Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023: In order to qualify for Odisha CPET, the candidates must have to crack the Offline/OMR-based Test. This is the reason we are providing the updated Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023. Candidates can Download the Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023 Pdf for the Entrance Exam. To help aspirants we have given all the important topics weightage-wise so that it becomes easy for the candidates to plan their Odisha CPET 2023 Exam preparation. Below mentioned is the Odisha CPET syllabus 2023 in detail.
Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023
Odisha CPET Syllabus: Odisha Govt. has released the notification of the Odisha Common PG Entrance Test 2023. This helps them understand the comprehensiveness of the Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023 and the Odisha CPET Exam Pattern. Candidates who want to appear for Odisha CPET Entrance Exam 2023 must go through Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023.
Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023 | |
Board Name | SAMS Odisha |
Exam Name | Odisha CPET Entrance Test |
Category | Syllabus |
Status | Released |
Official Website | pg.samsodisha.gov.in |
Odisha PG Entrance Syllabus 2023
Odisha PG Entrance Syllabus 2023: Odisha PG Entrance Syllabus is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective teachers and contribute to the education system. Candidates who want a career in the teaching and Education field can go through the 2-year course of the Odisha CPET Entrance Test. It is updated regularly to keep up with changes in the field of education and to ensure that students receive a relevant and comprehensive education. Odisha PG Entrance Test includes mainly 2 papers one is a Core paper and another is Elective Paper.
Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023 Core Papers
Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023: Odisha CPET Syllabus may also include topics that are specific to the education system and culture of Odisha. For example, it may cover general Knowledge, General English, general Odia, the history and culture of Odisha, as well as regional languages and literature, etc. Additionally, the syllabus may focus on the development of teaching skills that are relevant to the specific needs of students in Odisha. The CPET Exam contains 40 questions of Core paper.
Subject | Syllabus |
General English and Comprehension | Verb Conditional Find the errors Spelling Test Jumbled Sentence One-word Substitution Fill in the blanks Direct and Indirect Speech Noun Active and Passive Voice Idioms and Phrases Reading Comprehension Antonyms and Synonyms |
General Odia and Comprehension | Adverb Phrases Pada Bakya Vocabulary Fill in the blanks Sandhi Karaka Samasa Dhwani Bibhakti Noun Pronoun Idioms |
General Knowledge & Current Affairs | New Schemes Literature Sports and Games Human Behaviour Awards International Affairs Indian Geography Environment, Ecology, and Climate Constitution Latest Agreement National Affairs Economics and Business World Indian History Solar System Science and Technology |
Basic Computer Literacy | Abbreviation Internet and Usages Storage Devices Mouse Monitor E-Learning Computer Fundamentals MS Office History of Computer |
Logical & Analytical Reasoning | Blood Relation Coding and Decoding Direction Picture Series and Sequences Statement and Conclusion Calendar Number Series Figure Matrix Input-Output Odd one out Latter Series Mirror and Water Images Order and Ranking |
Physical Science & Bioscience | Astronomy Evolution of Earth Applied Chemistry Biology NCERT Books Physics |
History, Geography & Political Science | Climate Indian History (Maratha, Freedom Movement, etc) Modern History Indian Geography 1857 Revolt Reforms Movement Delhi Sultanate Physical Division of India Soil Medieval History River System National Parks Water Forest Wildlife Centuries Dam and Projects |
Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023 Elective Papers
Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023: Odisha CPET Syllabus may also include Elective topics that are specific to the education system and culture of Odisha. For example, it may cover Chemistry, History, Economics, Physics, Geology, microbiology, etc. Additionally, the syllabus may focus on the development of teaching skills that are relevant to the specific needs of students in Odisha. The Common PG Entrance Test includes 30 Questions of Elective Paper.

Odisha CPET Exam Pattern
Odisha CPET Exam Pattern: Odisha CPET exam pattern 2023 is expected to follow a similar format as the previous years. The exam is conducted by the Student Academic Management System of Odisha Govt(SAMS Odisha), for admission to CPET courses in various colleges and universities in the state. The Odisha CPET entrance examination will consist of multiple-choice type questions with 1 mark for a correct answer and zero for a wrong answer (no negative marking). The answers will have to be marked on OMR sheets as per the instructions given in the table. Each paper will be of 90 minutes duration with 70 multiple choice questions. The question will consist of 40 questions from Honours/Core papers and 30 questions from the same subject’s generic elective papers.
Subjects | No. of Questions | Total Marks |
Core Papers | 40 | 40 |
Elective Papers | 30 | 30 |
Total | 70 | 70 |
Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023 Download PDF
ଛାତ୍ରମାନଙ୍କୁ ପ୍ରଭାବଶାଳୀ ଶିକ୍ଷକ ହେବା ଏବଂ ଶିକ୍ଷା ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥାରେ ଅବଦାନ ପାଇଁ ଆବଶ୍ୟକ ଜ୍ଞାନ ଏବଂ କଶଳ ଯୋଗାଇବା ପାଇଁ ଓଡିଶା ପିଜି ପ୍ରବେଶିକା ସିଲାବସ୍ ଡିଜାଇନ୍ କରାଯାଇଛି | ଯେଉଁ ପ୍ରାର୍ଥୀମାନେ ଶିକ୍ଷାଦାନ ଏବଂ ଶିକ୍ଷା କ୍ଷେତ୍ରରେ କ୍ୟାରିୟର ଚାହୁଁଛନ୍ତି ସେମାନେ ଓଡିଶା CPET ପ୍ରବେଶିକା ପରୀକ୍ଷା Odisha CPET Syllabus 2 ବର୍ଷର ପାଠ୍ୟକ୍ରମ ଦେଇପାରିବେ | ଶିକ୍ଷା କ୍ଷେତ୍ରରେ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନକୁ ବଜାୟ ରଖିବା ଏବଂ ଛାତ୍ରମାନେ ଏକ ପ୍ରାସଙ୍ଗିକ ଏବଂ ବିସ୍ତୃତ ଶିକ୍ଷା ଗ୍ରହଣ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଏହା ନିୟମିତ ଭାବରେ ଅଦ୍ୟତନ କରାଯାଇଥାଏ | ପ୍ରାର୍ଥୀମାନେ Odisha CPET Syllabusପିଡିଏଫ୍ ଡାଉନଲୋଡ୍ କରିବାକୁ ସିଧାସଳଖ ଲିଙ୍କ୍ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରିପାରିବେ
Download Odisha CPET Syllabus PDF
How to Download Odisha CPET Syllabus 2023?
- SAMS Odisha ର ଅଫିସିଆଲ୍ ୱେବସାଇଟ୍ କୁ ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ |
- ତା’ପରେ ସ୍ନାତକୋତ୍ତର ବିଭାଗକୁ ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ |
- ତା’ପରେ ପ୍ରବେଶ ବିଷୟ ଜ୍ଞାନୀ ପାଠ୍ୟକ୍ରମ ବିବରଣୀକୁ ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ |
- ତା’ପରେ Odisha CPET Syllabusଏକ ଲିଙ୍କ୍ ଖୋଲିବ |
- ଆପଣ Odisha CPET Syllabus Pdf ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରିପାରିବେ |
Official Link | |
Adda247 Odia website | Click Here |
Official website | pg.samsodisha.gov.in |
Download ADDA247 Odia APP | Click Here |