একনজরে দেখে নেওয়া যাক WBSSC Group C- Clerk এর সিলেবাস
A. General Knowledge – 15
General Knowledge of the environment around him/her and its application to society.
B. Current Affairs – 15
Every day observation and experience, Questions relating to India and other countries especially pertaining to Sports, History, Literature, Culture, Geography, Economic Science, Polity, Indian Constitution and Scientific research etc.
C. General English – 15
Fundamentals of the English language such as Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct
usage etc.
D. Arithmetic – 15
Simplification, decimals, Recurring Decimals, Divisibility, fractions LCM, HCF, Partnership, Average, Ratio and proportions, percentage, profit and loss, discount, simple interest, time and work, time and distance.