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Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023: If you have applied for the post of Pump Operator and would like to know the detailed syllabus, then your search ends right here. In this article we will provide the detailed syllabus of the upcoming Kerala PSC Pump Operator Exam 2023. In order to crack the exam, one needs to have a clear understanding of the syllabus, therefore read through Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023 to broaden your perspective. You can also download Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023 in pdf format.
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023 | |
Organization | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Category | Exam Syllabus |
Official Website | |
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Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023: പരീക്ഷയ്ക്കുള്ള തയ്യാറെടുപ്പുകൾ ആരംഭിക്കാൻ സമയമായി. പരീക്ഷയിൽ വിജയിക്കുന്നതിന്, സിലബസിനെക്കുറിച്ച് വ്യക്തമായ ധാരണ ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം, അതിനാൽ കേരള PSC പമ്പ് ഓപ്പറേറ്റർ സിലബസ് 2023 വിശദമായി വായിച്ച് മനസിലാക്കുക. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023 pdf രൂപത്തിൽ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാം.
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Exam Date 2023
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023: Overview
ചുവടെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന പട്ടികയിൽ Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023 സംബന്ധമായ എല്ലാ പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട വിവരങ്ങളും ലഭിക്കും.
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023 | |
Organization | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Category | Exam Syllabus |
Department | Universities in Kerala |
Post Name | Pump Operator |
Category No. | 557/2021 |
Last Date to Submit Confirmation | 9th January 2023 |
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Admit Date | 16th February 2023 |
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Exam Date | 2nd March 2023 |
Mode of Examination | OMR/ONLINE (Objective Multiple Choice) |
Medium of Questions | English |
Total Marks | 100 |
Duration of Examination | 1 Hour 30 Minutes |
Official Website | |
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Kerala PSC Pump Operator Exam Pattern 2023
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Exam Pattern 2023 | ||
Module | Topic | Marks |
Module I | Workshop Safety & Basic Workshop Practice | 08 Marks |
Module II | Workshop Tools and Equipment, Engineering Measurement | 08 Marks |
Module III | Basic Electrical | 10 Marks |
Module IV | Basic Electronics, Battery | 10 Marks |
Module V | Hydraulic and Pneumatics | 10 Marks |
Module VI | I C Engines, Engine components | 14 Marks |
Module VII | Cooling and Lubrication System | 12 Marks |
Module VIII | Fuel System, Intake and exhaust systems | 08 Marks |
Module IX | Electrical Machines | 10 Marks |
Module X | Electrical& Electronics systems, Accessories | 10 Marks |
Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023: Detailed Syllabus
Module I: Workshop Safety & Basic Workshop Practice (8 marks)
- Workshop Safety:
Occupational health and safety safety practice personal safety and general precautions observed in the shop types of fires fire extinguishers types of fire extinguishers elementary first aid handling of fuel spillage safe handling and periodic testing of lifting equipment energy conservation process - Basic Workshop Practice:
Drilling machines portable type drilling Machines cutting speed and RPM work holding devices drill holding devices drill bits hand taps and wrenches tap drill size die and die stock reamers hole size for reaming lapping rivets types and uses riveted joints brazing soldering principles of arc welding –arc welding machines oxyacetylene gas welding air impact wrench air ratchet wrenches – joints grinding machines
Module II: Workshop Tools and Equipment, Engineering Measurement (8 marks)
- Workshop Tools and Equipment:
Files classification of files Scrapers surface plates measuring tape engineer’s steel rule try square hacksaw blades and frames types of calipers dividers surface gauges scriber hand tools chisel angles of chisels hammers wooden mallet – screwdrivers allen keys bench vice types of vices –C clamps and toolmaker’s
clamps spanners and their uses pliers. - Engineering Measurement:
Outside micrometer depth micrometer vernier calipers universal vernier caliper and its application telescope gauge dial bore gauge dial test indicators straight edges feeler gauge & uses screw pitch gauge wire gauges vacuum gauge pressure gauge.
Module III: Basic Electrical (10 marks)
- Conductors, insulators, semiconductors, EMF, potential difference, current and resistance, ohm’s law, close circuit, open circuit, short circuit, AC and DC meters, connection of an ammeter in circuit, use of an ammeter, connection of a voltmeter, use of a voltmeter, connection of an ohmmeter, use of an ohmmeter, electric series, circuits & parallel circuits, types of resistors, construction and power rating, tolerance in resistors, resistor colour code, resistance, symbols used in wiring diagram multimeters and digital multimeter application of multimeter electric soldering iron, necessity of earthing system and equipment earthing, need of a fuse in the circuit, construction of a fuse, types of fuses, working of fuses, circuit
breakers, capacitor, function of capacitor, units of capacitance, parallel and serial connection of capacitors–transformer AC motors DC motors –AC generators DC generators, starters and types.
Module IV: Basic Electronics, Battery (10 Marks)
- Basic electronics:
semiconductors, P and N materials, property of a PN junction, classifications of diodes, uses of transistors, classifications of transistors, thyristor and characteristics of SCR, working of SCR thermistor and its usage, relay, classification of relays, function of current sensing relay and voltage sensing relay, solenoid and its application, construction and symbol of UJT, application of UJT, bi polar transistors and field effect transistors, JFET construction and working MOSFET’s operation principle and types. - Battery
classification of cells, construction of a lead acid battery, chemical action during discharging and charging, testing of a lead acid battery, battery rating –different battery charging methods, maintenance, free battery thermo couple, thermo electric energy, piezo electric energy.
Module V: Hydraulic and Pneumatics (10 marks)
- Hydraulics:
Pascal’s law concept of force multiplication Hydraulic oils functions of hydraulic fluids viscosity hydraulic systems reservoir external gear pump internal gear pump pumps and types working of hydraulic pump different types of hydraulic actuators single acting hydraulic cylinders –double acting hydraulic cylinders – double rod end hydraulic cylinders2/2way directional control (DC) hydraulic valve 3/2 directional control (DC) hydraulic valve4/2 directional control (DC) hydraulic valve symbol and working of hydraulic DC valves symbol and working of nonreturn valve symbol and working of an adjustable type throttle valve. - Pneumatics:
Pneumatic System Boyle’s law reciprocating piston compressor FRL or air service unit pneumatic actuators valves in fluid power system symbols for dc valves working of pneumatic cylinders.
Module VI: I C Engines, Engine components (14 marks)
- Engines:
Internal and external combustion engine classification of I.C. engines basic technical terms used in relation to engines two stroke engine four stroke engine differentiate between a four stroke and a two stroke engine OTTO cycle diesel cycle diesel engine spark ignition engine Direct and indirect fuel injection systems starting and stopping methods of engine petrol engine basics scavenging. - Engine components:
Construction of cylinder head cylinder head design types of cylinder heads cylinder head gasket gasket materials cylinder block construction of cylinder block crankcase function of the valve constructional features of valves different types of valves and their material types of valve operating mechanism parts of the valve mechanism valve seats function of valve rotation size of intake and exhaust valve valve trains valve timing variable valve timing function of the camshaft – construction and material of the cam shaft different types of camshaft drive mechanisms piston constructional features of a piston different types of pistons different types of piston rings –construction of piston rings material of piston rings function of connecting rod various types of piston pins locking method and material of the piston pin function of the crankshaft –construction of crankshaft – material of crankshaft crankshaft balancing function of firing order function of flywheel construction of flywheel functions of a vibration damper timing gear drive timing chain drive.
Module VII: Cooling and Lubrication System (12marks)
- Engine cooling system:
Necessity of the cooling system different types of cooling systems forced type of cooling system function of the water pump radiator temperature indicator pressure cap need and function of the thermostat valve vapour recovery system constructional features of a radiator temperature indicator thermo switch coolant
properties engine coolant change interval lanti Freeze mixtures. - Engine Lubrication system:
Need of lubricating an engine different types of engine lubricating systems components of the pressure lubrication system functions of lubrication system function of pressure relief valve types of the pressure relief valve different types of crankcase ventilation positive crankcase ventilation oil level indicator oil
pressure indicator oil pressure indicating light oil pumps gear type oil pump rotor type oil pump vane type oil pump plunger type oil pump properties of lubricating oils SAE oil grades.
Module VIII: Fuel System Intake and exhaust systems (8 marks)
- Fuel systems:
specification and characteristics of fuel different types of fuel system petrol engine fuel system and components Diesel Engine fuel systems function of the fuel tank part of fuel tank function of fuel pipes need of a fuel filter types of fuel filter systems need for bleeding the fuel system function of water separators – function of a feed pump construction of a feed pump working of a feed pump function of F.I.P constructional features of F.I.P need of calibration types of fuel injection system need of a governor types of governors constructional features of governors injectors different types of injectors glow plugs. - Electrical Accessories:
Various gauges in a vehicle fuel gauge oil pressure gauge different type of meters and their uses warning lights lighting circuit
Module IX: Electrical Machines (10 Marks)
- DC Generators and Type emf equation, Description of series, shunt and compound Generator DC motors and type Starters 3 point, 4 point and speed control machine
- Basic principle of Transformer, Cooling, Protective Device
- AC motors and starters single phase and 3 phase DOL, Star delta, slip ring motor starter
- Auto transformer starter AC motor, panel wiring, phase sequence.
- Power Generation And Transmission:
Generation Source of energy, Various types of power generation, Transmission and Distribution comparison of AC and DC transmission
Module X: Electrical& Electronics systems, Accessories (10 Marks)
- Electrical & Electronics systems (5 marks)
Electrical circuits in automobiles. sensor used in EFI principle of alternator – functions of the various parts of an alternator working of an alternator starting system principle of starting motor construction of starting motor operation of bendix drive operation of over running clutch drive sliding armature drive. - Pump (5 marks)
• Principle of centrifugal pump. Construction and operation of centrifugal pump in series and parallel
• Finding defects and method to recondition centrifugal pump submersible pump construction, operation and selection of appropriate types working Procedure to recondition, install and test of submersible pumps. Causes of failures and remedial measures
• Priming of pump sets
• Air cleaners – description and functions, different types of air cleaners
• Extraction Mufflers
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023: Download pdf
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023 ചുവടെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ലിങ്ക് വഴി ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാവുന്നതാണ്.
Kerala PSC Pump Operator Syllabus 2023 Download pdf
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