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English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams: स्पर्धा परीक्षांमध्ये दरवर्षी समाविष्ट करण्यात आलेल्या विशाल अभ्यासक्रम आणि नवीन प्रश्नसंचांमुळे प्रत्येक विषयाचा पुरेपूर सराव करणे कठीण होते. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams पुनरावृत्तीची प्रक्रिया जलद करतात आणि आपल्याला नियमितपणे अभ्यासात शक्य नसलेल्या प्रश्नांच्या सहाय्याने तो पूर्ण मुद्दा अभ्यासात घेण्यास मदत होते. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams चा सराव केल्यास आपला वेळ वाचतो, आपल्याकडे मॉक टेस्टमध्ये समर्पित करण्यासाठी एक किंवा दोन तास नसल्यास आपण English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz चा प्रयत्न करू शकता. आपल्या सोयीनुसार आपण या Daily Quiz कधीही घेऊ शकता; आपल्याला फक्त 10-12 मिनिटे वाचण्याची आवश्यकता आहे. English Language Quiz केवळ आपला वेळच वाचवत नाही तर हे आपले सामर्थ्य आणि दुर्बलता दोन्ही प्रतिबिंबित करते.
Daily Quiz for Competitive Exams: English Language
सर्व विषय आणि विविध परीक्षांच्या विशिष्ट English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz चा प्रयत्न केला तर आपण ज्या परीक्षेची तयारी करत आहात जसे की MPSC State Service, MPSC Group B, MPSC Group C, Saral Seva Bharati, Talathi, Police Constable, PMC & PCMC Recruitment, RRB इ. त्यानुसार दररोज तुम्ही Daily Quiz बघू शकता. परीक्षेसाठी तयारी वाढविण्यासाठी English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz हा एक उत्कृष्ट मार्ग आहे. हे आपला वेग वाढवते आणि फक्त काही आठवड्यांत आपणास आपले गुण आणि क्रमवारीत मोठा फरक दिसेल. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz आपली 2022 च्या स्पर्धा परीक्षेची तयारी वर्धित करते. तर चला आजची Quiz पाहुयात.
Daily Quiz for Competitive Exams– English Language: Questions
Q1. Identify the segment in the sentence, which contains the grammatical error.
The girl besides you in high heels is my younger sister.
(a) younger sister.
(b) in high heels
(c) is my
(d) The girl besides you
Q2. Select the option that will improve the segment in bold of the given sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select ‘No improvement.’
Each one of them were wearing a face mask for protection.
(a) No improvement
(b) was wearing
(c) were worn
(d) have worn
Q3. Identify the segment in the sentence, which contains the grammatical error.
I looked him at the eye and told him all I knew.
(a) at the eye
(b) I looked him
(c) and told him
(d) all I knew
Q4. Select the correct direct form of the given sentence.
He told me not to jump to any conclusion.
(a) He said to me, “Not jump to any conclusion.”
(b) He said to me, “Don’t jump to any conclusion.”
(c) He told to me, “Don’t jump to any conclusion.”
(d) He said to me, Not to jump to any conclusion.”
Q5. Select the option that will improve the segment in bold of the given sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select ‘No improvement.’
I wouldn’t dream to raise the price.
(a) to raising
(b) to rise
(c) No improvement
(d) of raising
Q6. Select the option that will improve the segment in bold of the given sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select ‘No improvement.’
But for their valour, they would have been defeated.
(a) Except with their
(b) But about their
(c) No improvement
(d) Because of their
Q7. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives the correct order.
A. Sometimes he even prescribed remedies for ailing pets.
B. Raghav owned a small pet shop.
C. He also dealt in fish food and bird seed.
D. He sold cats, dogs, birds and fish in his shop.
(a) DABC
(b) BDCA
(c) CBAD
(d) ACDB
Q8. Select the most appropriate word for the given group of words.
A state governed by old people
(a) Autocracy
(b) Bureaucracy
(c) Democracy
(d) Gerontocracy
Q9. Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.
We have finalised the site for our new factory.
(a) The site for our new factory is finalised by us.
(b) The site for our new factory have been finalised by us.
(c) The site for our new factory has been finalised by us
(d) The site for our new factory had been finalised by us.
Q10. Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.
“Please wait for me at the coffee shop in case I am late,” said Reema to her friend.
(a) Reema told her friend to wait for her at the coffee shop in case she was late.
(b) Reema told her friend wait for me at the coffee shop in case I am late.
(c) Reema told her friend to wait for her at the coffee shop in case I am late.
(d) Reema told to her friend wait for her at the coffee shop in case she were late.
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Daily Quiz for Competitive Exams- English Language: Solutions
S1. Ans (d)
Sol. Replace, ‘besides’ with ‘beside’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.
Besides – It is a preposition that means “in addition to” or “apart from.” For example – Besides Anna, who else went to the concert?
Beside – It is a preposition that means next to or at the side of. For example – Come and sit beside him.
S2. Ans (b)
Sol. Replace, ‘were wearing’ with ‘was wearing’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.
Each, every, either, neither, both, half, and all are distributive determiners. These pronouns are followed by a singular noun and a singular verb but when these pronouns are followed by ‘Of the’ then these pronouns are followed by ‘Plural noun and a singular verb’.
S3. Ans (a)
Sol. Replace, ‘at the eye’ with ‘in the eye’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.
Look someone in the eye – it is an idiom which means, “To make eye contact with one, typically in a way that is confident or without shame.” For example – Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not lying.
S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. The given sentence is ‘Indirect Speech’.
Indirect Speech – Reporting the message of the speaker in our own words.
Direct Speech – Reporting the message of the speaker in the exact words as spoken by him.
The given sentence is an ‘Imperative Sentence.’ The sentence thus formed is – He said to me, “Don’t jump to any conclusion.”
S5. Ans (d)
Sol. Replace, ‘to raise’ with ‘of raising’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.
wouldn’t dream of sth/doing sth – it is used to say that you would not do something because you think it is wrong or silly. For example – My father is very generous, but I wouldn’t dream of actually asking him for money.
S6. Ans (c)
Sol. The given sentence is grammatically and contextually correct.
But for – It is used for saying that something would have happened if something else or someone had not prevented it For example – But for your timely warning, we would have been unaware of the danger.
S7. Ans (b)
Sol. The proper sequence is – BDCA
S8. Ans (d)
Sol. Gerontocracy – A state governed by old people.
Autocracy – a system of government by one person with absolute power. Bureaucracy – a system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives. Democracy – a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
Option (d) portrays the same meaning as that of the given word & hence it is the correct
S9. Ans (c)
Sol. The given sentence is of ‘active voice’. The sentence is said to be in active voice when `Subject’ is active & does something.
Passive voice – If the sentence is in passive form, the subject remains inactive. It does nothing, but allows something to be done
Now we have to convert it into passive voice. The sentence thus formed is – The site for our new factory has been finalised by us
S10. Ans. (a)
Sol. The given sentence is ‘direct Speech’.
Direct Speech – Reporting the message of the speaker in the exact words as spoken by him.
Indirect Speech – Reporting the message of the speaker in our own words.
The given sentence is an ‘Imperative Sentence.’
‘Present simple (Subject +V1st + Object)’ changes to ‘Past simple (Subject +V2 + Object)
The sentence thus formed is – Reema told her friend to wait for her at the coffee shop in case she was late.
Importance of English Language Quiz | English Language Quiz चे महत्त्व
English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz चा सराव का करावा? स्पर्धात्मक परीक्षेत चांगले गुण मिळण्यासाठी सर्व प्रश्नांचा अभ्यास चांगला केला पाहिजे. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams हे आपले बळकट क्षेत्र बाहेर आणते आणि त्याकडे लक्ष वेधते जेथे काही लक्ष देणे आवश्यक आहे. English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams चा नियमितपणे प्रयत्न करून, नियमितपणे आपल्या तयारीच्या पातळीचे विश्लेषण करीत आहात. कारण आपल्यासह इतर हजारो इच्छुक रोज त्यांच्या कामगिरीचे मूल्यांकन करण्यासाठी या क्विझचा प्रयत्न करतात.
English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams चे आणखी एक वैशिष्ट्य म्हणजे आपण प्रश्नमंजुषामध्ये विचारलेले तपशीलवार विषयवार प्रश्न तपासू शकता. हे आपणास आपल्या कमकुवत आणि सशक्त क्षेत्राचे विश्लेषण करण्यास मदत करते, नंतर आपण आपल्या कमकुवत भागावर कार्य करू शकता आणि अधिक गुण मिळविण्यासाठी क्विझवर पुन्हा प्रयत्न करू शकता. तसेच तुम्ही English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams Quiz आमच्या Adda247-मराठी App वर सुद्धा प्रयत्न करू शकता. तेथे तुम्ही तुमची Daily Quiz, Quiz ला दिलेल्या वेळेनुसार देऊ शकता.
FAQs: English Language Quiz for Competitive Exams
Q1. What are the subjects for which daily quizzes are available on Adda247, Marathi?
Ans:Adda247, Marathi हे स्पर्धा परीक्षांसाठी आवश्यक असणाऱ्या सर्व विषयांचे दैनिक
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Q2. How does a daily quiz in Marathi will help aspirants to score well in competitive exams?
Ans: मराठीतील दैनिक क्विझ च्या माध्यमातून परीक्षार्थी अचूक सराव करू शकतात. जो त्यांना परीक्षेमध्ये उत्तम गुण मिळवण्यास मदत करेल.
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Ans: होय, दैनिक क्विझ हि Adda247, Marathi च्या तज्ज्ञ शिक्षकांकडून बनवली जातात व ती आयोगाच्या परीक्षापद्धतीनुसारच असतात.
Q4. What are the exams for which daily quizzes are helpful?
Ans: MPSC State Service, MPSC Group B, MPSC Group C, Saral Seva Bharati, Talathi Bharti, Police Constable, RRB etc या परीक्षांची तयारी दैनिक क्विझ द्वारे होते.
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