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English Grammar MCQ for All Competitive Exams, June 11, 2022 |

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English Grammar MCQ
Topic English Grammar MCQ
Category Daily Quiz
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English Grammar MCQ

Directions (1-10): Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.


Q1. The study of old age and of the changes it causes in the body.

(a) Gerontology

(b) Chronology

(c) Philology

(d) Anthropology

Q2. A system of society or government in which men have all or most of the power and importance in a society or group.

(a) Monarchy

(b) Gerontocracy

(c) Matriarchy

(d) Patriarchy

Q3. A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.

(a) Cemetery

(b) Cache

(c) Creche

(d) Hutch

Q4. Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

(a) Meticulous

(b) Obedient

(c) Inquisitive

(d) Placid

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Q5. A small fleet of ships or boats.

(a) Torrent

(b) Shoal

(c) Flotilla

(d) Drove

Q6. An authoritative command or instruction.

(a) Verdict

(b) Mandate

(c) Negotiation

(d) Obligation

Q7. A person who is not trained, qualified, or experienced in a particular subject or activity.

(a) Layperson

(b) Fugitive

(c) Lunatic

(d) Heretic

Q8. Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.

(a) Utopian

(b) Viable

(c) Pragmatic

(d) Counterfeit

Q9. A person who enjoys eating and eats large amounts of food.

(a) Gourmand

(b) Fugitive

(c) Debonair

(d) Iconoclast

Q10. A group of needy persons waiting in line for free food to be distributed by a government agency or charitable organization.

(a) Beeline

(b) Strandline

(c) Bread Line

(d) Tourmaline

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English Grammar MCQ_4.1

English Grammar Solution


S1. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Gerontology – The study of old age and of the changes it causes in the body.

Option (a) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.


S2. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct answer is option d.

Patriarchy– A system of society or government in which men have all or most of the power and importance in a society or group.

Option (d) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.


S3. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct answer is option b.

Cache – A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.

Option (b) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.


S4. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Meticulous – Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

Option (a) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.


S5. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

Flotilla- A small fleet of ships or boats.

Option (c) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.


S6. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct answer is option b.

Mandate – An authoritative command or instruction.

Option (b) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.


S7. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Layperson – A person who is not trained, qualified, or experienced in a particular subject or activity.

Option (a) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.


S8. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

Pragmatic – Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.

Option (c) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.



S9. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Gourmand – A person who enjoys eating and eats large amounts of food.

Option (a) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.


S10. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

Bread Line – A group of needy persons waiting in line for free food to be distributed by a government agency or charitable organization.

Option (c) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.

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English Grammar MCQ_5.1

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English Grammar MCQ_7.1