्या तज्ज्ञ शिक्षकांकडून बनवली जातात व ती आयोगाच्या परीक्षापद्धतीनुसारच असतात.
Q4. What are the exams for which daily quizzes are helpful?
Ans: MPSC State Service, MPSC Group B, MPSC Group C, Saral Seva Bharati, Talathi Bharti, Police Constable, RRB etc या परीक्षांची तयारी दैनिक क्विझ द्वारे होते.
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