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Top 30 Environment and Climate MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 17 February 2024

A solid understanding of environmental concepts and climate-related issues is essential for candidates preparing for OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor exams. Regular practice with these multiple-choice questions will not only enhance your knowledge but also improve your chances of scoring well in the examination. Good luck with your preparation!

Top 30 Environment and Climate MCQs for OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor Exams

Environmental awareness and climate-related knowledge are crucial for candidates appearing in exams such as OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor. Here are the top 30 multiple-choice questions with answers to help you prepare for these exams at a moderate difficulty level:

  1. What is the primary method of waste disposal recommended by the 3R principle?
    a) Recycling
    b) Reusing
    c) Reducing
    d) None of the above
    Correct Answer: c) Reducing
  2. When was the Forest Conservation Act amended?
    a) 1976
    b) 1988
    c) 1980
    d) 1971
    Correct Answer: b) 1988
  3. Which type of disease is Hepatitis A?
    a) Food contamination
    b) Water-borne disease
    c) Air-borne disease
    d) Both (A.) and (B.)
    Correct Answer: d) Both (A.) and (B.)
  4. What is the primary source of contamination for Hepatitis A?
    a) Air pollution
    b) Soil contamination
    c) Food and water contamination
    d) Physical contact with an infected person
    Correct Answer: c) Food and water contamination
  5. Which of the following is NOT one of the 3R principles for waste management?
    a) Recycle
    b) Reuse
    c) Regenerate
    d) Reduce
    Correct Answer: c) Regenerate
  6. What is the objective of reducing waste according to the 3R principle?

a) To save money
b) To conserve resources
c) To reduce pollution
d) All of the above
Correct Answer: d) All of the above

7. Which drug is associated with the plant source of coffee or tea?
a) Camphor
b) Opium Poppy
c) Caffeine
d) Thorn Apple
Correct Answer: c) Caffeine

8. When is World Environment Day celebrated?
a) June 5th
b) June 6th
c) June 8th
d) June 10th
Correct Answer: a) June 5th

9. What factors are considered as the causes of eutrophication?
a) Increment in plant nutrients
b) Using fertilizers excessively
c) Both (A) and (B)
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: c) Both (A) and (B)

10. What is the primary objective of celebrating World Environment Day?
a) To promote sustainable living
b) To raise awareness about environmental issues
c) To advocate for environmental protection
d) All of the above
Correct Answer: d) All of the above

11. Which of the following drugs is derived from the opium poppy plant?
a) Cocaine
b) Morphine
c) Caffeine
d) LSD
Correct Answer: b) Morphine

12. What is the chemical responsible for the addictive properties of nicotine?
a) Caffeine
b) THC
c) Nicotine
d) Dopamine
Correct Answer: c) Nicotine

13. Which gas is primarily responsible for causing acid rain?
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Sulfur dioxide
d) Nitrogen
Correct Answer: c) Sulfur dioxide

14. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Helium
Correct Answer: c) Carbon dioxide

15. Which category of people is the worst sufferer of environmental destruction?
a) Moderate class
b) Rich
c) Poor
d) All of the above
Correct Answer: c) Poor


16. What is the most frequent and naturally occurring disaster?
a) Earthquake
b) Flood
c) Tsunami
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: b) Flood

17. How many biodiversity hotspots exist in the world?
a) 34
b) 30
c) 35
d) 36
Correct Answer: d) 36

18. What is the primary source of income for many poor communities in biodiversity-rich areas?
a) Fishing
b) Agriculture
c) Tourism
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: c) Tourism

19. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of environmental destruction?
a) Loss of biodiversity
b) Climate change
c) Economic growth
d) Pollution
Correct Answer: c) Economic growth

20. What is the primary cause of floods in many regions?
a) Earthquake
b) Deforestation
c) Tsunami
d) Volcanic eruption
Correct Answer: b) Deforestation

21. What percentage of the world’s species are estimated to live in biodiversity hotspots?
a) 10%
b) 25%
c) 50%
d) 75%
Correct Answer: c) 50%

22. What is the primary reason behind the destruction of biodiversity hotspots?
a) Industrialization
b) Climate change
c) Habitat destruction
d) Overfishing
Correct Answer: c) Habitat destruction

23. Which of the following is a consequence of environmental destruction on human health?
a) Improved air quality
b) Increased risk of diseases
c) Enhanced mental well-being
d) Decreased access to clean water
Correct Answer: b) Increased risk of diseases

24. What is the main factor contributing to the vulnerability of poor communities to environmental disasters?
a) Lack of education
b) Lack of government aid
c) Lack of resources
d) Lack of technology
Correct Answer: c) Lack of resources

25.Why is the sky blue?
a) Due to the presence of water vapor
b) Because blue light is absorbed by the atmosphere
c) The scattering of sunlight by air molecules
d) Blue light emitted by the sun

Correct Answer: c) The scattering of sunlight by air molecules

26.Which color of light is scattered the most by air molecules in the atmosphere?
a) Red
b) Green
c) Blue
d) Yellow

Correct Answer: c) Blue

27. What phenomenon causes the sky to appear red during sunrise and sunset?
a) Absorption of blue light by the atmosphere
b) Scattering of red light by air molecules
c) Increased humidity in the air
d) Refraction of light through water droplets

Correct Answer: a) Absorption of blue light by the atmosphere

28. If the atmosphere had a different composition, what color would the sky most likely be?
a) Green
b) Violet
c) Red
d) Orange

Correct Answer: b) Violet

29. What is the name of the scientist who first explained why the sky is blue?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Lord Rayleigh

Correct Answer: d) Lord Rayleigh

30. On a clear day, why does the sky near the horizon appear lighter in color compared to directly overhead?
a) Due to pollution
b) Because of increased humidity
c) The scattering of sunlight over a longer path through the atmosphere
d) Presence of clouds near the horizon

Correct Answer: c) The scattering of sunlight over a longer path through the atmosphere

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OSSSC RI, ARI, AMIN, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 2024 Daily Quiz Question Bank PDF