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Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023: If you have applied for the post of Station Officer (Trainee) and would like to know the detailed syllabus, then your search ends right here. In this article we will provide the detailed syllabus of the upcoming Kerala PSC Station Officer exam 2023. In order to crack the exam, one needs to have a clear understanding of the syllabus, therefore read through Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023 to broaden your perspective. You can also download Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023 in pdf format.
Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023 | |
Organization | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Category | Exam Syllabus |
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Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023
Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023: പരീക്ഷയ്ക്കുള്ള തയ്യാറെടുപ്പുകൾ ആരംഭിക്കാൻ സമയമായി. പരീക്ഷയിൽ വിജയിക്കുന്നതിന്, സിലബസിനെക്കുറിച്ച് വ്യക്തമായ ധാരണ ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം, അതിനാൽ കേരള PSC സ്റ്റേഷൻ ഓഫീസർ സിലബസ് 2023 വിശദമായി വായിച്ച് മനസിലാക്കുക. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023 pdf രൂപത്തിൽ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാം.
Kerala PSC Station Officer Exam Date 2023
Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023: Overview
ചുവടെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന പട്ടികയിൽ Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023 സംബന്ധമായ എല്ലാ പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട വിവരങ്ങളും ലഭിക്കും.
Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023 | |
Organization | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Category | Exam Syllabus |
Department | Fire and Rescue Services |
Post Name | Station Officer (Trainee) |
Category No. | 093/2020 |
Last Date to Submit Confirmation | 9th January 2023 |
Kerala PSC Station Officer Admit Card Date | 15th February 2023 |
Kerala PSC Station Officer Exam Date | 1st March 2023 |
Mode of Examination | OMR/ONLINE (Objective Multiple Choice) |
Medium of Questions | English |
Total Marks | 100 |
Duration of Examination | 1 Hour 30 Minutes |
Official Website | |
Kerala PSC Driver Syllabus 2023
Kerala PSC Station Officer Exam Pattern 2023
Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023 | ||
Parts | Main Topics | Marks |
Part I | Physics (Degree Level) | 12 Marks |
Part II | Chemistry (Degree Level) | 12 Marks |
Part III | Zoology (Degree Level) | 12 Marks |
Part IV | Botany (Degree Level) | 12 Marks |
Part V | Mathematics (Degree Level) | 12 Marks |
Part VI | Job Related Topics | 10 Marks |
Part VII | General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Renaissance in Kerala | 10 Marks |
Part VIII | Basics of Computer | 10 Marks |
Kerala State Electricity Board Sub Engineer Syllabus
Kerala PSC Station Officer Syllabus 2023: Detailed Syllabus
Part I: Physics (Degree Level) (12 Marks)
Module 1. Properties of Matter (3 marks)
Elasticity Modulus of elasticity, the three elastic modulii, Surface tension shapes of drops, concept of excess of pressure, capillary rise, variation of surface tension with temperature, Fluid Dynamics Streamline and turbulent flow, equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications, Viscosity coefficient of viscosity, Stoke’s formula, variation of viscosity with temperature.
Module 2. Thermal Physics (2 marks)
Thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal conductivity, Weidman Franz law, Radiation of heat, Stefan’s law, Zeroth Law and First law of Thermodynamics, differential form of first law, different thermodynamic processes, specific heat capacities, Carnot’s heat engine, entropy.
Module 3. Optics (3 marks)
Interference of light The principle of superposition, coherent sources, Double slit interference, interference in thin films, Newton’s Rings, Diffraction Fresnel diffraction, Half period zones, Fraunhofer diffractiondiffraction at a single slit, diffraction grating, LASER Basic principle, He-Ne laser, optical fibre step, index fibre, graded index fibre , numerical aperture.
Module 4. Modern Physics (4 marks)
Black body radiation curve, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Bohr model hydrogen atom, wave nature of particles, uncertainty principle, wave function, Vector atom model quantum numbers associated with vector atom model, LS and JJ couplings, Zeeman effect, Anomalous Zeeman effect, Paschen Back effect, Stark effect, Solids Amorphous and Crystalline Materials, Unit Cell, Types of Lattices, Miller Indices, Nucleus Constituents of nucleus and their intrinsic properties, binding energy, Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
Part II : Chemistry ( 12 Marks)
Module 1. Inorganic chemistry (4 marks)
- Atomic structure Bohr’s atom model, Hydrogen spectrum, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, de Broglie hypothesis, Quantum numbers. periodicity atomic radius, ionisation energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, classification of elements into s, p, d, f blocks.
- Preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen and hydrides. Hardness of water Types, causes and consequences.
- Chemical bonding Ionic, covalent, coordinate and metallic bonds, hydrogen bonding.
- Theories of acids and bases, effects of solvents on ionic strength, levelling effect. Solubility product, common ion effect and their applications.
- Theory of titration acid base, redox, precipitation and complexometric titrations. Indicators, Gravimetric analysis.
- Metallurgy Various steps involved in metallurgical processes.
- Sources, effects and consequences of air, water, soil, noise, thermal and radioactive pollution.
Module 2. Organic chemistry ( 4 marks)
- Nomenclature, basic concepts of reaction mechanism addition, substitution and elimination reactions. Preparation and properties of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons, cycloalkanes, alcohols, phenols, ethers, epoxides, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amines and nitro compounds. Petroleum Refining of crude oil, knocking, octane number, cetane number, cracking.
- Polymers Classification, Thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics, Rubber.
Module 3. Physical chemistry ( 4 marks)
- Gaseous state Gas laws, Kinetic gas equation, Ideal and real gases. Thermodynamics first, second and third laws of thermodynamics. Enthalpies of formation, combustion, neutralisation, solution and hydration, heat capacities.
- Chemical kinetics– integrated rate laws and halflives of zero, first, second and third order reactions. Arrhenius equation, chain reactions. Theories of catalysis, industrial application of catalysis. Photochemistry Laws of photochemistry, Quantum yield.
- Physical and chemical adsorption, applications of adsorption.
- Chemical and ionic equilibria Factors affecting equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s principle and its applications. Hydrolysis of salts and its effects. pH and pOH, Buffer action.
- Electrochemistry Conductance, Kohlrausch’s law and its applications, transport number, Types of electrodes, primary and secondary cells, Fuel cells.
- Basic principle and applications of UV-Vis, IR, NMR and ESR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry.
Part III : Zoology (12 Marks)
Module 1 (3 marks)
- Balanced diet, PEM, vitamins, minerals and their deficiencies.
- Blood composition and functions, blood groups, blood clotting, anticoagulants. Heart conducting system and pace maker, heartbeat, pulse and blood pressure, cardio vascular diseases arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction, electrocardiogram, angiogram, angioplasty.
- Structure of haemoglobin, transport of oxygen, oxyhaemoglobin curve, Bohr effect, transport of carbondioxide, apnoea, dyspnoea, hypoxia, asphyxia, carbon monoxide poisoning, bronchitis, asthma. Physiological effects of smoking.
Module 2 (3 marks)
- Types of muscles, red and white muscles. Ultra structure of striated muscle fibre, muscle proteins, muscle twitch, all or none law, summation, tetanus, tonus, fatigue, oxygen debt, rigor mortis. Physiological and biochemical events in muscle contraction.
- Structure of brain. Neurons structure, types of neurons, nerve impulse propagation. Synapses and synaptic transmission, neurotransmitters. Reflex action, electroencephalogram.
- Endocrine glands in man, hormones and disorders.
Module 3 (3 marks)
- Cell theory, prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells, structure and functions of Mitochondria, Golgi bodies, Lysosomes, Ribosomes and Nucleus.
- Chromatin euchromatin and heterochromatin, nucleosomes, Watson Crick model of DNA. Chromosome – structure, giant chromosomes polytene and lamp brush chromosomes.
- Human karyotype, pedigree analysis, DNA fingerprinting, chromosomal anomalies in man autosomal (Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome), allosomal (Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome). In born errors of metabolism Phenylketonuria, Alkaptonuria, Albinism.
Module 4 (3 marks)
- Types of immunity innate, acquired, active, passive, humoral and cell mediated. Cells of immune system T cells, B cells and plasma cells. Primary and secondary lymphoid organs. Antigens, haptens, epitopes, antibodies general structure, different classes of antibodies. Hypersensitivity, immunodeficiency diseases, immunization passive and active, vaccination.
Part IV : BOTANY (12 Marks)
Module1 The plant Kingdom (2 marks)
- Plant cell structure, cell wall and organelles, totipotency, diversity of cells and tissues (types)
- Plant groups algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms diversity of thallus structure and modes of reproduction
- Mesophytes, hydrophytes, epiphytes and halophytes adaptations morphological, anatomical and physiological
Module 2 Plant morphology and anatomy (3 marks)
- Modifications Root, stem and leaf modifications with examples
- Inflorescence Major Types (racemose and cymose) with examples
- Fruits kinds of fruits (simple fleshy, simple dry, multiple and aggregate fruits) with suitable examples
- Primary structures of dicot and monocot stem and roots; structure of dicot and monocot leaves
- Secondary growth normal secondary growth in dicot stem and root; anomalous secondary growth (examples only)
Module – 3 Plant Physiology (3 marks)
- Absorption of water Transpiration pull theory only
- Translocation Munch’s hypothesis and bidirectional transport only
- Photosynthesis cyclic and noncyclic electron flow for trapping solar energy by green plants Co2 fixation by Calvin cycle, Warburg effect
- Growth and Phytohormones growth curve and major physiological effects of hormones like auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid and ethylene
Module 4 Economic Botany (2 marks)
- Major pulses, cereals and millets
- Sugar yielding and fibre yielding plants sugar cane, Beta vulgaris, cotton and hemp
- Oil yielding plants mustard, sunflower, oil palm and coconut
- Morphology of useful parts in jack fruit, pine apple and coconut
Module 5 Plant Biodiversity and conservation (2 marks)
- Biodiversity hotspots, environment protection laws, deforestation and impacts, forest fires and biodiversity depletion, anthropogenic factors
- Conservation strategies exsitu and insitu wild life sanctuaries, National parks, Botanic Gardens; Major Wild life sanctuaries, National Parks and Botanic Gardens of India and Kerala.
Environmental Science
1. Environmental Pollutions: Air pollution, Water Pollution, Soil Pollution, Marine Pollution, Noise Pollution, Thermal Pollution.
2. Solid Waste Management: Waste Minimization, Recycling and Reuse, Consuming environment friendly products. E-waste Management.
3. Environmental Issues: Climate Changes, Global Warming, Acid Rain, Ozone layer depletion
Part V : Mathematics ( 12 Marks)
Module 1 :- Linear Algebra: Matrix – multiplication – determinants – transpose – symmetric matrix – Hermitian matrix – rank – characteristic roots-Cayley’s theorem (2 Marks)
Module 2 :- Complex numbers: Basic definitions-basic operations with complex numbers-Real and imaginary part – polar form of a complex number products- quotients – powers – modulus – roots of complex number- nth root of unity (2 Mark)
Module 3: – Analytic Geometry: distance formula – straight line – angle between lines – general second degree equation to represent circle – ellipse – parabola- hyperbola- polar coordinate – cylindrical coordinate – spherical coordinates. (1 Mark)
Module 4 :- Calculus: limit of a function – indeterminate form – L’ Hospital’s rule – continuous function – derivatives – increasing and decreasing function – critical points – stationary points – maxima and minima – concave up and concave down – point of inflexions ( 2 Mark)
Module 5:- First Order Deferential Equation: Order – degree – separable equation – linear equation – exact equation – homogeneous equation with constant coefficients. ( 1 Mark)
Module 6 : -Vector calculus: Position vector of a point – magnitude – dot product – projection of vector – angle between vectors – cross product – scalar triple products – gradient – divergent – curl- solenoidal vector – irrotational vector. (2 Marks)
Module 7 : Abstract Algebra: Group – properties and examples – subgroup cyclic groups – Permutations – rings – integral domains – ideals – fields. ( 2 Marks )
Part VI : Job Related Topics (20 Marks)
I. Basics of Fire (2 Marks)
a. Fire triangle
b. Basics of fire extinguishment
c. Spread of fire
d. Fire Extinguishers
e. Properties of Water
II. Heat and Combustion (4 Marks)
a. Flash Point
b. Fire Point
c. Range of flammability
d. Critical Temperature
e. Critical Pressure
f. Types of Combustion
g. Smoke and Ventilation
h. Modes of Heat Transfer
III. Electricity (2 Marks)
a. Ohm’s Law
b. Conductor and Insulator – Properties
c. Joule’s Law
d. Static Electricity
e. Earthing, Bonding and Grounding
f. Lightning protection
g. Electro static spark & Electric Arc
h. Transformer
IV. Basic Life Support (First Aid) (3 Marks)
a. Concept of First Aid
b. CPR
c. Bleeding
d. Fractures
e. Burns
f. Chocking
g. Drowning
h. Snake Bite
V. Fluid Mechanics (1 Mark)
a. Bernoulli’s Theorem and Venturi effect
b. Pascal’s Law
c. Velocity and flow
d. Flow of water through pipes
e. Jet Reaction
VI. Pumps (2 Marks)
a. Different types of Pumps
b. Efficiency of Pump
c. Priming System
d. Cooling System for pumps
VII. Hazardous Chemicals (2 Marks)
a. Hazardous Substances
b. Acids Alkalis
c. Explosives
d. Water Reactive Chemicals
e. Radio Active Materials – chances of emergency, handling and History of emergencies
f. Storage, Handling and Transportation Emergencies – History
VIII. Liquid and Gaseous Fuels (2 Marks)
a. Petroleum products
b. LPG, LNG and CNG
c. Cryogenic Gases
IX. Building Construction (2 Mark)
a. Structural Fire Protection
b. Elements of structure
c. Elements of Construction
d. Behavior of different construction materials in fire
e. Fire Resistance
Part VII : Renaissance in Kerala & General Knowledge, Current Affairs (10 Marks)
Towards A New Society
Introduction to English education – various missionary organisations and their functioning, founding of educational institutions, factories. printing press – CMS Press etc.
Efforts To Reform The Society
(A) Socio-Religious reform Movements
SNDP Yogam, Nair Service Society, Yogakshema Sabha, Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham, Vaala Samudaya Parishkarani Sabha, Samathwa Samajam, Islam Dharma Paripalana Sangham, Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha, Sahodara Prasthanam etc.
(B) Struggles and Social Revolts
Upper cloth revolts.Channar agitation, Vaikom Sathyagraha, Guruvayoor Sathyagraha, Paliyam Sathyagraha. Kuttamkulam Sathyagraha, Temple Entry Proclamation, Temple Entry Act .Malyalee Memorial, Ezhava Memorial etc.
Malabar riots, Civil Disobedience Movement, Abstention movement etc.
Role Of Press In Renaissance
Malayalee, Swadeshabhimani, Vivekodayam, Mithavadi, Swaraj, Malayala Manorama, Bhashaposhini, Mathrubhoomi, Kerala Kaumudi, Samadarsi, Kesari, AI-Ameen, Prabhatham, Yukthivadi, Deepika – Nasrani Deepika, etc
Awakening Through Literature
Novel, Drama, Poetry, Purogamana Sahithya Prasthanam, Nataka Prashtanam, Library movement etc
Women And Social Change
Parvathi Nenmenimangalam, Arya Pallam, A V Kuttimalu Amma, Lalitha Prabhu.Akkamma Cheriyan, Anna Chandi, Lalithambika Antharjanam and others
Leaders Of Renaissance
Thycaud Ayya Vaikundar, Sree Narayana Guru, Ayyan Kali.Chattampi Swamikal, Brahmananda Sivayogi, Vagbhadananda, Poikayil Yohannan(Kumara Guru) Dr Palpu, Palakkunnath Abraham Malpan, Mampuram Thangal, Sahodaran Ayyappan, Pandit K P Karuppan, Pampadi John Joseph, Mannathu Padmanabhan, V T Bhattathirippad, Vakkom Abdul Khadar Maulavi, Makthi Thangal, Blessed Elias Kuriakose Chaavra, Barrister G P Pillai, TK Madhavan, Moorkoth Kumaran, C. Krishnan, K P Kesava Menon, Dr.Ayyathan Gopalan, C V Kunjuraman, Kuroor Neelakantan Namboothiripad, Velukkutty Arayan, K P Vellon, P K Chathan Master, K Kelappan, P. Krishna Pillai, A K Gopalan, T R Krishnaswami Iyer, C Kesavan. Swami Ananda Theerthan , M C Joseph, Kuttippuzha Krishnapillai, Nidheerikkal Manikathanar and others
Literary Figures
Kodungallur Kunhikkuttan Thampuran, KeralaVarma Valiyakoyi Thampuran, Kandathil Varghese Mappila. Kumaran Asan, Vallathol Narayana Menon, Ulloor S Parameswara Iyer, G Sankara Kurup, Changampuzha Krishna Pillai, Chandu Menon, Vaikom Muhammad Basheer. Kesav Dev, Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai, Ponkunnam Varky, S K Pottakkad and others
General Knowledge and Current Affairs
Basics of Computer
1. Hardware
- Input Devices (Names and uses)
- Output Devices (Names and uses/features)
- Memory devices – Primary and Secondary (Examples, Features)
- Evolution of the Computing Machines
- Generation of Computers
2. Software
- Different types of Programming Languages
- Types of Errors
- Classification – System software and Application software
- Operating System – Functions and examples
- Popular Application software packages – Word processors, Spreadsheets, Database packages, Presentation, Image editors (Uses, features and fundamental concepts of each)
- Basics of programming – Types of instructions (Input, Output, Store, Control, Transfer) (Languages need not be considered)
3. Computer Networks
- Types of networks – LAN, WAN, MAN (Features and application area)
- Network Devices – Media, Switch, Hub, Router, Bridge, Gateway (Uses of each)
4. Internet
- Services – WWW, E-mail, Search engines (Examples and purposes)
- Social Media (Examples and features)
- Web Designing – Browser, HTML (Basics only)
5. Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws
- Types of Cyber Crimes (Awareness level)
- Information Technology Act and Other Laws (Awareness level)
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